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新东方英语论坛(名师在线、有问必答)- http:/bbs.imelite.com.cnLesson 1 打电话 接电话1Hello,is this 4474716?喂,是 4474716 号吗?2Id like to speak to MrWang我想和王先生讲话。3Im sorry MrWang is out right now 对不起,王先生现在不在。4May I know when hell be back?您能告诉我他什么时候回来吗?5This is his wife speaking我是他的妻子。6Can I take a message for him?要我转告吗?7May I have your name,please?请问您是谁?8Is he available?他能接电话吗?9Ill just find out for you我给您看看他在不在?10Hello,are you still there?喂,您没挂断吧?11Who is that speaking?请问您是谁?12Im so sorry that I made such an early phone call对不起我这么早打电话。13Who do you wish to talk to?您要找谁呀?14Is Sue James in?休詹姆斯在吗?15Hello!Is Sue there?喂!是休吗?16Yes ,speaking是的,我就是。Lesson 2 没找到人17Beijing Trading CampanyMay I help you?北京贸易公司。请问有何贵干?18We have two Zhongs我们这里有两位先生姓钟。19Is that Bob Zhong,or John Zhong?你要接 Bob 钟,还是 John 钟 ?20Im sorry , hes not in the office now新东方英语论坛(名师在线、有问必答)- http:/bbs.imelite.com.cn很抱歉,他现在不在办公室。21Do you have any idea when hell be back?你知道他何时回来吗?22I have no idea(when hell be back )我不知道(他何时回来) 。23Can you ask him to call me when he comes back?他回来时请告诉他打电话给我好吗?24Its urgent 有急事。25Im sorry but hes in Shanghai on business很抱歉,他出差去上海了。26Probably sometime tomorrow可能明天(回来) 。27Is there anyone else who can help me?有没有其他的人能帮我?28OKIll just put you through 好的,我这就给您转接。29Just a moment,please请稍候。30Youre welcome别客气。31Is Mary there?玛丽在吗?32Mary is out right now玛丽现在不在。33Why dont you call back later this afternoon?您不妨今天下午再打来。34When will she be back?她何时会回来?35Will it be too late if I call around 1000 this evening?如果我在晚上 10 点左右打来会不会太晚?Lesson 3 等候与回电36Yes You have the right number是的,您打对了。37Please connect me with MrLee请帮我接李先生。38Who is calling,please?请问您是哪一位?39Are you still on the line?你没挂断吧?40Im sorry , but he has a visitor right now对不起,他现在有客人。新东方英语论坛(名师在线、有问必答)- http:/bbs.imelite.com.cn41Could you hold a little longer?请再多等一会儿。42Or shall I put you through to his secretary?或者我给您接到他的秘书那儿,好吗?43Shall I tell him you called?告诉他您来过电话,好吗?44Well,actually,Id rather call back later 我还是迟些再打来吧。45When is a good time to call?什么时候打来最合适?46Why dont you try agian in an hour?一个小时后您再打过来,好吗?47Good afternoon David Browns office下午好。这里是大卫布朗办公室。48This is ProfDavis from the University of Washington我是华盛顿大学的戴维斯教授。49Would you mind waiting a few minutes?您等一会儿好吗?50Ill just trying to find him我正试着找他呢。51Yes Go ahead,please是的,请讲。52Im sorry , but he is in a meeting now很抱歉,他正在开会。53The best time to catch him would be 530最容易找到他的时间是 530。54Could you possibly ask him to call me back?你可以叫他给我回个电话吗?55Of courseWhat number are you on?好的。您的号码是多少?56He has my number but Ill give it to you just in case他有我的号码,但我还是给你吧,以防万一。57There is a call from Wang Ling有王玲打来的电话。58She is on her way她马上来。59Ill hold我等一下好了。60Its been a while好久不见了。61Its nice to hear from you很高兴你打来电话。Lesson 4 留 言新东方英语论坛(名师在线、有问必答)- http:/bbs.imelite.com.cn62Im sorry , but hes on another line now对不起,他在接另一个电话。63Would you care to hold?您要稍等一下吗?64Could you take a message,please?能不能为我留下话?65Ill give him the message我会转告他。66Anything else?还有其他事吗?67Thats all Thank you for trouble taken就这些,感谢你的耐心。68Im sorry , but he is out of the office right now很抱歉,他现在不在办公室里。69When will he be back?他什么时候回来?70I wonder if you could give MrWang a message for me?你能不能给王先生带个口信?71Just a minuteIll get a pen请等一下,我拿支笔。72Ill 1et him know,Mr.Brown我会转告他的,布朗先生。73NoI really need to talk to him personally不,我真的需要亲自跟他说。74Would you like to leave a message on his voice mail,then?那您要不要留话在他的语音信箱里?75Hold on and Ill transfer you稍候,我会帮您转过去。76Im not available to take your call,but please your name,number and a brief message我现在不能接您的电话,但请您留下您的姓名、电话号码和简短留言。77Ill get back to you as soon as possible我会尽快回您电话。78Please call me at 556-3243 when you get back你回来时请打 556-3243 找我。Lesson 5 转告消息79Yes Ill go to get him在,我去叫他。80Im so glad Ive got hold of you at last我很高兴终于找到了你。81Were you trying to get in touch with me,Peter?你一直在找我吗,彼得?新东方英语论坛(名师在线、有问必答)- http:/bbs.imelite.com.cn82Im off today我今天休息。83Listen ,Mike,Ive got news for you听着,迈克,我有消息告诉你。84You dont know me,but this is Garl Mattews你不认识我,我叫卡尔马修斯。85Im calling on behalf of Dave Kennedy我代大卫肯尼迪先生打电话给你。86So he gave me your telephone number and let me give you a call所以他给了我你的电话号码让我给你打个电话。87And what time would suit you best?什么时候最适合你?88You can call us from the lobby and well come down你可以在大厅给我们打电话,然后我们就下来。89Please say hello to Dave for me and thank you so much for calling me请代我向大卫问好,非常感谢你打电话给我。90She asked me to ask you if you would be able to meet here today at 330 pm她要我问你是否能在今天下午三点半和她见面。91But you can page her但是你可以传呼她。92What is the number of her beeper?她的传呼是多少?93FineThanks for the message好。谢谢你的口信。Lesson 6 长途电话94HelloOverseas operator.你好!国际电话总机。95Id like to make a collect call to Japan.我要打对方付费的电话到日本。96Country code 81,area code 138,and the number is 864-8972.国
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