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小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语 提供:娱乐英语 续集撑起好莱坞票房掘金众任LOS ANGELES “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” took in about $153.5 million in North America over the weekend, for an estimated $545 million total since opening in mid-December, putting Hollywood in position to set a full-year domestic box-office record.洛杉矶 在刚过去的周末, 星球大战:原力觉醒(Star Wars: The Force Awakens)在北美获得了 1.535 亿美元票房,自 12 月中上映以来,它已经获得了约 5.45亿美元的票房,好莱坞有望创下国内全年票房纪录。But reaching that summit was not easy: The “Star Wars” phenomenon notwithstanding, the film industry in many ways limped to the top. For the first time in at least 35 years, for instance, the once-impregnable Warner Bros. landed not one movie in the Top 15.但是到达这样的高峰并非易事:尽管有星球大战现象,但是从很多方面来说,电影工业是很艰难地才行走到顶峰。比如说,35 年来,一度坚不可摧的华纳兄弟公司首次没有一部电影打入票房前 15 名行列。When the final returns are in, domestic ticket sales currently at $10.89 billion, up 7.1 percent from the count at this time last year are expected to exceed $11 billion, according to Rentrak, which compiles box-office data. The previous record was $10.9 billion in 2013.Rentrak 公司收集票房数据后统计得出:国内票房收入目前是 108.9 亿美元,比去年同期上升了 7.1%,随着最后一批电影放映期到来,国内票房数字有望超过 110 亿美元。上一个全年票房纪录是 2013 年的 109 亿美元。Until the years average admission price is finally settled, strict adjustment for ticket price inflation is impossible. Theatrical attendance this year appears to have roughly matched the 1.34 billion tickets sold in 2013, and handily outstrips the one billion level of the late 1980s; but it remains behind a recent peak year, 2002, which had 1.57 billion admissions. That would translate into roughly $13 billion in sales at current ticket prices, although in reality todays higher prices would probably have discouraged some consumers and trimmed admissions.直到今年的平均电影票票价数据出来后,才能得出严格的票价通货膨胀值调整。今年的影院观影情况似乎与 2013 年卖出的 13.4 亿张电影票大体相当,当然也超过 20 世纪 80年代末期的 10 亿张票的水平;但仍然比 2002 年售出 15.7 亿张电影票的高峰要少。按照现在的票价,票房大概会达到 130 亿。尽管事实上,如今较高的电影票价格很可能会令若干消费者不愿走入影院,从而影响了观影人数。Two hand-me-down film properties drove this years results: The best-selling releases of the year are likely to be the seventh chapter in a “Star Wars” franchise that began 38 years ago, and the fourth entry in the 22-year-old “Jurassic Park” series.两部大片续集促成了今年的票房结果:今年最卖座的影片很可能是星球大战系列片上映 38 年以来的第七部影片,以及拥有 22 年历史的侏罗纪公园(Jurassic Park)系列的第四部。Behind those nostalgia-driven megahits, however, dozens of high-profile films struggled, especially when they tried to take the moviegoing masses somewhere entirely new.在这些怀旧驱动的超级大片背后,还有几十部大片在竞争,特别是它们都想带给观影者全新的体验。“The Big Short,” centered on the housing collapse of the late 2000s, with $10.5 million in weekend box-office sales and $16 million to date, and “Concussion,” a hard look at the National Football League and brain injury, with $11 million in sales since opening on Friday, were fighting for attention. Both placed well behind “Daddys Home,” a comedy starring Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell that had $38.8 million in sales. But they beat “Point Break,” a critically derided 3-D action remake that became Warners latest collapse, with just $10.2 million in first weekend sales from about 2,900 theaters.大空头(The Big Short)关注 21 世纪 10 年代末期的房地产崩溃,上映当周周末获得了 1050 万美元票房,到目前共获得 1600 万美元票房。脑震荡(Concussion) 正在努力获得关注,它严厉地审视国家橄榄球联盟与脑震荡之间的关系,自周五上映以来,共获得 1100 万美元票房。这两部影片都位居 老爸当家(Daddys Home)之后,这部喜剧由马克沃尔伯格(Mark Wahlberg)和威尔法瑞尔(Will Ferrell)主演,已获得 3880 万美元票房。位居这三部影片之后的是极盗者(Point Break),这部遭到取笑的 3-D 重拍动作片是华纳公司最新的失败之作,推出的第一个周末在约 2900 家影院上映,只获得1020 万美元票房。The years overriding lesson: Bold strokes, for the most part, dont pay.今年最大的教训是:大刀阔斧的尝试通常付之东流。“I hope I have the nerve to do it again,” Thomas E. Rothman, Sonys movie chairman, said of the drubbing he took on Robert Zemeckiss “The Walk,” a daring 3-D spectacle that reconstructed a tightrope stunt between the World Trade Center towers in 1974.“我真希望自己有勇气重来一遍,”索尼影业主席托马斯E罗斯曼(Thomas E. Rothman)谈起自己在罗伯特泽米吉斯(Robert Zemeckis)的 云中行走(The Walk)一片所遭到的失败。这是一部大胆的 3-D 奇观片,重现了 1974 年世贸双子塔之间行走钢索的情景。That film took in a total of $10.1 million after its release in September. Speaking at the Paley Center for Media in New York last month, Mr. Rothman noted that original movie fare was being routinely ignored by viewers, who similarly turned away from “Everest,” a 3-D thriller from Universal Pictures. Other expensive “original” movies (though sometimes based on books or other source material) that went belly up included “In the Heart of the Sea” (Warner Bros.), the retro-themed “Tomorrowland” (Walt Disney Studios) and the space adventure “Jupiter Ascending” (Warner).影片于 9 月上映,共获得 1010 万美元票房。上个月,罗斯曼在纽约帕利媒体中心指出,这部原创影片照例被观众忽略了,他们的注意力被类似题材的绝命海拔(Everest)所吸引,这是环球影业(Universal Pictures)推出的一部 3-D 惊悚片。其他昂贵而遭到失败的“原创”电影(其中有些是根据书籍或其他素材改编的)还包括华纳兄弟的海洋深处(In the Heart of the Sea)、沃尔特 迪士尼公司复古题材的 明日世界(Tomorrowland) ,以及华纳影业的太空冒险题材影片木星上升(Jupiter Ascending)。One original-minded film that bucked the trend was “The Martian,” starring Matt Damon as a kind of Robinson Crusoe on Mars. The film
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