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小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语 提供:影视英语 一个时代的终结再见广告狂人When it premiered in 2007, Mad Men opened a window into the advertising industry and also the US during the tumultuous 1960s.2007 年首播的广告狂人不仅是人们了解广告业的一扇窗,也让观众有机会一睹美国喧嚣的六十年代。On May 17, AMC aired the last episode of the series, with protagonist Don Draper (Jon Hamm) welcoming a new day with new ideas and new hope. The story, which revolves around the high-level executives and staff at a fictional advertising agency in New York City, has redefined how complex a TV drama can be.当地时间 5 月 17 日,广告狂人最终季的最后一集在美国 AMC 电视台上放出:主角唐 德雷帕(乔哈姆 饰)即将开启崭新的一天,不变的是他依旧充满希望、灵感不减该剧围绕纽约一家虚构的广告公司里的高层和员工展开,剧情之复杂更是堪称美剧新高度。Mad Men successfully brought audiences into its world with lush nostalgic settings, costumes and characters. It unfolds in a time when everyone reads Readers Digest and cocktail hour is important to business. Its also a time when Americans are experiencing civil rights marches, the Vietnam War protests, a changing youth culture, the mainstreaming of feminist thought and the rise of black power.华丽而怀旧的背景、服装以及人物设计,广告狂人将观众带入了另一个时代。那时的美国人,人人都读读者文摘,鸡尾酒会是谈生意的重要环节;那时的美国,民权游行正如火如荼、反越南战争运动轰轰烈烈、青年文化瞬息万变、女权思想晋升主流、黑人力量开始崛起The drama cleverly weaves all these changes into its storylines.而这一切,都被广告狂人巧妙地编入其中。For example during much of the series women only work as assistants who organize their male bosses affairs, but few are allowed to have any opinions of their own. Peggy Olson (Elisabeth Moss) is an exception. She rises from being Drapers secretary to becoming a copywriter. But although her creative advertising ideas are appreciated, hardly any man in the office would like to date her.比如,在广告狂人的很多剧集中,女性大都只能担当助理,帮男上司打理事务,鲜有话语权。伊丽莎白莫斯饰演的派奇奥尔森却是一个特例,她从德雷帕的秘书起步,最终成为了一名广告人。但是尽管她充满创意的广告点子备受赞赏,却很少有男同事愿意邀她约会。For those who are not conscious of these historical issues and cultures, the narrative itself is engrossing enough. Don Draper is not in any sense a decent man. Hes mean, vindictive, and always circles around different women, from prostitutes to wealthy businesswomen. But hes undeniably attractive. Due to his cynical awareness of what the American public wish for, hes quite successful at his job, always coming up with brilliant ideas for his clients.就算有些观众对这些历史、文化问题并不感兴趣,该剧的故事情节也足够引人入胜。唐 德雷帕从不是什么正派人士,他为人刻薄、报复心强,身边莺莺燕燕不断,从风尘女子到多金女商人都曾与他暧昧不清。但他的魅力毋庸置疑。精明如他,对美国公众的“痛点”洞若明火,于是在工作上成就满满,总能为客户提供卓见高招。Drapers work lives on the fading fumes of the American dream. We watch as he sells this dream to the public in his position as an ad man.德雷帕作为广告人而获得的成功也依附于那个美国梦形成继而破碎的年代。广告狂人中也让观众见证了他作为一个广告人如何实现自己的美国梦。Some were disappointed by the shows finale, as it leaves several questions unanswered. But the idea of exploring this vital period of American history through the lens of the advertising industry, a smart script, brilliant details and solid acting, all makes Mad Men one of the most exciting dramas on TV.尚有谜题没有解开的大结局也许有些不尽人意,但是通过电视剧镜头立足广告业进而透视那一段特定时期的美国历史,高明的剧本、精彩的细节以及演员扎实的演技,都足以证明广告狂人是史上最精彩的美剧之一。
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