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八年级英语上(1-6 单元)课文重点短语和句型的归纳Unit 1 on /at weekends 在周末 on /at weekdays 在工作日期间 surf the Internet 上网冲浪last/this/next weekend 在上个/这个/下个周末 (last/this/next 前不加介词 on /at)go to the movies 去看电影 junk food 垃圾食品 look after=take care of 照看exercise(动词 )=do/take/have exercise(U)=do/take/have sports(C) 做运动eye/morning exercises(C) 做眼保健操/早操 as for 就而言 the result(s) of /for (the student activity survey)(学生活动调查)的结果be good/bad for 对有好处 /有害 an unhealthy eating habit 一种不健康的饮食习惯 keep/ stay/be healthy=keep in good health 保持健康 1.What does she usually do on weekends? 她在周末常干什么? She usually goes to the movies. 她通常去看电影。2. What does he sometimes do on weekends? He sometimes surfs the Internet.3. How often does he go shopping?He goes shopping once a month.4. How often does Lucy exercise?She exercises about twice a week.5. How often does she eat vegetable(s)?She eats vegetable(s )three times a day.6. Where there is will, there is always a way. 有志者事竟成。He never stops talking.=He is always talking. 他总是喋喋不休。7. He is an active student and exercises every day/each day. 他是一个活跃的学生,每天都锻炼8. She says its good for my health. 她说这对我的健康有利。Watching TV too much is bad/not good for your health/keeping healthy.电视看得太多不利你(保持)健康。9. My eating habits are pretty /very good/healthy. 我的饮食习惯 相当好/ 健康。10. How many hours/How long do you sleep every night/morning/afternoon?I sleep (for) nine hours every night/morning/afternoon. (every 前不加介词)11. He tries (his best) to practice speaking English every morning to learn English well.为学好英语,他每天早上尽力/努力练习说英语。He tried drawing a lot of pictures last year; however, he was not interested in painting.尽管他对绘画不感兴趣,他去年还是尝试画了很多画。12. My healthy lifestyle helps me (to) get good grades.Good food and exercise help me (to) study better.Although she is12, she hardly ever help her mother (to) do housework.= Although she is12, she hardly ever help her mother with the housework.13. There are many differences between boys and girls.=Boys are different from girls.= boys are not the same as girls.14. Most of the students do/take exercise three or four times a week at Green High School.= Most students do/take sports three or four times a week at Green High School.Unit 2 1.Whats wrong/the matter (with you)?-Im not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。-I have a cold / fever/ stomachache /teethache/ sore throat/back .-I have a lot of headaches. 我头痛得很厉害。-I am/feel/get tired/stressed out. 我感到很累/压力太大。Im sorry to hear that (you are not feeling well). 听到(你病了).我很难过Thats too bad/terrible. 那真的挺糟糕的。 (对他人的病痛、不幸或不愉快经历表示同情)3. When did it start? -It started about 2 days ago.4. Dont worry=take it easy. 放宽心 不用担心-You should take (some /the medicine) three times a day. 你应该一天吃三次药。-Maybe you should see a/the doctor / dentist.-You should drink some hot tea with honey.-You should eat hot yang foods, like beef . 你应该吃些热的阳性食物,比如牛肉(列举)-You should lie down and rest. 你应该躺下来休息。-You should go to bed early and have/take a (good) rest.-You should drink a lot of/lots of/some water and listen to music.-You shouldnt eat anything for 24 hours.-You shouldnt work late.-You shouldnt be/get tired/stressed out.5. I hope you feel better soon. 我希望你尽快好起来。 6. Chinese medicine is now popular in many western countries.中医现很受西方国家欢迎。SHE are very popular with young people. SHE 很受年轻人欢迎。7. It is important(for us)to have/eat a balanced diet.(对我们来说)拥有平衡的膳食很重要。 (for 接对象)It is kind (of you) to give me your ruler. 你真是太好了,把尺子给了我。 (of 表人的内在品质)8. He lay (lie 过去式) on the bed all /the whole day. 他在床上躺了一天。The sleeping beauty is lying(lie 的现在分词) on the beach at the moment./now.睡美人现在正躺在沙滩上。Unit 3 for vacation 度假(句末作状语) take a vacation=take vacations=go on vacation 去度假on vacation 在度假期间(句末作状语)rent videos 租赁录像带 go sightseeing/fishing/camping/hiking/bike riding 去观光/ 钓鱼/野营/ 远足/骑单车 take walks= take a walk=go (out) for a walk/walks 散步 go/get /come back to+地点名词 回到go/get /come back home/here/there 回到家/这儿/那儿(home/here/there 前不加介词) 1. What is she doing for vacation? 她假期准备干什么? She is babysitting her little sister. /going sightseeing. 她打算照看她小妹妹/ 去观光。2. That sounds good/great/nice / interesting. 主意、观点、看法)听起来很不错= That sounds like a good idea.= Thats a good/great/nice / interesting idea.3. Where are they going for vacation?They are going to Tibet.4. Who is she going with for vacation?She is going with her parents.5. How long is he staying for vacation?He is staying for a week.6. How is the weather there? =Whats the weather like there?Im hoping the weather will be nice. / Its sunny. 我期待着天气会变好。7.How are the people there? -They are (pretty) friendly/unfriendly.8.- How is the food there? -It is delicious/hot.9. He is leaving Jiujiang for Hong Kong for vacation in 2 days/ the first week in June . 两天后 /在 6 月第一个星期他准备离开九江前往香港度假。10. Have fun=Enjoy yourself=Have a good time. (祝你 )玩得开心I hope you (will) have a good time/trip. 祝你玩得开心/ 旅途愉快。11. He sent me a postcard from Hong Kong yesterday. 他昨天从香港寄给我一张明信片。=
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