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小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语 提供:娱乐英语 盘点五部目前很受欢迎的国产动漫Speaking of animation, post-80s and 90s Chinese people would automatically think about the Japanese animations or Disneys classic works they watched in their childhood.谈到动漫,80 后和 90 后就会不由自主地想到他们童年看过的日本动漫或迪士尼经典作品。Yet those animations made in China, say, the series adapted from traditional Chinese folk stories and modern writer Zheng Yuanjies fairy tales from 1950 to 1994 by Shanghai Animation Film Studio, are also etched in their memories.但是一些国产的动画片,例如上海美术电影制片厂改编的一系列来自中国传统民间传说,以及现代作家郑渊洁所创的童话故事,也深刻在他们记忆中。In recent years, Chinese animation films and series are trying to break new ground. The 2015 animation film Monkey King: Hero Is Back and 2016 Big Fish And Begonia are two highly praised works.近年来,中国动画电影和剧集正在努力开拓新天地。2015 年的大圣归来和 2016年的大鱼海棠都备受赞誉。Yet compared to foreign counterparts, Chinese animation still has a long way to go. Here are five new series made in China that are currently popular among young audiences.但是和外国同行相比,中国动画仍然任重而道远。本文盘点了五部目前很受年轻观众欢迎的国产动漫。1.Lingjian Mountain1.从前有座灵剑山从前有座灵剑山Animation series Lingjian Mountain was adapted from an online Chinese novel of the same name. The writer, Guo Wang Bi Xia, started working on martial arts fantasies in 2013, and this is his third novel. The series tell the story of a boy named Wang Lu and his adventures on his way to be a powerful prince.动漫从前有座灵剑山改编自中国同名网文。作者国王陛下从 2013 年起开始从事武侠玄幻小说写作,灵剑山是其第三部小说。该作品讲述的是男主王陆成为绝世强者的冒险之旅。Bearing a strong resemblance to Japanese animation, the series was adapted by two companies from China and Japan and was also broadcast in both countries from January 2016.灵剑山由中日两家企业合作制作,人物外貌沿袭了日式风格,于 2016 年 1 月在两国同步播放。2.Fights Break Sphere2.斗破苍穹 斗破苍穹Broadcast in January from 2017, the new series was also an adaptation of an online martial arts fantasy by Tian Can Tu Dou. Resembling other kung fu series, the animation is about a young genius journey on his way to becoming a martial arts master.斗破苍穹于 2017 年一月播出,改编自天蚕土豆的同名网络小说。和其他功夫作品很类似,斗气苍穹讲的也是一个少年天才成为绝世强者的故事。Although it only got 5.4 points out of 10 on Douban, the series still attracted a large number of followers. According to the statistics on iQIYI, the first season was viewed more than 700 million times.虽然豆瓣评分只有 5.4,但是斗破苍穹仍然吸引了一大票粉丝。据爱奇艺的统计数据显示,该动画第一集浏览量超过了 7 亿。3.Year Hare Affair3.那年那兔那些事儿那年那兔那些事儿Year Hare Affair, or Na Nian Na Tu Na Xie Shi, was adapted from namesake comic series by cartoonist Lin Chao. Since 2011, the comic about the contemporary Chinese history has been popular on many BBS and social media.那兔改编自漫画家林超的同名漫画。自从 2011 年以来,这部讲述中国当代历史的漫画就在许多论坛和社交媒体上流行开来。The author tells the history through a group of cute rabbits in uniforms who symbolize the Peoples Liberation Army, and images of other animals. Sometimes, these animals would talk with a dialect that sounds funnier than simply using Mandarin.作者用穿着军装(象征中国解放军)的可爱兔子和其他动物形象来讲述历史。有时这些动物会使用方言交谈,这比只说普通话要有趣得多。The first season was broadcast in March 2015 and the third one concluded on March 8, 2017. The second and third season got 8.6 and 8.4 points out of 10 on Douban.那兔第一季于 2015 年 3 月开播,第三季则于 2017 年 3 月 8 日完结。第二、三季分别在豆瓣上获得了 8.6 和 8.4 的评分。4.Little Monk Yichan4.一禅小和尚一禅小和尚This is another touching series about a seven-year old monk Yichan, and his master Adous daily lives.这部动画讲述了 7 岁小和尚一禅和师傅阿斗的日常,故事非常温馨感人。Premiered in 2016, the series had its episode 35 broadcast recently. Each episode focuses on a certain topic, including family, romance and friendship.一禅小和尚于 2016 年首播,最近刚刚播出了第 35 集。这部动画每一集都有一个话题,包括家庭、爱情和友情。Despite telling stories from the perspective of a child, the series targets adults and aims to provide some chicken soup to let audiences learn to be tolerant and give more love to others.尽管这部动漫是从小孩子的角度来讲述故事,但是它的目标却是成人,目的是要提供一些“鸡汤”,让观众学会宽容并给与别人更多的爱。5.Hua Jiang Hu5.画江湖 画江湖Premiered in 2014, the series Hua Jiang Hu has had four seasons. The story is based on Chinese history during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (907-960), when there were continuous wars and fights among many small kingdoms. The series got an average of 7.9 points out of 10 on Douban.画江湖于 2014 年首播,目前已经播放四季。该故事基于中国五代十国时期(907-960)的历史,当时许多小诸侯国之间战乱不断。该系列在豆瓣平均得分 7.9。To those who fancy historical stories, the animation provides another way to learn Chinese history. Yet the series doesnt pay too much attention to historical details.对于那些喜欢历史故事的人来说,这部动画提供了学习中国历史的另一种方式。但是这部动画并没有对历史细节给与太多关注。
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