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国家从事国际贸易,这是不可避免的。关键的国际贸易的优势和劣势进行分析,并提供例如确定各自优势和劣势。批判性地分析国家从事国际贸易,并提供具体的例子涉及国家确定每个原因的原因。另一方面,它是必不可少的国家参与国际贸易时行使一定程度的保护主义。批判性地分析国家开展贸易保护主义,讨论的方法,使他们进行特定国家确定每个原因的原因。每个原因保护主义和相关的例子,每个以何种方式进行保护主义提供了相关的例子。国际贸易的优势,相关的例子国家从事贸易相关的例子的原因贸易保护主义的原因如何开展保护主义在 21 世纪,在这个世界一体化的社会里,各国的贸易不断发展,促使着各国之间也形成了相互联系的贸易关系,最终形成了国际间的贸易一体化高效的分配和更好地利用国家资源,因为往往会产生他们具有比较优势的商品、例如,我国垄断产业,不可避免的要受到外来的冲击,汽车,通信,石油等国有企业会面临外来的竞争,其中一些会不可避免的倒掉;国外的一些腐朽思潮不可避免的会侵入,现在青年人的拜金,崇洋,与此不无关系。2004 年 1 月 1 日是北美自由贸易协定正式生效 10 周年的日子。墨西哥总统福克斯最近在接受美国商业周刊采访时指出:“10 年来,北美自由贸易区为我们带来了工作、知识、经验和技术,为我们的经济发展提供了强大的推动力。 ”是国际贸易的发展,使墨西哥目前经济总量达到 5940 亿美元,也是国际贸易的发展,使墨西哥的世界排名已由 12 年前的第15 位上升到现在的第 9 位。显然,墨西哥是国际贸易的收益者,同时,国际贸易也为墨西哥带来了不容忽视的负面影响。墨西哥国立自治大学的研究表明,北美自由贸易协定生效后,由于享受高额补贴的美国农产品潮水般地进入墨西哥市场,墨农作物种植面积已缩减了 400 万公顷,农业提供的就业机会减少了 10%。此外,美国塔夫茨大学的研究显示,目前墨西哥制造业造成的空气污染比协定签署前增加了两倍。协定生效后最初 4 年,10 多家美资林木产品公司在墨设厂,而且地点多集中在墨南部珍贵的未开发森林区,使墨西哥森林资源受到了严重威胁。Then our line of sight to Mexico. January 1, 2004 is the North American Free Trade Agreement entered into force 10 anniversary of the day. Mexicos president Fawkes recently pointed out in an American business weekly interview: for 10 years, the North American Free Trade Area brings work, knowledge, experience and technology for us, to provide a strong impetus to our economic development. Is the development of international trade, make Mexico the current economic aggregate reached $594000000000, development is one of the international trade, make Mexico a world ranking already by 12 years before fifteenth rise to ninth now. Clearly, Mexico is an international trade income, at the same time, the international trade has also brought negative influence to Mexico. A University of Nacional Autonoma Mexico study found that, the North American free trade agreement came into effect, because the United States enjoy generous subsidies for agricultural products flood into the Mexico market, Monong crop planting area has shrunk by 4000000 hectares, agricultural employment decreased by 10%. In addition, the United States Tufts University study shows, at present Mexico manufacturing industry caused by air pollution than agreement signed before increased two times. The first 4 years of the entry into force of the agreement, more than 10 American forest product company to set up factories in the ink, and more concentrated in the southern precious undeveloped forest, the forest resources of Mexico is threatened。 再看看国际贸易给非洲带来的影响。国际贸易,使世界财富急剧增加,但为什么地球的另一个角落非洲大陆,仍然在贫困中煎熬,而且贫困化的趋势在进一步加剧呢?国际贸易的发展并没有使非洲国家的贸易环境有所改善。当全球商品、资金、技术和劳动力随着经济自由化而迅速自由流动时,那些能够利用日益增长的商品和服务而跨国扩张的西方大国如虎添翼。它们一方面分享着国际贸易的成果,一方面利用不公正的国际贸易体制,不断向非洲国家政府施压,要求它们进一步开放市场,实现经济自由化和产业私有化,以便进一步掠夺当地的资源和市场,利用那里廉价的劳动力,牟取暴利。许多非洲国家为了得到经济、贸易和资金方面的优惠,被迫接受发达国家强加的苛刻条件,成为被剥削的对象。与此同时,发达国家为了保护自己的市场,设立了重重壁垒。这种不公正的贸易地位使非洲在发展经济的道路上步履维艰。国际贸易对非洲形成的挑战是巨大的,也正因如此,非洲联合自强的意识不断加强,区域合作和经济一体化的步伐不断加快,这将有助于非洲迎接经济全球化的挑战,也有助于非洲经济的发展Then have a look the effect of international trade has brought to africa. International trade, make the world wealth increase rapidly, but another corner of the earth - why Africa, suffering remain in poverty, but poverty trends in further? The development of international trade and not make Africa countries trade environmental improvements. When global commodity, capital, technology and labor with economic liberalization and rapid flow freely, those who can take advantage of the growing of goods and services and the Western powers cross-border expansion be a tiger with wings added. They share of international trade results, hand the unfair international trade system, continue to put pressure on governments in Africa, asking them to further open up the market, the realization of economic liberalization and industry privatization, in order to further exploit their resources and markets, using cheap labor, profiteering. Many countries in Africa in order to get the economic, trade and financial concessions, was forced to accept the harsh conditions imposed by the developed countries, become the object of the exploited. At the same time, the developed countries in order to protect their market, set up barriers. Trade status this injustice to Africa in road steps further economic development. The formation of international trade to Africa is a huge challenge, also because of such, Africa unity consciousness strengthen, regional cooperation and economic integration is accelerating, which will help Africa meet the challenge of economic globalization, development also helps Africa economy. 如何开展保护主义在对外贸易中实行限制进口以保护本国商品在国内市场免受外国商品竞争,并向本国商品提供各种优惠以增强其国际竞争力的主张和政策。在限制进口方面,主要是采取关税壁垒和非关税壁垒两种措施。前者主要是通过征收高额进口关税阻止外国商品的大量进口;后者则包括采取进口许可证制、进口配额制等一系列非关税措施来限制外国商品自由进口。这些措施也是经济不发达国家保护民族工业、发展国民经济的一项重要手段。对发达国家来说则是调整国际收支、纠正贸易逆差的一个重要工具。在自由竞争资本主义时期 , 较晚发展的资本主义国家,常常推行贸易保护主义政策 。 发达国家则多提倡自由贸易,贸易保护主义只是用来作对付危机的临时措施。到了垄断阶段,垄断资本主义国家推行的贸易保护主义,已不仅仅是抵制外国商品进口的手段,更成为对外扩张、争夺世界市场的手段。 Import restrictions to protect domestic goods from competition of foreign goods in the domestic market in foreign
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