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小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语 提供:职场英语 男士必学:职场面试着装搭配大合集Theres no denying that it can be difficult to assemble an interview ensemble. Your interview attire, however, shouldnt be disregarded.不可否认的是,要搭配一套完整的面试装备很困难。说真的,你的面试服装真的不能忽视。After all, first impressions are key, and its imperative to make a great first impression on your potential employer. A huge part of making a good first impression is dressing for success.毕竟给别人留下第一印象至关重要,尤其是在潜在雇主面前。良好深刻的印象很大一部分取决于得体的着装。Dont worry - you dont have to spend a lot of money or pour through fashion magazines to figure out what to wear to your interview.不用担忧,在选择着装去参加面试时,你不需要花费太多的金钱或者埋头在时尚杂志里。Fortunately, mens fashion is relatively straightforward. Using a few basic pieces, its easy to put together an outfit that is stylish, professional and tasteful.幸运的是,男士的时尚通常都很简单粗暴。一件简单的基本款,就可以让你的总体看起来时尚,专业,有品位。Browse through this gallery of interview outfits for men to get an idea of what to wear to your next interview.看看下面这些服装提示,你就能为面试找到一件好衣服了。Work With Colors and Layers色彩与层次感When you finally land that interview, you may not know the companys dress code prior to your arrival.你最终获得一个面试的机会,但你很有可能到达会场后才知道公司的着装风格。While interviews at startup companies or for non-professional jobs signify a more casual look, if youre interviewing for a professional position, its important that you stick with a formal look.如果是初创公司的面试或非职业工作的面试,更多倾向于休闲的风格,如果你面试的是很具专业形象要求的公司,那你就需要穿得正式。Of course, even within the business formal category, theres a huge range of different dress codes. A formal look like this one is professional, but doesnt look stuffy or uptight, making it a good choice for all types of interviews.当然,即使在“商业正式”的公司里,也有不同的着装规范。正式的着装如上图所示就是职业人士的要求,但看起来并不会古板闷热或过紧,是参加不同面试场合的很好选择。A well-fitting grey blazer or sportscoat works in both a business formal and business casual environment. Dressed up with a colorful button down and tie, and layered with a cardigan, the look is modern and stylish but still work-place appropriate.一件合身的灰色西装外套或运动服能在正式的商务场合和休闲场合中游刃有余。穿一件彩色的衬衣配上领带,搭一件羊毛开襟衫,造型有现代感又时尚,而且也是工作场合可以接受的。Khaki Blazer and Pants卡其西装和裤子Not sure if the company youre interviewing at requires a business casual, or business formal type of dress? Find the middle ground with a khaki blazer and coordinating pants.不确定公司要求商务休闲装还是商务正装?那就折衷,穿一件卡其西装和相配的裤子吧。A khaki blazer is less harsh than a black or grey suit coat. Its a great piece because it straddles the boundary between business casual and business formal. Worn without a tie, its a solid option for when you arent quite sure of the dress code.卡其色的西装外套比黑色或灰色的外套看起来没那么严肃。这是很好的选择,因为既能在休闲场合也能在正式场合穿着。在你不确定着装规范的情况下不需要戴领带。A Sweater and Button Down毛衣和衬衫Layer a sweater with a button down for the most dependable business casual look. A navy sweater is a good choice, as it matches many different shirt colors, including white, light blue, pink, yellow, or the green button down shirt here.毛衣外套配上衬衫打底是最可靠的商务休闲装。天蓝色毛衣是不错的选择,因为它能够跟任何颜色的衬衫搭配,无论是白色、浅蓝色、粉红色、黄色,还是绿色都很搭。Pair the layered top with khakis, grey chinos or even dark wash jeans (in a less formal environment, such as at a startup company) for an easy interview outfit.裤子搭配卡其色的裤子,灰色斜纹裤甚至是深色的牛仔裤都可以在非正式的场合穿着(比如初创公司),感觉轻松休闲。Navy Blue Blazer深蓝西装外套A pinstripe navy blue blazer is a breath of fresh air from the typical black suit coat, and is definitely a great addition to your interviewing wardrobe.一件深蓝色的直条纹西装外套绝对脱俗于传统的黑色外套,并且绝对是你的衣柜里必不可少的单品。A navy blue blazer can be worn with a tie, or without, depending on the dress code. It matches numerous shirt colors and can be worn with khakis, chinos or grey slacks.深蓝色西装外套可以根据着装规范搭配或不搭配领带。它可以跟许多衬衫搭配,也可以后跟卡其裤,斜纹裤和灰色长裤搭配。Essentially, theres a lot of flexibility packed into this one item, so youll get a lot of mileage out of it.本质上,深蓝色西装也有很多灵活的搭配选择,你可以多作想象。Navy blue blazers add a touch of class for a look that is timeless, yet always professional.深蓝色西装外套增加高雅的元素是永不过时的,也是专业的。Statement Ties配套领带Ties dont have to be boring. Although you should avoid anything too flashy, such as novelty ties with bizarre prints, dont be afraid to experiment with unexpected colors - like the burgundy ties here, for example.领带的款式不必太沉闷。尽管你不想太花俏,比如奇怪花纹的“新款”领带,也不要害怕尝试意想不到的颜色 比如图中的深紫红色领带。A statement tie like one of these works well with a button down sans blazer, which can be a good choice in a dressier business casual environment.“搭配领带”就像能够跟衬衫百搭的无袖运动西装,在商务休闲场合是一个着装选择。Bold Button Downs风格大胆的衬衫Coordinate your tie with an interesting button down for a look that is sophisticated and stylish. Use tact when choosing your button down, though.给领带搭配一件有意思的衬衫,让你看起来有经验又时尚。选衬衫时要灵活运用自己的智慧。In a strict formal dress code, stick to classic colors with subdued prints, like a blue stripe, for example. You have some more flexibility in a more casual environment, especially considering bold button downs dont need a tie to dress them up.在严肃正式的着装要求下,选择经典的柔和的花纹,比如蓝色横条。在休闲场合下你有很多选择,特别是风格大胆的衬衫也不需要戴领带的时候。Ultimately, dont be afraid to experiment.最后,真的不要害
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