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首先在 Workbench 中选择 Bladegen 模块勾选创建轮毂和创建所有叶片选项选择径向叶轮标签,并输入 Z 值和 R 值(横轴为 Z 向,纵向为 R) 。选择厚度/角度模式输入叶片包角 140 度,厚度值及叶片个数为 7进入设计总窗口The most critical operation in the meridional view is to define the shape of the hub and shroud curve. The endpoints for these curves were specified when Initial Design Parameters were entered in the Initial Meridional configuration dialog.The hub and shroud profile for this case are well defined automatically. In this case, there is no need for any additional modificati*.意思是轮毂和轮缘(套罩)形状的定义在子午面上很关键,我们在前面初始化子午面结构参数已定义了这些曲线的终点。它们的其它轮廓由系统自动生成,不需要修改。用户可以通过改变坐标值及曲线特性进行修改。双击各点修改坐标值来定义进口和出口截面1. Double click the shroud inlet point at the top left of the meridional view.2. The Point Location Dialog will open. The Horizontal value is the Axial location (Z co-ordinate) and the Vertical value represents the Radius.3. Enter -10 and 110 for the horizontal and vertical values. Click OK.4. Double click the hub inlet point (bottom left corner) and enter -10 and 25 for the horizontal and vertical values. Click OK.5. Double click the hub outlet point (top right corner) and enter 91 and 250 for the horizontal and vertical values. Click OK.6. Double click the shroud outlet point (top left corner) and enter 63 and 250 for the horizontal and vertical values. Click OK.查看叶片角度视图,默认激活层为 hub layer,如图红点所示注意到纵坐标变化范围为 140,即先前设置叶片包角值在角度视图右键选择调整叶片角度前缘尾缘Theta 曲线自动转成带有六个控制点的 Bezier segment同理进入 shroud layer,修改角度定义叶片厚度轮廓,切换到 hub layer定义三个点,并输入各厚度zoom to fit 调整视图显示通过五个点来调整抛物厚度曲线,再八个点来调整激活 shroud layer,会发现厚度和 hub layer 是一样的选择叶片属性定义椭圆角生成模型,大功告成!
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