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生 命 是 永 恒 不 断 的 创 造 , 因 为 在 它 内 部 蕴 含 着 过 剩 的 精 力 , 它 不 断 流 溢 , 越 出 时 间 和 空 间 的界 限 , 它 不 停 地 追 求 , 以 形 形 色 色 的 自 我 表 现 的 形 式 表 现 出 来 。 泰 戈 尔全新版大学英语综合教程 2 课后翻译UNIT 1我认为总结一下英语学习的经验是值得一试的。这里,我想谈谈三个相关的问题。首先,大量阅读应被视作学习过程中的重点,因为我们是通过阅读获取最大量语言输入(language input)的。其次,尽可能多背一些好文章也十分重要。一方面,死记硬背(rote learning)确实无甚裨益,但另一方面,在真正理解基础上的熟记肯定对我们有好处。大脑中存储了大量很好的文章,我们在用英语表达自己思想的时候,就会觉得容易多了。最后,我们应该把所学到的东西用到实践中去,这是至关重要的。通过多读、多写、多听、多说,我们就能完成提高英语水平的任务。I consider it worthwhile trying to summarize our experience in learning English.Here I would like to make three relevant points.First,wide reading should be taken as a priority in the learning progress,because it is through reading that we get the most language input.Next,learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important.On the one hand,rote learning/learning by rote is indeed of little help,but on the other hand,memorization/learning by heart with a good understanding will certainly be of benefit /do good to us.With an enormous store of excellent essays in our heads,we will find it much easier to express us in English.Finally,its critical that we should put what we have learned into practice.By doing more reading,writing,listening and speaking,we will be able to the task of perfecting our English.UNIT 2自从他加盟以来,乔治从早忙到晚。他总是乐呵呵的,一直全身心地扑在工作上。由于表现出色,他被提升为执行总裁(CEO=CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER).从那以后,他尽力和工人打成一片,从不盛气凌人。另外,他制定了一些奖励制度,鼓励工人们努力工作。他相信忠诚和勤劳会大大促使公司获得成功。人们都说他是位出色的执行总裁。George was on the run since the moment he came aboard.He was always cheerful and devoted himself heart and soul to his work.Because of his excellent performance he was promoted to CEO.From then on he tried hard to blend in with other workers and never threw his weight around.He also laid down/introduced a reward system to encourage the workers to work hard.He believed that loyalty and hard work would greatly contribute to the success of the company.By all accounts he was an outstanding chief executive officer.UNIT 3约翰逊先生的儿子乔治爱在晚上听重金属(heavey metal)音乐,响声干扰了社区其他居民的睡眠。后来,疲惫不堪的邻居们失去了耐心,决定直接干预。他们打电话给约翰逊先生,坦率地把想法告诉了他。约翰逊先生感到很尴尬,便去训斥儿子:“你这是怎么了?你该懂得不能为了自己的兴趣而妨碍(disturb) 别人。 ”结果乔治拿唱片跟同学换了电脑游戏软件(software)。总的来说,这件事解决得很圆满。George,the son of Mr.Johnson,liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings,and the noise interrupted the sleep of other residents in the community.Eventually the exhausted neighbours lost their patience and decided on direct interference.They called Mr.Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking.Embarrassed,Mr.Johnson scolded his son:What has come over you?You should know better than to disturb others for the sake of your own interest.As a result George traded his records for computer games software from his classmates.Overall,the whole thing has worked out quite satisfactorily.UNIT 4也许你羡慕我,因为我可以借助计算机在家里工作。我也这么想,互联网使我的工作方便多了。我可以通过电子邮件撰写、编辑并交出我的文章,在网上与我的同事聊天,与老板讨论工作。我用鼠标一击,马上就能拿到我要的一切资料,获得最新的消息。可是,另一方面,用网络通信有时也令人沮丧。系统有可能瘫痪,更糟的是,因为没有面对面交谈的情感提示,键出的词有时候似乎很难理解。Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer.I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier.I can write,write and edit articles via email,chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss.With a click of the mouse,I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news.But then,communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times.The system may crash.Worse still,without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication,the typed words sometimes seems difficult to interpret.UNIT 5心理学家们通过众多的事实证实这一说法:要想让自己很快从低落的情绪中解脱出来,你得让自己哭。你不必为“哭”而感到羞愧。忧虑和悲伤能随同眼泪一起流出身体。看一看唐娜的例子吧。她的儿子在一次车祸中不幸丧生。这次打击之大使她欲哭无泪。她说:“直到两个星期后的一天,我才开始放声痛哭。然后,我便觉得一块石头从我的肩上抬走了。是眼泪将我带回到了现实之中。 ”Psychologists has used numerous facts to bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion,you should allow yourself to cry.You neednt be ashamed of crying.Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of Donna.Her son unfortunately died in a car accident.The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry.She said,It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry.And then I felt a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders.It was the tears that brought me back to earth.UNIT 6芭芭拉梦想当一名执行总裁已有好长时间了。为了达到心中渴望的这一目的,她向多家跨国(multi-national)公司申请工作,但都失败。然而,似乎任何东西都不能使她气馁。不久前她利用当地一家银行的贷款,开了一家餐馆。她边做生意边照料两个年幼的孩子。同时,她还攻读工商管理硕士(MBA)学位。尽管如此,她努力做到将自己的事情安排得井井有条。不过,即便对她来说,争分夺秒地工作也绝非易事。这是件累人的活儿。Barbara has dreamed of becoming a CEO for a long time.To achieve her hearts desire,she applied for a job in many multi-national corporation,but fail to get it.However,nothing seems to be able to undo her.With a loan from a local bank she opened a restaurant no long ago.While doing business she is having two young children to care for.Also,she is studying for an MBA degree.Despite all this she manages to get her act together.Nevertheless,even to her,racing the clock is by no means a piece of cake.Its a very exhausting job.UNIT 7虽然英语是如何产生的还是个谜,语言学家倾向于认为它和很
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