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非谓语动词考查特点及解题点拨非谓语动词在英语语言中使用率很高,同时也是中考考考查热点。近几年对非谓语动词的考查更加强调语句的复杂性,综合考查时态、语态、逻辑主语一致性的题目较多。因此,考生必须学会在复杂的语境中选用非谓语动词的适当形式。【例1】Charles Babbage is generally considered _the first computerAto have inventedBinventingCto inventDhaving invented解题点拨:这是一道把动词的用法和非谓语动词的用法结合起来的考题。关键一:表示心理活动的动词在带不定式作宾补时常用to be或to have done,极少用to do sth的形式。关键二:注意consider的两种用法,consider doing sth意为“考虑做某事”,consider sbsth to be 或consider sb to have done或其被动式be considered to beto have done意思是“认为某人物如何(做了什么)”。依题意可知本题考查第二种用法。练一练:1)The patient was warned _oily food after the operationAnot eatBeating notCnot to eatDnot eating【例2】Do let your mother know all the truthShe appears _everythingAto tellBto be toldCto be tellingDto have been told解题点拨:这是一道把语态、时态、和非谓语动词结合起来考查的题目。解这类题一定要注意时态和语态的变化,先于谓语动作发生的非谓语用完成形式。前半句说“一定要告诉你母亲全部真相”,后半句说“看上去她好像已被告知所有情况”,因此选不定式完成形式的被动语态。练一练:2)The old man is said _a sailor when he was youngAto have beenBthat he wasCto beDof being【例3】I can hardly imagine Peter _across the Atlantic Ocean in five daysAsailBto sailCsailingDto have sailed解题点拨:本题考查的是动名词的复合结构及动名词作宾语时的情况。动名词复合结构是在动名词前面加名词所有格、名词的普通格、物主代词、人称代词的宾格等。如:Her not coming made the teacher angryDo you object to my brothers joining you?Would you mind me(my) opening the window?本题的解题关键是注意imagine后面只能接动名词作宾语,不用不定式。解此类题时一定要明确动词搭配,记清哪些词接不定式、哪些词接动名词作宾语。练一练:3)The next morning she found the man _in bed,deadAlying BlieClayDlaying【例4】_a reply, he decided to write againANot receivingB. Receiving notC. Not having receivedD. Having not received解题点拨:本题是对现在分词作状语的考查。分词作状语时,一是考虑时间性(先后性),究竟使用分词的一般时还是完成时,二是考虑语态性,用主动语态还是用被动语态,三是看分词的逻辑主语是否是句子的主语。本题中receiving的逻辑主语是he,即动作是主语执行的,故语态应为主动语态。题干中的again这一关键信息提示考生,receiving动作发生在decided之前,应用现在分词的完成形式。此外,本题还应该注意现在分词的否定形式的表达方式。现在分词的否定形式是:否定词not必须置于动词-ing形式的前面。练一练:4)The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks,_that he had enjoyed his stay hereA. having addedB. to addCaddingD. added【例5】When the professor went back to the room,he found an invitation on the desk,_to give a lecture in Princeton InstituteA. being invitedBto be invitedC. inviting himDinvited解题点拨:本题的考查目标是现在分词作定语的用法。现在分词作定语,强调动作正在进行,表主动用doing,若表被动则用being done。letter(notice,message,telegram,invitation)等词后常跟-ing形式的动词作定语,表示letter等词的内容。练一练:5) -Look! How busy the building workers are!Yes,I seeThe houses _by them will be completed next week.AbuiltB. to buildCbeing builtDare being built【例6】_ that mistake once,I shall not make the same mistake again.ATo makeBMakingCHaving madeDMade解题点拨:该题考查的是现在分词的完成时的用法。根据题意“已经出过一次错了,我不想再出同样的错误”,分词的动作先于谓语动词的动作,故要用分词的完成式having made作状语。练一练:6) _such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the riverA. Having suffered BSufferingCTo sufferDSuffered【例7】_ in 1636,Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United StatesABeing foundedBIt was foundedC. FoundedDFounding解题点拨:本题考查过去分词作状语的情况。过去分词作状语,首先要考虑句子的主语是否是分词的逻辑主语,然后再考虑被动和完成的含义。本句主语哈佛大学与动词found之间的关系应为被动关系,且建于1636年是发生在过去的动作。练一练:7)_ to make a speech, she had to say a few words.A. Having toldB. Having been toldC. To be toldD. Being told巩固练习:1. Finding her car stolen,_.A. a policeman was asked to helpB. the area was searched thoroughlyC. it was looked for everywhereD. she hurried to a policeman for help2. The boy wanted to ride his bike in the street, but his mother told him_.A. not toB. not to doC. not do itD. do not to3. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only_the film stars had left.A. to tellB. to be toldC. tellingD. told4. The book is said_into many foreign language.A. to have been translatedB. to have translatedC. to be translatedD. having been translated5. Dont leave the water_while you brush your teeth.A. runB. runningC. being runD. to run6. In order to get to his house easily, I had his secretary_a map for me.A. to drawB. drawC. drawnD. drawing7._in a heavy rain, the climbers had to stop climbing the mountain.A. CatchingB. Having caughtC. Being caughtD. Caught8. I bitterly regret_him what had happened to her yesterday.A. to tellB. to have toldC. tellingD. to be told9. The speeding car had missed the turn and now lay on its back, wheels_in the air.A. having spunB. spinningC. were spunD. spun10. When I got back home, I saw a message pinned to the door,_Sorry to miss you; will call later.A. read B. readingC. to readD. to be read练一练答案:C A A C C A B练习答案: DABABBDCBB6
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