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2007年典贝朗文案 1. In a boundless universe, we seek the finer things to add to the wonders of life and minimize our loneliness. 把自己放在天地间,在孤独与漂泊中找到人生的座标 2. We look within ourselves, our shared past, our shared future. 孤独使我们面对自己,面对过去,面对未来,同时面对生命 3. Different styles and different experiences bring variety to life. 尝试不同的生活感受 4. Releasing ourselves from the pressures of the day, we take in the luxurious visual of the physical design. Soaking in the pleasures of bathing together, we share the generous features of the bathing tub. It is in these moments we feel the true joining together of us as a whole. (b-9) 在二人独处的时光,享受着奢华具有设计感的视觉空间,在不同情调的浴池中松懈白日压力,沉醉在共浴的乐趣中,我们的感情在此刻结合 5. The private space of the massage spa tub helps eliminate the strains of the workday. Your pores soak in the negative ions and oxygen releases in the bubbling waters. You are revitalized as your bodys circulation is improved and the release of toxins causing fatigue is accelerated. Restart. Refresh. 抛开平日的疲惫,浸入按摩浴缸的私人空间,享受微细气泡中的大负离子与氧气进入毛细孔中,加速血液循环,将体内疲劳的毒素排出,充电后,再次出发。 6. New initiatives in design and style satisfy your desire for variety. Entering your bathroom is a pleasure as your visual senses are inspired. Your wandering imagination leaps across space and time to cultures that are timeless. (b-10) 全然不同的设计风格,让您多变的性格得到满足,走入浴室,尽管放任无穷的想像力,享受在跨越时空文化的空间中美妙的感官之旅。 7. The perfected design of the 3rd generation provides innovative new arrangements that are truly on the cutting edge for home products. (f-2)(F-18) 第三代的“完美”perfect设计,在整体视觉及细节上,有着截然不同的诠释,将世界的流行元素,充分地在产品中表达。 8. The golden sunshine sprinkles in through the window while you sip a cup of home brewed coffee. You leisurely enter the welcoming steam of the bathtub. With the surrounding warmth, your weariness melts away and your private journey starts.(b-7) 穿梭在洒入的金黄日光中,优雅地轻啜一口香醇的咖啡、悠然地走白霞弥漫的浴缸里,在被温暖包围的同时,一身的疲惫也被遗忘,我的私人空间之旅正要开始 9. Visually pleasing design. Perfected arrangement provides genuine pleasure in use.(a-4) 魅力尽情释放,视觉全面享受,展现完美协调的组合,让您无可挑剔的使用感受。 10. Consummate craftsmanship building from experience in daily life results in human engineering technology. A unique line of product represents the enthusiasm of BRAVATs life. (b-10) 展现人体工学的创意,藉由精致的工艺及对生活的体会,将产品使用功能,有了全然不同的发挥,更显贝朗对生活的热情。 11. Innovative designs with intuitional function enable you to experience modern design and style. (F-22) 崭新设计,直觉式地操作“平面”,让您体验未来世界及生活的激情 12. Charming character and unique design redefine the concepts of a bathroom. The future holds this private-space as key to a better quality of life. 风格独特,充满魅力的产品,将浴室赋予新的生命,从此浴室“私人空间”,让我有感受去品位生活 13. The strength of life springs from the sharing of valuable experiences. It is a permanent investment in the finest of product that brings pleasure with each use. (B-1) 人生的历练,始自于彼此分享宝贵的经验,这会是个执著永恒的投资当一项产品的能动感官,情溢于表时,每次的使用,都将创造出独特的醇美感动。 14. True friends need not say too much, they can communicate with a subtle look or a knowing touch. Quality design likewise does not shout its beauty; it is appreciated with each use. 真正的朋友,不用多说,一个眼神,就能心意相通;真正的设计,不需言喻,每次的使用,都能心领神会。 15. Bring a larger element of design into your life and strive for more artistic creation. (F-21)(t-5) 让生活多一些设计元素,让生命多一些创意感受 16. Let the perfected design and craftsmanship speak for itself. It is pleasant to both the mind and eye with the noble lines you expect from top grade bathroom equipment. (b-4)(f-6) 以极致工艺完善设计诠释外观,让视觉更显尊贵与赏心悦目,超越你对顶级卫浴用品的期待。 17. The ultimate in craftsmanship leads you to experience and further appreciate top grade bathroom equipment. (F-1) 以细致工艺打造极致外形,引领你进入顶级卫浴新体验。 18. Simplified modern design utilizing the best in composite-material reflects the quality of a life seeking success and achievement. 简单时尚设计,完美复合材质新结合,显现成功人士不凡的生活品位。 19. Squares and upright modeling, consistent in taste and style. Excellent proportions make your bathroom a daily source of enjoyment. (B-2)(T-3) 方正造型,稳重大方,完善协调比例组合,让每一天的浴室时间都成为享受。 20. Easy installation. Clear visual design. Comfortable and convenient in use. Indispensable. 淋浴屏(shower panel) 施工简单,视觉设计清新,舒畅,使用方便是淋浴不可缺少的新帮手。 21. Free Standing Bathtub Fitting Attractive modeling and proportions in design make this an important article in decoration. Easy installation and convenient in use. (F-1) 独立性缸边龙头(free standing bathtub fitting) 造型抢眼,比例完善,除方便及安装使用外,亦是浴室重要的装饰点缀品 22. Countertop Basin 70mm semi-height design provides the benefit of a conventional sink structure while eliminating the disadvantages of larger sized conventional basin. The new preferred choice for designers. ba-3 台上碗盆 70mm的半高设计,具备碗盆的设计元素。却没有一般碗盆可能过高的障碍,不失为设计师一种新的选择。 23. Wall hang rain shower mixer Unique 180rotating design offers flexibility. Feels like a natural shower of rain. A great mixer for those who love sports. 外露式雨淋花洒龙头(Wall hang Rain shower mixer) 独特180 o旋转设计,使用随心所欲,恣意享受自然洒淋感觉,为常运动人士的最爱 24. Flat surface with Edges and Ridges a truly exquisite model commands your attention. A fine front end water aerator combines the best in form and function.
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