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孩子在学校学不到的 27 种必备技能2013 年 03 月 02 日 09:41 沪江英语 微博 我有话说 Everyone knows that our school system, in general, is not giving our kids the basic reading, writing, rithmatic and science skills needed to be competitive in the high-tech workforce of the upcoming generation (at least, thats the general assumption, and we wont argue it here)。总的来说,我们都知道学校不能教给我们的孩子一些基本的读书,写作,算术和科学技能,这些技能是我们在即将出现的新一代高科技劳动力(至少,这是一个普遍的看法,我们不需要在这里争论)中具有竞争力的保证。But theres much more to life than those basic subjects, and unless you have an exceptional teacher who is willing to break out of the mold, your child isnt learning the crucial things he or she needs to learn in life。但是生活中我们需要远比那些基础学科更多的知识,你的孩子根本没有学会生活中需要的那些至关重要的知识,除非有一位独特的老师,他愿意去打破这种模式。Think about your own experience for a moment. When you got out of high school, did you know everything you needed in order to survive in life, let alone succeed? If you were lucky, you knew how to read and had some basic history and math skills, and if you were even luckier, you had good study habits that would serve you well in college。回顾你的切身经验,当你高中毕业时,你了解生活中的所需知识么?更不用说如何取得成功了。幸运的话,你也许知道如何阅读,并且有一些基本的历史和数学技能,甚至你还可能拥有良好的学习习惯,这将使你在大学中受益。But were you prepared for life? Most likely not, unless you had parents who did you that favor. In fact, many of us screwed up our early adult lives because we didnt know those skills and were paying the consequences now。但是,你真的准备好进入现实生活了么?也许未必,除非你的父母已经为你准备好一切。事实上,我们大部分人的早期成年生活都是一团糟,因为我们不了解所需的技能,而我们正在承受相应的后果。Thats a part of life, you might say, learning these lessons. But its also possible to prepare your child a bit before they go out on their own, and if we cant get the schools to teach these skills, then lets do it ourselves。你也许会说,这是生活的一部分从经验教训中学习。但仍可能在你的孩子独立生活之前,让他准备得充分一些。如果我们无法让学校教授那些技能,就让我们自己来负责吧。What follows is a basic curriculum in life that a child should know before reaching adulthood. There will probably be other skills you can add to this list, but at least its a starting point。以下是一张基本课程表,孩子在迈入成年生活之前都应该掌握它。也许你认为还有其他技能需要加入其中,但至少这是一个起步要求。A note on how to teach these things: These subjects should not be taught by lectures or textbooks. They can only be taught by setting examples, by conversation, by showing, and by allowing the child (or teenager) to do these things on their own (with supervision at first). Once youve talked about the skill, showed your child how to do it, and let them do it under supervision a few times, give your child the trust to do it on his own, and to learn from his own mistakes. Check back every now and then to talk about what hes learned。如何教导这些事情:这些课程无法通过讲课和课本来掌握,只能通过实例、言传身教来教导,并且要允许小孩独自去尝试(刚刚开始可以在监督下进行)。一旦你进行言传身教,并且监督他们尝试几次后,就应该给予你的孩子信任,让他自己去完成,从自身的错误中学习;另外要不时和你的孩子讨论他的学习成果。Financial 财务* Saving. Spend less than you earn. Its such a simple maxim, and yet very few young adults understand it or know how to follow it. Teach your child from a young age to put part of money he receives or earns in the bank. Teach him how to set a savings goal, and save for it, and then purchase whatever it is he was saving for。储蓄:量入为出是一句简朴的格言,然而只有极少数的青年人理解并知道如何遵循它。从小就让孩子将他的一部分零花钱存入银行,教导他如何设定储蓄目标,如何达成该目标,然后便可购买他想要的物品。* Budgeting. Many of us dread this task as adults, and suffer because of it, because we lack the understanding and skills necessary to make budgeting a breeze. Teach them simple budgeting skills, and whats involved, and they wont have problems as an adult. You could wait until teenage years to do something like this but its a good thing because this shows them why basic math is necessary。预算:许多成年人害怕做预算,并为此饱受折磨,这是因为我们缺乏做预算所需的知识和技能。教导孩子简单的预算技能,以及相关的知识,让他们成年后不在面临预算的烦恼。你可以等到孩子十几岁再教他们这些知识,这是一个很好的机会来展示为什么他们需要了解数学基础知识。* Paying bills。Give them bills to pay and have them pay it on time, online or in the real world. Learn how to write a check, paper and online, and how to make sure that youre never late with bills again either pay them immediately or automatically。支付:让孩子们支付账单,并确保他们按时支付,不论是在线支付还是实地完成。让他们学习如何写支票,包括纸张支票和在线支票;确保不会延误账单可以通过马上支付或者自动支付来完成。* Investing。What is investing and why is it necessary? How do you do it and what are different ways of doing it? How do you research an investment? How does it compound over time? This is a good conversation to have with your teen。投资:什么是投资,为什么必须进行投资?你是如何进行投资的,有哪些不同的投资手段?你是如何研究投资项目?复利如何发挥时间威力。这些都是和你孩子交谈的极佳话题。* Frugality。This is something to teach them from an early age. How to shop around to get a good deal, to compare between products of different prices and quality, to make things last and not waste, to cook at home instead of eating out too much, to control impulse buying. When we go out and do a shopping spree, including before Christmas, we are teaching them just the opposite。节省:这是从小就应该教会他们的事情。如何去货比三家,比较不同的价格和质量,对物品重复利用、减少浪费,在家煮食而不过多在外就餐,控制购物冲动。当我们外出疯狂购物,即便是圣诞节前,也会为孩子树立了一个坏榜样。* Credit。This is a major problem for many adults. Teach them the responsible use for credit, and how to avoid it when its not necessary, and how to avoid getting into too much debt, and how t
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