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根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,写出各单词正确的完全形式(每空限写一词)。 1.He was an u_ judge. 2.The new shop across the road has taken away most of my c_. 3.They stood there and shouted in an a_. 4.This organ has its s_ function. 5.The weather gets warm and the wind blows g_. 6.Mr. Smith spends a lot of time in c_ with his neighbor. 7.Ships should not enter rocky c_ waters. 8.There is a s_ between the town centre and the station. 9.Only a m_ of British households do not have a car. 10.Nowadays most children like Walt Disney c_. 参考答案与解析: 1. unfair 根据词义结合构成法,应该是“不公平的”。 2. customers 3. anger 固定搭配,in an anger “愤怒,生气”。 4. specific 5. gently 根据前后句意,可以看出应该是“清风吹拂”,并且修饰动词,所以选择副词词性。 6. conversation 7. coastal 本题注意词性的变化,要求用 coast 的形容词。 8. shuttle 9. minority 10. cartoon 根据下列句子所给汉语注释或所给单词的首字母,写出各单词正确的完全形式(每空限写一词)。 1. The children all have s_ beds to sleep on. 2. The e_ to the cinema is wider than before. 3. Every member of the club was _ (出席) at the important meeting. 4. _ (化学物) in the smoke from power station destroy trees and kill the fish in the rivers. 5. The cost of living is increasing _ (逐渐). 6. He is so poor that he cant _ (担负得起) a warm coat. 7. Rainfall has been above _ (正常) this July. 8. The area was s_ by a serious disease. 9. A tree fell down and b_ the road. 10. The clouds coming up in the sky w_ us that a storm was likely to come. 参考答案与解析: 1. separate 2. entrance 注意词性的变化,根据词义“进入”,但是要用其名词。 3. present 表示出席,名词是 presence,形容词是 present,根据本句结构应填形容词形式。4. Chemicals 化学物,根据后边的谓语动词是复数的,主谓要一致,所以主语也应该是复数 chemicals 5. gradually 表示逐渐,形容词是 gradual,副词是 gradually;根据本题,应填副词。 6. afford 7. normal 8. struck 很明显是被动语态,所以应用动词的过去分词 struck.。 9. blocked 前后都是过去时,所以用 blocked 10. warned 根据下列句子所给汉语注释或所给单词的首字母,写出各单词正确的完全形式(每空限写一词)。 1. There has been a s_ improvement in the companys safety record. 2. In the course of e_ , some birds have lost their power of flight. 3. The small boy g_ his mothers hand firmly. 4. It takes years to m_ a new language. 5. His performance was p_ in every way. 6. As the c_ rises, a dead body is seen on the stage. 7. Three people were killed in a head-on c_ between a bus and a car. 8. International terrorism is not just a recent p_. 9. Is this your _ (永久的) address, or are you only staying there for a short time? 10. The government will not _ (不愿做) to take the severest measures against these terrorists. 参考答案与解析:1. significant 注意单词的拼写,因为高考所考的单词拼写大都是学生在平常容易出错的单词,字母拼写比较长的单词。 2. evolution 根据后句句意可知,表示“进化” 。 3. grasped 4. master 5. perfect 6. curtain 7. collision 注意在介词 on 后边,所以要用名词词性。 8. phenomenon 注意单词的拼写,因为高考所考的单词拼写大都是写学生在平常容易出错的单词,字母拼写比较长的单词。 9. permanent 注意单词的拼写,因为高考所考的单词拼写大都是写学生在平常容易出错的单词,字母拼写比较长的单词。 10. hesitate 本题,要从整个句子的句意着手,虽然标注的汉语意思“不愿做”,但是,根据整句话可知政府不会犹豫采取严厉的措施反对恐怖分子。再根据固定搭配,hesitate to do sth.
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