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小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语 提供:娱乐英语 阿黛尔新歌激励六成女性联系前任Adeles new hit song Hello has become much more than just a comforting break-up anthem for women wounded by past relationships.英国歌手阿黛尔(Adele)的全新热门歌曲Hello,对于在以往恋情中受伤的女性而言,已经不单单是一首治愈的分手歌曲了。According to a new study, the track has inspired 64 percent of women to contact their exes in an attempt to make amends and get back together.一项新的研究表明,这首歌曲已经激励了 64%的女性与前任联系,为了弥补过错重归于好。The songs haunting music video, which broke Taylor Swifts previous Vevo viewing record by receiving 27.7 million views in 24 hours, sees the 27-year-old singer staring sadly out a window and checking her flip phone, while having flashbacks of her smiling ex during their relationship.HelloMV24 小时浏览量打破了泰勒斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)之前在知名视频平台 Vevo 的纪录, MV 单日浏览量高达 2770 万次。MV 中, 27 岁的歌手悲伤地凝视窗外,检查她的翻盖手机,同时倒叙她与阳光前任的恋情。But Adeles latest tune, which opens with the lyrics: Hello, its me, I was wondering if after all these years youd like to meet, To go over everything, isnt having the same effect on men.这首阿黛尔的最新歌曲开篇歌词是:“哈喽,是我,我在想时过境迁数年后,你会想久别重逢,再温往事”。不过这首歌对男性并没有产生和女性相同的效果。The study shows that only 17 percent of men surveyed felt compelled to reach out to their exes after listening to Hello.研究表明,经调查,只有 17%的男性听到Hello这首歌后,会忍不住想联系前任。The results were compiled by the dating website WhatsYourPrice.com, which polled 41,000 single men and women.这项研究结果是约会网站 WhatsYourPrice.com 根据 4.1 万单身男女投票后编写的。According to the same study, women are more open to discussing what went wrong in their relationships, while the majority of men prefer to simply move on with their lives.根据同一项研究,女性更乐于谈论恋情中出现的问题,而大多数男性则更喜欢忘掉过去重新开始。Brandon Wade, the founder and CEO of the website, through which members use cash incentives to find love, says: Women are known to base things on feelings and emotion, and the instant gratification of texting an ex may seem fulfilling in the moment.布兰登韦德是 WhatsYourPrice.com 网站的创始人和首席执行官,会员通过这个网站用金钱寻找真爱。布兰登韦德说:“众所周知,女性是感性的,而且,给前任发送短信的即时满足感似乎在那一刻满足了她们。He adds: While men may be inspired by Adeles song, they may not want to reopen old wounds by contacting an ex-girlfriend.他还提到:“男性或许会受到阿黛尔歌曲的影响,但他们可能并不想和前女友联系来揭开旧伤疤。”Adeles powerful, sepia-toned video currently has nearly 335 million views on YouTube and almost 300,000 comments.阿黛尔强大的,怀旧色调的HelloMV,目前在 YouTube 视频网站上已有近 3.35亿次浏览和近 30 万条评论。It beat out Taylor Swifts Bad Blood video for most views in a 24-hour period, and is well on its way to breaking more records.这打破了泰勒斯威夫特的单曲Bad BloodMV24 小时内的浏览量纪录,而且,Hello有望打破更多的纪录。Like the women polled in the study, many commenters said the song made them feel wistful about past relationships.与研究中参与投票的女性一样,许多评论家说Hello这首歌曲也让他们怀念起曾经的恋情。One man joked: Her music makes you miss the person you made eye contact with at the grocery store five years ago.一位男士开玩笑说:“她的歌曲让你想起那个 5 年前你在杂货店里有过眼神交流的人。”While theres been much speculation as to the ex Adele is addressing in the song, the very private singer has not given any evidence to identify the past lover.虽然有很多猜测说这首歌曲与阿黛尔的前任有关,但这个注重隐私的歌手并未提供什么有关旧爱的信息。Recently, a woman pranked her ex-boyfriend by texting him the lyrics from Hello, making him think that she wanted to get back together.最近,有位女士发送Hello的歌词短信戏弄她的前男友,让他以为她想重修旧好。
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