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小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语 提供:影视英语 世上可有好莱坞奥斯卡时装周It was 6:30 on the Friday before Oscars Sunday, and the W editor, Stefano Tonchi, was craving a little quiet time. He was standing in the fortresslike Milk Studios in Hollywood, which was the site of that evenings Tom Ford fashion show. He had gotten off a flight that afternoon.奥斯卡颁奖礼前的周五下午 6 点半,W杂志的主编斯特凡诺 通奇(Stefano Tonchi)想要安静一会儿。他站在好莱坞米尔克工作室(Milk Studios)里,这个堡垒般的建筑是当晚汤姆福特(Tom Ford)时装秀的举办地。当天下午他刚下飞机。奥斯卡颁奖礼前的周五下午 6 点半“I got my hotel room at the last minute,” he said, vodka tonic in hand. “I wanted to have a cup of coffee and eat some French fries and sit down and make a phone call.”“我到最后一刻才订上酒店,”他手里拿着伏特加汤尼水说,“我本想喝杯咖啡,吃点薯条,坐下来打个电话。”So he headed off to the Sunset Towers bar to unwind. That didnt happen.所以他前往日落塔酒店(Sunset Tower)的酒吧去放松一下。但他没能如愿以偿。“There wasnt one person I didnt know,” he said, recalling the scene. There was a Burberry executive; a Harpers Bazaar editor; Rachel Zoes husband, Rodger Berman; the fashion habitu Derek Blasberg; and the son of the owner of Tods.“那里的人我都认识,”他回忆起当时的情景。包括博柏利(Burberry) 的一个高管、芭莎(Harpers Bazaar)的主编、雷切尔佐伊(Rachel Zoe)的丈夫罗杰伯曼(Rodger Berman)、时尚名人德里克布拉斯伯格(Derek Blasberg),以及 Tods 所有者的儿子。The cocktail hour surrounding Mr. Tonchi at Milk Studios was no different: there was John Demsey, the group president of Este Lauder Companies; Leonard Lauder himself; Anna Wintour; the Cosmopolitan editor, Joanna Coles; and the Lucky editor, Eva Chen. Not to mention the ridiculous number of A-list stars all around, a front row that included Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Beyonc, Jay Z, Miley Cyrus, Julianne Moore and Jennifer Lopez.在米尔克工作室的鸡尾酒派对上,通奇依然被熟人包围:雅诗兰黛(Este Lauder)集团的总裁约翰丹姆塞(John Demsey)、莱昂纳德劳德(Leonard Lauder)本人、安娜 温图尔(Anna Wintour)、Cosmopolitan 的主编乔安娜 科尔斯 (Joanna Coles),以及Lucky的主编陈怡桦(Eva Chen)。更不必说还有数量惊人的一线明星,包括格温妮丝帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)、斯嘉丽约翰逊(Scarlett Johansson)、碧昂斯(Beyonc)、Jay Z、麦莉 塞勒斯(Miley Cyrus)、朱利安摩尔(Julianne Moore)和珍妮弗 洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)。Fashion and the Oscars have gone hand in hand for decades, but its never been like this.几十年来,时尚与奥斯卡一直携手共进,但从未如此亲近。The Oscars weekend this year wasnt just the usual smattering of editors grading the red carpet or the spare designer in town to do a fitting. A significant chunk of the New York fashion world (and the fashion world at large) came here to attend Mr. Fords show and absorb the craziness of the rest of Oscars weekend. Mr. Ford skipped out on showing in London this year, and these folks, in turn, did exactly the same.今年的奥斯卡周末不像往年,只有点评红毯造型的时尚编辑,或者协助试衣的本地备用设计师。纽约时尚界(乃至整个时尚界)的很多人来这里观看福特的时装秀,感受奥斯卡周末的别样疯狂。今年,福特没有在伦敦举办时装秀,在场的这些人也都没去。“The second I heard it,” Ms. Wintour said, when asked when she knew shed forgo London in favor of Los Angeles to see Mr. Ford. “Tom Fords a huge draw. Hes showing here for the first time, and it was a brilliant move on his part.”当温图尔被问及何时知道自己不会去伦敦而是来洛杉矶观看福特时装秀时,她说,“我一听说就这么决定了。汤姆福特对我很有吸引力。他是第一次在这里举办时装秀,就他而言可谓明智之举。”The Oscars usually conflicts with the European collections (two years ago, it was Milan; last year, it was Paris; this year, London), but this was the first time Ms. Wintour would attend the Academy Awards (she attended the Vanity Fair Oscars party once before).奥斯卡颁奖礼经常与欧洲的时装周在时间上发生冲突(两年前是和米兰时装周,去年是和巴黎时装周,今年是和伦敦时装周),不过这是温图尔第一次参加奥斯卡颁奖礼(她曾参加过名利场的一次奥斯卡余兴派对)。“Youll be sick of seeing me,” she added, as she made her way into the show.“你会经常见到我,估计会看烦的,”她在前往时装秀的路上补充说。Hollywood may be a one-industry town, but it was more than accommodating of the endless amount of fashion parties, lunches and dinners this year.好莱坞也许只是个电影之城,但是今年这里举办了无数时尚派对、午餐会和晚宴。“Ive been living out here for 22 years, working in this business off and on that whole time, and Ive never seen anything like it,” said Crystal Lourd, the Los Angeles socialite who has worked as a celebrity wrangler for labels like Tom Ford and Ralph Lauren. “I think people realize that its a profitable thing for their business to get the exposure.”“我在这里住了 22 年,一直断断续续在这个行业工作,从没见过这种情况,”洛杉矶社会名流克里斯特尔卢尔(Crystal Lourd)说。她的工作是在名人和时装名牌(比如汤姆福特和拉夫劳伦Ralph Lauren)之间牵线搭桥。“ 我觉得,人们意识到,让自己的品牌更多地出现在公众面前,能带来商业利益。”Ms. Lourd was speaking from an event earlier on Feb. 20, a luncheon that Net-a-Porter was hosting for the makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury.卢尔的这番话是 2 月 20 日在 Net-a-Porter 为彩妆师夏洛特蒂尔伯里(Tilbury)举办的午宴上说的。But there was something distinct about this lunch: Ms. Tilbury is a Briton, and there were a whole lot of British accents in this courtyard at the restaurant A.O.C. in Beverly Hills. Shouldnt these turncoats be in London?不过,这次午宴有个独特之处:蒂尔伯里是英国人,在贝弗利山 A.O.C.餐馆的这个庭院里到处都能听到英国口音。这些“叛徒”不是应该在伦敦吗?“Its all about the red carpet,” Ms. Tilbury said. “Who can ignore the red carpet?”“这全是因为奥斯卡红毯,”蒂尔伯里说,“谁能忽视它呢?”This was a convenient answer: Ms. Tilburys new makeup, Goddess Skin Clay Mask, includes the tag line “The new red carpet beauty secret of the stars.”下面这个事实正好回答了这个问题:蒂尔伯里的新化妆品女神粘土清洁面膜(Goddess Skin Clay Mask)的广告
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