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19A Unit 3 Teenage problemsVocabulary 教学案Class:_ Name:_【教学目标】1. 学习如何写出自己的烦恼及如何表达情感。2. 学习如何向别人寻求建议【 教学重点、难点】学习如何写出自己的烦恼及如何表达情感【课前准备】翻译下列短语【教学过程】Step 1: Write down some phrases about “get” on the blackboardStep2、现在我们的黑板上有许多含有 get的短语,下面请各组的组长带大家用这些短语写一段文章,我们看哪一组用得最多,而且文章最通顺,最完整。Step3、你们知道吗?上面含有 get的短语还有另一种表达方法。请大家看课本 48页 A部分,你能从上面的六个词中选出一个来替代下面的 get吗?我对了_个。Step4、get 在不同的短语中时汉语意思也是不同的,请你翻译出下面 get的不同含义。get a bus_ get angry_ get a high mark _get a lot of homework_, get home late_, get a letter_step5、complete the letter written by Amy. Step6、Write a letter to your friend according to Amys letter.【要点点击】1. get (1)作及物动词,意为“得到”如:昨天我收到一封朋友的来信/邮件。I _ / _a letter/an e-mail_my friend yesterday.他在英语测验中得了高分。He _/ _a good mark in the English exam.如果我有时间的话,我会来看望你的。Ill come to see you if I_ /_ time.(2) get+间接宾语+直接宾语,意为“弄来,搞来,取来”。如:你能给我拿杯茶来吗? can you _ me a cup of tea?我给你弄点吃的吧。I ll _ _ something to eat.(3) get作连系动词,后面加形容词或不定式或现在分词或介词短语等作表语。如:天气冷了起来。The _ is _ cold.因为我晚回家,父母很生气。My parents _ /_very angry because I _ home late.get构成一系列短语,有不同的含义,有时可以用另一动词代替。翻译下列短语。2get back_ get a lot of homework _get ones lessons _ get a letter from sb._get home _ get up _get ready for_ get on/off_get used to _ get to _get dressed _get along/on well with_get a bus _ get a high mark_get in touch with 与某人取得联系2. I do not have much time to revise for tests.revise “温习 ,复习”, 等于 review。我们正在复习(功课准备)迎考 We re _ (our lessons)for the _.【达标检测】【教后感】【课后作业】四、教学过程:【自主预习】【合作学习】教学步骤:1.Ask students to skin the passage quickly .2.Read and answer(P44)(1)What is Millies favorite hobby?_(2)What is Millies problem? _(3)How does Millie feel about it? _(4)Why does Millie accept to do so much work although she does not want to?_(5)Does Millie have any hobbies? What are they?_2、Read and answer(P45)(1)When does Simon play football? _(2)What has become Simons problem? _(3)Why does Simon say his parents are strict? _(4)How does Simon feel from time to time? _(5)What does Simon think of spending some time on hobbies?3.Finish Part B and C on Page 46.【要点点击】1. I dont know how to deal with it 我不知道如何去处理它。deal with “处理” 与疑问词 how 连用。 deal-dealt -dealt你处理了一个难题。 You _ _ a difficult problem.我将怎样处理这件事情呢?3How shall I _ _ the matter?do with “处理” 与疑问词 what 连用_ shall I _ with the matter?2.I have no choice but to do 除了做作业我别无选择。 my homework.have no choice but to do 别无选择,只能choice n. 选择 choose v.我别无选择,只有把钱借给他。I had _ _ _ _ _ _ my money.含介词 but的句型中,but 前有 do,则 but后的不定式不能带 to;相反,but 前若找不到 do,则 but后的不定式必定带 to我什么也不能做只能等待。 I can do nothing but _.3. I understand that it is important to do my homework and hand it in on time, 我知道做家庭作业并且按时交是很重要的,hand in 意思是“交上、提交”。 hand in sth. hand it/them in如果你已经完成了家庭作业,请交上来。If you have finished your homework, please _ _ _.4. Sometimes, I want to refuse to do so much work, but usually I just accept it.refuse拒绝 拒绝做某事 refuse to do sth.我不愿回答那个问题。 I _ _ _ the question.accept 接受 反义词: refuse 拒绝我很高兴接受你的盛情邀请。Im _ to _ your kind _.辨析 accept 和 receive accept 不但可以表示收到某物,还有主观上“接受,领受”。receive 仅表示客观上“收到,接到”的意思。她收到了礼物,但她没有接受。She _ the gift, but she didnt _ it.5. 我经常怀疑是否值得这么用功地学习 I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard.(1) doubt v. 表示“怀疑” 在肯定句中后接 if 或 whether 引导的从句;在否定句中接 that 引导的从句。我们怀疑大卫是否说了事情的真相。We doubt_/_David told us the _.我们从不怀疑大卫的诚实。We never _ _ David is _.(2) be worth sth / doing sth 值得 worth 前可用 well,really,very much 等修饰,但一般不用very修饰。颐和园很值得一游。The Summer Palace is _ _ a _.= The Summer Palace is _ _ _.电影英雄值得一看。The film Hero _ _ _.【达标检测】【作业布置】(一)用所给词的适当形式填空1. Our English teacher is very s_with us. Hes a good teacher.42. He often o_ me some help with my English, so I can learn English well.3. If you w
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