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美联英语 提供:优秀领导者常说的 6 句话分享一个免费试听课,名额有限,碰碰运气吧http:/m.meten.com/test/xingzuo.html?tid=16-73675-0Whether youve just started training your first hire or youve been managing scores of people for decades, youre in the position of being a leader. And if theres one aspect of leadership that holds true regardless of staff size or industry, its that being one isnt for the thin-skinned or the faint of heart.无论是开始培训刚录用的首名员工,还是已管理很多人数十载了,你都处在一个领导者的位置上。无论在何种行业,无论公司员工多少,作为领导者你必须:不要太敏感或者太心软。So much of your job isnt about hitting goals, but rather about being rooted in reality, constantly striving to bring perspective and empathy to whatever situations you encounter. Sometimes, finding the right words can be the biggest challenge of your day. But other times, youre overthinking it and its as simple as saying these six tiny sentences:你工作的很多内容都不是关于如何实现目标的,而是植根于实际并持续努力,以便在遇到任何情形都有主见并能换位思考。有时,找到合适的表达词汇可能是你一天中最大的挑战。但更多时候,你可能多虑了,只需要简单的 6 句话就行:1. “Dont sweat it”1. “别担心”Your brand new hire accidentally sent out the typo-riddled draft of an email to your customers. The inbox is inundated with complaints. You have two choices right now: Tell your direct report how much hes messed up or look him in the eyes and say, “Dont sweat it.” After all, it was clearly a mistake, and he let you know as soon as it happened (if thats not the case, then, obviously another tactics needed).你的一名新雇员不小心发送了满是错误的邮件草稿给了客户。收件箱里充满了抱怨。现在有两个选择:告诉他你感觉他有多糟糕的真实想法,或者看着他的眼睛说:“别担心。”毕竟,这是一个明显的错误,只要发生了他就会让你知道(如果他不让你知道,那么显然你需要用其他策略)。Why it matters为什么重要A great manager knows that its a waste of time to wallow and worry about a past we cant change. And unless this persons a repeat mistake-maker (or, as mentioned above, not really aware or bothered by the error), it isnt productive or beneficial to the company to turn up the heat and risk even more mishaps because this persons now paralyzed with fear, afraid to take any next steps.优秀的管理者都知道,沉迷于或者担心不可改变的过去是在浪费时间。除非同样的错误这人屡犯(或者像前面提到的,一点也不在意或者也不受错误困扰),为这件事大动干戈对公司来讲没有任何益处。而且还冒着有更多错误的风险,因为他会因恐惧而不敢再采取任何行动。2. “What was learned?”2. “学到了什么?”Weve all been there. And hindsight is indeed 20/20. So why not use this as a learning lesson by asking your entire team what this incident had to offer in the way of teachable moments?我们都经历过这样的事情,人人都是事后诸葛亮。为什么不通过询问团队该事件的教育意义,从而将其作为一个学习的好机会呢?Why it matters为什么重要True leaders know that failures just an opportunity to learn and do better. And if you arent failing, you arent trying. Progress over perfection is key to growth and to success, both for individuals as well as corporations. And as leaders, its really our responsibility to mentor and teach our staff how to learn from mistakes, rather than to fear them.真正的领导者知道,失败是学习和提高的好机会。如果不失败,你就不会去尝试。对公司和个人都一样,过程比结果对公司发展和成功更关键。作为领导者,教导和引导员工从错误中学习是我们的责任,而不是恐吓他们。3. “Speak your mind”3. “说你所想”You may not always like or agree with what they have to say, but youre far better off with a team whos unafraid to speak up, instead of a bunch of “yes” men and women. Empowering individuals to speak their minds helps to ensure youre at far less risk of turning into the Emperor With No Clothes.你不可能一直喜欢或者同意他们所说的,但你最好是在一个敢于说实话的团队中,而不是在一堆只会说“是”的男人和女人中间。说出他们想法的强有力的个体会避免你成为“皇帝的新衣”中的皇帝。Why it matters为什么重要A confident leader knows that questions are good and that great ideas arent tied into titles, position, or even tenure. Admitting that you dont have all the answers is scary, but doing so offers up so much morenot only in getting the best end product, but in getting the team to feel that they are an important part of the process (which, bonus, leads to more ownership and accountability).一个自信的领导者知道,问题是好的,头衔、职位甚至是终身职位都不能代表好的想法。承认自己没有答案会让人恐慌,但这样做会带来更多好处,不止是好的产品,还会使团队感觉到他们是这个过程中重要组成部分(从而带来更多的主人翁意识和责任)。4. “I support you”4.“ 我支持你”I have a paperweight that reads, “What would you do if you knew you would not fail?” Think about it. What might your team do differently if they knew they wouldnt fail, or if they knew that even if they did, you, the boss, had their backs? Too often it seems that when the sh*t hits the fan, everybody ducks for cover and the finger pointing blame games begin. How much more proactive would we all be if accountability and responsibility were shared and we never felt alone?我有个镇纸上写道:“如果知道你不会失败,你会做什么?”想一想。如果你的团队知道不会失败,他们做起来会和现在有什么不同?或者如果他们知道即使失败了,作为老板的你也会得到他们的支持?多数情况是,当问题暴露,每个人都想找掩护,互相指责的游戏就开始了。如果都尽职尽责,我们就不会感到孤单,那我们将会有多主动?Why it matters为什么重要Brave leaders are the ones who embody all the characteristics of the heroes we idolize in books. They are the ones with the magic wands and the shiny swords who in the heat of battle lead the charge and protect their subjects. Managers can accomplish much of the same by saying that “the buck stops here” and meaning it. Aside from the courage that doing so instills in everyone, a fierce loyalty builds as a result, and these two things have the power to build brands and boost bottom lines like nothing else.勇敢的领导者拥有我们崇拜的书本上英雄们的特质。他们是那些挥舞着魔杖和利剑在激烈的战斗中带领着团队冲锋和保护他们目标的人。敢说“事情到此为止”的领导能取
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