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小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语 提供:影视英语 银河护卫队成漫威最新吸金王Talking about directing in blockbusters is sometimes nothing more than wishful thinking. Most are such impersonally operated machines dedicated to the business of brand storytelling that they tend to obliterate any whisper of individuality. That theres a palpable directorial sensibility in “Guardians of the Galaxy,” along with other signs of genuine life, helps separate this latest Marvel cash grab from a lot of off-the-rack movie cartoons. Here, a pulse, wit, beauty and a real sensibility have been slipped into the fray, alongside the clockwork guffaws, kabooms and splats.谈论轰动大片的导演工作,有时是不可能的事情。这些影片大都致力于讲述品牌故事,导演就像是不带个人感情的控制机,倾向于抹去任何带有个人特征的私语。银河护卫队(Guardians of the Galaxy)中却有着明显的导演特色及真实生活的痕迹,令这部最新的漫威吸金大片得以从目前的众多电影卡通中脱颖而出。片子的冲突中悄悄渗入了活力、智慧、美和真实感,此外还有定时出现的大笑、爆炸的巨响和砰然落地的声音。Lifted by a cast of professional charmers and a “What, me worry?” vibe, “Guardians of the Galaxy” is one of those interstellar westerns about a motley group of appealing baddies who rise to the heroic occasion and ride to the rescue, on spaceships rather than Appaloosas. The John Wayne role here or, really, the 1970s Harrison Ford one belongs to Chris Pratt, an easygoing, comic performer whos very good at putting up a persuasive cute-dumb front and then shifting into a slyer, more knowing register. Wearing a swinging duster and some fetishistic head gear, Mr. Pratt slides into “Guardians of the Galaxy” doing a Gene Kelly soft shoe, but is soon flexing his action-hero bona fides (bang-bang, etc.) as Peter Quill, a heavily armed professional scavenger.银河护卫队是一部星际西部片,讲述一群迷人的坏家伙凑在一起,有了当英雄的机会,到宇宙飞船而不是阿帕鲁萨小镇去救人。一群职业万人迷演员,还有“什么,我担心?”的气质提升了影片的质量。在这部影片里,克里斯 普拉特(Chris Pratt)充当约翰 韦恩(John Wayne)的角色哦,其实是 20 世纪 70 年代哈里森 福特(Harrison Ford)的角色他是一个随和的喜剧式演员,擅长摆出一副有说服力的聪明沉默的伪装,接着就变成狡猾、更加世故的形象。普拉特身穿一件飘飘荡荡的罩衫,戴着具有拜物教气质的头部装置,迈着吉恩凯利(Gene Kelly)的舞步溜进银河护卫队 ,但是很快就显示出了动作片主角的诚意(砰!砰!),他在片中的角色名叫彼得奎尔 (Peter Quill),一个全副武装的职业拾荒者。Quill is a good and a sometimes bad guy who fights and jokes amid swirling, polychromatic smoke and cascading words like Xandarians, Morag and the Celestial (and awesome) Head. He comes into possession of a pretty blue rock that everyone would risk death trying to get, hence a throwaway about “The Maltese Falcon.” You see, in 1539, some crusading knights persuaded the king of Spain to give them the island of Malta. . Thats not what happens in “Guardians,” which is based on a comic that first hit in 1969, but no matter. What counts are the dreams of Quill and his compatriots, including a wisecracking raccoon and an ambulatory tree, which have been ushered into existence by the director, James Gunn, with an eye to those who dont know or care about the source material.奎尔是个亦正亦邪的家伙,他在五颜六色的烟雾中战斗、开玩笑,片中有很多“山达尔人”、“魔拉格星”和“神族(令人敬畏)头颅”之类字眼。他得到了一块漂亮的蓝色石头,所有人都冒死想要得到它,所以片中随口提起了马耳他之鹰(The Maltese Falcon)。你知道,在 1539 年,有些圣战骑士们劝说西班牙国王把马耳他岛献给他们银河护卫队里的故事可不是这样,它是根据 1969 年走红的一部漫画改变的。不过没关系。重要的是奎尔的梦想以及他的同伴们,其中包括一只总说俏皮话的浣熊和一棵会走的树,鉴于有人不知道或者不关心漫画原作,特别交代一下,这棵树是导演詹姆斯冈(James Gunn)加进片子里来的。In other words, you dont need to be held hostage by the Marvel Weltanschauung to enjoy “Guardians.” The story may be confusing and generic by turns, but if you shake off the bonds of narrative coherency its liberating letting the weird words Yondu, Necrocraft, Sakkaran just slide right past you, much like the zigzagging, exploding 3-D spaceships. What sticks are the fantastical landscapes, the beautiful creature designs and the actors delivering lively performances, even with strata of makeup and digital wizardry. Among the many amusements is the floating head (kind of like in “The Wizard of Oz”) that yells at a villain, Ronan (Lee Pace, with notes of “Star Wars” and “Prometheus”) who wants the blue rock so he can destroy Xandar, a post-racial Eden run by Nova Prime, a space-age Hillary Rodham Clinton (Glenn Close).换言之,你就算不了解漫威漫画的世界观,也可以欣赏银河护卫队。故事情节可能有时混乱,有时平庸,但如果你不去管叙事的连贯性,那些古怪的字眼 “勇度”、“尸构生物”、“萨卡伦”也会一闪而过,就像那些曲折前进、突然爆炸的 3-D 太空船一样。精彩的是幻想出来的风景,美丽的生物设计和演员们生动的表演,层层化妆和数码特效也无法掩盖他们的光彩。很多地方都很有趣,特别是一个漂浮的头(有点像OZ 国历险记The Wizard of Oz),对恶棍罗南(李佩斯Lee Pace饰演,让人想起星球大战Star Wars和普罗米修斯 Prometheus)尖叫的一幕,罗南想得到这块蓝色的石头,用来摧毁山达尔星 这是处在后种族歧视时代的伊甸园,领导人诺瓦至尊(格伦 克洛斯Glenn Close饰)堪称太空时代的希拉里 罗德姆克林顿(Hillary Rodham Clinton)。Filled with a multihued populace, Xandar is shiny, clean and bright, and looks familiar because it evokes both our world (one building suggests the Gherkin in London) and your favorite tattered science-fiction paperback. Its nice if a little ho-hum (as utopias tend to be in movies), particularly when compared with the darkly colored, visually seductive realms and spaces conjured up by Mr. Gunn and his team. From location to location, and character to character, the quality of the special effects meets the demands of the imaginative designs in sweep and detail. There are different ways to get lost in a movie, and while “Guardians” ta
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