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非谓语动词一、中考重点知识讲解我们把在句子当中起名词、形容词或副词作用,充当谓语之外的其它句子成分的动词称为非谓语动词。非谓语动词有三种形式:不定式、分词(现在分词和过去分词) 、动名词。中考中出现频率较高的知识点:1.stop to do sth. 和 stop doing sth.“stop to do sth.” 表示停止做其它事情而去做“to do sth.”所表示的事情,可以将“to do sth.”理解成“stop”的目的状语;“stop doing sth.”表示不做 “doing sth.”所表示的事情。例如: “Stop talking. Lets begin our class.” said the teacher. 老师说:“别说话了,让我们开始上课。 ”We have kept doing our homework for a long time. Lets stop to listen to music. 我们做家庭作业很长时间了,让我们停下来听听音乐。1. She reached the top of the hill and stopped _on a big rock by the side of the path. A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest2.forget to do sth.和 forget doing sth. (remember to do sth. 和 remember doing sth.)“forget to do sth.”表示将来不要忘记做某事,谈的是未来的事情;“forget doing sth.”表示忘记过去应该做的事情。例如: “Dont forget to do your homework.” said the teacher before the class was over. 老师在下课前说:“不要忘记做家庭作业。 ”1. She didnt remember _ him before.A having met Bhave met C to meet Dto having met3.have sth. done.(过去分词) (让别人)做某事例如:I had my hair cut yesterday afternoon. 我昨天下午理了发。My computer can not work now. I must have it repaired. 我的电脑有故障了,我必须让人修好它。Good morning. Can I help you?Id like to have this package _, madam.A be weighed Bto be weighed C to weigh Dweighed39. Can I help you?Id like to have the shoes _, for they are a bit smaller.A changing Bchanged C to be changing Dbe changed4. 感官动词后接不带 to 的不定式或者现在分词的区别例如:see sb. do sth.看见某人(经常)做某事 和 see sb. doing sth.看见某人(正在)做某事I often see him do exercise in the morning. 我经常在早晨看见他锻炼身体。When I was walking in the park, I saw him drawing a picture there. 当我在公园散步的时候,我看见他正在那里画画。1. They knew her very well. They had seen her _ up from childhood.A grow B grew Cwas growing Dto grow2 The next morning she found the man _ in bed, dead.A lying Blie Clay Dlaying5. 在主动语态中,感官动词(see, hear, feel, watch 等)和使役动词(make, have, let 等)要求接不带 to 的不定式做宾语补足语,而在被动语态里,不定式要带上 to。例如:The boss often made the workers work 10 hours a day. The workers were made to work 10 hours a day. She was heard to use strong language. 听说她骂人了。22. The missing boys were last seen _ near the river.A playing Bto be playing C play Dto play15. John was made _the truck for a week as a punishment. A to wash B washing Cwash D to be washing练习一1.No one enjoys _ at.A. laughing B. to laugh C. being laughed D. to be laughed 2.You must do something to prevent your house_ .A. to be broken in B. from being broken in C. to break in D. from breaking in 3.They insisted on _another chance to try.A. given B. giving C. being given D. to be given4.Where is my passport? I remember_it here.You shouldnt have left it here. Remember_ it with you all the time.A. to put;to takeB. putting;takingC. putting;to take D. to put;taking5.His room needs _ , so he must have it_.A. painting; painted B. painted; paintingC. painting; painting D. painted; painted 6.The young trees we planted last week require _with great care.A. looking after B. to look afterC. to be looked after D .taken good care of 7. A policeman saw two thieves _ a girls mobile phone on a bus and he caught them at once.A. to steal B. stealing C. stole D. stolen8.She returned home only to find the door open and something _.A. missed B. to be missing C. missing D. to be missed 9.She decided to devote herself _the problem of old age.A. to study B. studying C. to studying D. study 10.It took the workmen only two hours to finish _ my car.A. repairing B. repair C. to repair D. repaired11.Its no good _ over split milk.A. to cry B. crying C. cried D. cry12. Have you forgotten _$1000 from me last month? Will you please remember _ it tomorrow?A. borrowing; to bring B. to borrow; bringC. borrowed; bringing D. borrowing ; bringing13. The classroom wants _.A. clean B. cleaned C .to clean D. cleaning14. Jack said that he wouldnt mind _ for us.A. to wait B. wait C. waiting D. waited15. My brother keeps _ me with my work.A. to help B. help C. helping D. helped16.We should often practise _ English with each other.A. to speak B. spoke C. speak D. speaking17.Keep on _ and you will succeed.A. a try B. try C. triing D. trying18.His parents insist on _ to college.A. he should go B. he go C. his going D. him to go19.The story was so funny that we _.A. couldnt help laugh B. cant but laughC. couldnt help laughing D. couldnt help but to laugh20.What about _ to the concert with us ?A. we go B. we going C. going D. to go21._ clean
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