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轴承钢环件轧制端面凹坑与折叠缺陷原因分析刘小刚null 吴永安null 宋null 捷null 荣继祥null 袁洪虎null 项春花(LtS/?ZK,L550081)K1:qA3|JsbLl,Yae_a_AVvqA|Jb1oM:;q;Ams|: TG335null nullDSM: BTheReasonAnalysis for theDepression andOverlapDefectson Rolling Ends ofR ing Shaped Pieces of Bearing SteelLiu Xiaogang, Wu Yongan, Song Jie, Rong Jixiang, YuanHonghu, Xiang ChunhuaAbstract: This paper has been analyzed for the depression and overlap defects on rolling ends of ring shapedpieces of bearing stee.l The resultshows that the depression and overlap defects on rolling ends of ring shaped pieces ofbearing steel can be improvedw ith riveting upsetting, strict controlling the blank height, and reasonablematching theradial and axial rolling load.K ey words: bearing stee;l ring shaped pieces; rollingnull nullAB+b+AAdPq3M,V/LCChlavba?B7$ 180 kg, 700 mmq):/nullFnullYnulldnullAanullAbNLqCB,AH4SbH,=,AhhlSbB1 3q,R1q,5A_AVvC=%JHJ;1null3q,Z_Ev,AVZ_j9,AV_A/e3bV3U,7S3H,C(m8)bYV,J3,z(m9)bN,ZAHVE3,eV(m10),E3U(m11)bVHLhhl,U54VhbV3nullTable 3null Product information|j/mm/ kg3311 MPP null 778+ 6- 4 nullnull 678+ 4- 6 null 387+ 6- 4 35018No. 1 nullvqnullJanuary 2011 HEAVY CASTING AND FORG INGm8null-qF igure 8null Forgings before adjusting blank heightm9nullqF igure 9null Forgings after adjusting blank height4null1)YV3?C,VhlH3SJb2)H,ejbm10nullVF igure 10null Depressionw ith circular arc transitionm11nullUF igure 11null Depression with sharp corner3)AH,_A_AVz|JbID 1 nullSI.m. 2008M1. 2 null.!9/#L J.:,2009. 1.I nullCynull null (15:)3nullkT3. 1nullj_=j,Vnk10q|q8US_b_TAU=j!9j,?F,Os(b3. 2null?#MF_nk),|BqkbkTV,=r!91?,MF91pbID 1 nullI./m.:S. 2 nullfI./.:. 3 null;I.!9/$.:0. 4 nullyZI./e!9m.:. 5 nullAI.m.Z:ZS/. 6 null-6I./!9.:v.I nullCy19nullvqnull No. 1HEAVY CAST ING AND FORG ING January 2011
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