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课题Lesson 25: Lets Do an Experiment课型新学学具recorder, slide, projector, flashcards课时1知识与能力1. Use the Simple Present Tense.2. Express certainty and uncertainty过程与方法 Listening, speaking,reading and writing 学习目标情感态度与价值观Try to prove something to somebody.重点分析1. Learn to express sequence;2. How to express an experiment.难点分析Express certainty and uncertaintyTeaching Preparation: jar, cardboard, water资料链接 英语配套练习 倍速学习法学习流程 导 学 案 导学评价课时目标Mastery words and expressions: science, experiment, fill, proveOral words and expressions: theory, jar, upside, observe, right, side up, upside down导入Teacher brings the jar, cardboard and water to the class. Show them to the students and ask what experiments we can do with them. Let the students show them and explain the reasons to the students.预习板块Let the students work in groups and discuss the experiments. When one group is doing the experiments, the others can ask the questions.导学板块1. Whats a theory?2. Whats an experiment for?3. Did Danny read about the experiment? What is it about?4. Do you think the cardboard can hold the water in the jar? Why?合作探究Divide the class into two groups. One group thinks the floor will get wet. The others think it wont. Let them discuss in class. Pay attention to telling the reasons.展示点拨易混词语ever-never work on-work outanotanymore/longer-not more/longerbe good at-do well insurprise-surprising-surprisedanother-other-the other-others have to-mustsick-ill start-begin练习拓展用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Tom does well in Chinese; however Lucy does Chinese_ (good) than Tom.2. Lily isnt good at math, in the end-of-year exam she did_ (bad) of all the students.3. When I heard the_ news, how_ I am! (disappoint)4. We are_ (luck) enough to have bought the last tickets for the World Cup.5. You got the best. How _ (luckily) you are!6. Which do you like _ (well), this one or that one?7. He told us that there _ (be) a wonderful party tomorrow afternoon.8. What _ you _ (do) when your father came back home?9. My mother _ (come) to see me next week.10. My grandpa is in hospital. He is _(health).11. He was born in _ and he can speak _. (Spain)12. Im sure she would _ _ (克服)any difficulty.课题Lesson 26: One Wet Danny?课型新学学具recorder, slide, projector, flashcards课时1知识与能力Mastery words and expressions: forceOral words and expressions: swimsuit, observation, turnover过程与方法Listening, speaking,reading and writing 学习目标情感态度与价值观Enjoy the experiment and finish it by students themselves.重点分析1. Grasp the Simple Future Tense.2. Talk about the experiment process.难点分析Some words and expressions, such as: talk about, talk to, tell sb., ask sb. to do sth.资料链接 英语配套练习 倍速学习法学习流程 导 学 案 导学评价课时目标1. Use the Simple Future Tense to describe the thing that will happen.2. Grasp the knowledge by doing the experiment. Enjoy the experiment and finish it by students themselves.导入Review Lesson 25.Let some students talk about the main idea of Lesson 25. The teacher and the students can ask:1. What do we use in the experiment?2. How do you turn the jar full of water upside down?3. What do you cover on the jar?4. Whats your theory?预习板块1.The differences between talk about, talk to, ask sb. to do sth.2.Why does Danny wear swimsuit?3.Does Danny really get wet?导学 板块1. What are they talking about?2. Who will do the experiment?3. What will happen to the water in the experiment?4. What will keep the water in the jar?5. What will they do after the experiment?合作探究Do the experiment in groups. Let the students observe the experiment carefully. Then give a report to the class about what it is like. Do anyone get wet in the experiment? Why?展示点拨1. have a prty 2. be mad at3. the next day 4. first of all5. pass on 6. passto7. work on 8. be supposed to do sth.9. be good at 10. do well in11. have a cold 12. be in good health13. have a hard time with sth .14. be surprised to do sth.15. tell the truth 16. have a fight17. talk to 18. get over19. sound like 20. the Ministry of Education练习拓展根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词。1. Miss Zhao said that Jack wasnt lazy, he was a h_ student.2. “L_, I have passed the Mid-exam.” Ford told us happily.3. All of the m_ come from the west.4. She said she was having a s_ party for Lana.5. I think Ill do b_ than last year.6. Dont c_ others homework. You should do it yourself.7. Youre s_ to get to school early.8. Please give your r_ card to your parents.9. I worked very hard in this s_. 10. Young people today need to e_ different things.11. I can open up my students eyes to the o_ world and give them a good s_ in life.12. The mountain is about 500 meters a_ sea level.13. Dont be n_. Everything is OK.
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