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S A T SAT - SAT currency1 “ University of Wisconsin fi fl ” SAT . currency1 Freshmen: Freshman applicants from non-English speakingcountries must submit a TOEFL or IELTS score, unless English wasthe language of instruction for all courses in all years ofsecondary school. fi Transfer students: Transfer applicants from non-Englishspeaking countries must submit a TOEFL or IELTS score, unlessthey have completed a college level English composition courseat a US college or university. Waiver: If you feel that you qualify for a TOEFL or IELTSwaiver based upon the requirements above, please submit allrequired transcripts to our office as soon as possible. 我fi 单Generally, admitted students have an Internet-based TOEFLscore in the 95-105 range (587-620 on the paper-based test) oran IELTS score of 6.5-7.5.般说 网 95-100 之间(纸质 587-620) 6.5到7.5更多内容查 点击 密歇 安娜堡 SAT 二. SAT SAT 相关 参 1.The fall term application opens September 1, and thespring term application opens February 1. The followingdeadlines pertain to both domestic and international applicants.秋季 9月1号开始春季 2月1日开始 内和 截止时间Period Application Deadline Material Receipt DeadlineDecision First Fall 2016 Notification November 2 November 23End of January Second Fall 2016 Notification February 1 February16 End of March Spring 2017 Term October 3 To be announcedEnd of December2.SAT Scores from either the ACT or the SAT are required and mustbe sent directly from the testing agency. We consider the highestcomposite score obtained in a single test administration as yourofficial score, although we will look at all scores reported in aneffort to get a true sense of your achievement. Admittedstudents will typically score between 27-31 on the ACT and1840-2050 on the SAT, although there is no minimum requiredscore. 供SAT ACT 我会从中虑种 最高 作 但我会参 fi fi 便 个真实 评估已录取 ACT27-31之间SAT 1840-2050之间 管没最低 限制更多详情点击 廉玛丽 院SAT 关 SAT 相关内容 作 参 预祝 取得好
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