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1本章高频词部长级会议 工作组 加入 全面 参与 长期 不懈 努力 产生 广泛 深远 遵守 履行 承诺 回合 趋利避害 正视 存在 明显 缺陷 避免 边际化 有利于 便利化 程度 给予 商会 制定 颁布 生效 贯彻 实施 优化 扩大 能力 建立 健全 符合 通行规则 国情 体制 部长级会议:世贸组织第四次部长级会议 the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization亚太经合组织部长级会议 APEC ministerial meeting工作组:中国工作组主席吉拉德先生 Mr. Girard, Chairman of the Working Party on China恢复中国关贸总协定成员国工作组 the working group on the resumption of Chinas membership in GATT电信工作组 Telecommunications Working Group (TEL)旅游工作组 Tourism Working Group (TWG)贸易促进工作组 Working Group on Trade Promotion (WGTP)加入:中国加入世贸组织和全面参与多边贸易体制 Chinas accession to the WTO and its full participation in the multilateral trading system中国为复关和加入 WTO 作出了长期不懈的努力。China has made longstanding and unremitting efforts for resuming its GATT Contracting Party status and for acceding to the WTO加入 WTO 以后,中国将在权利与义务平衡的基础上,在享受权利的同时,遵守 WTO 规则,履行自己的承诺。After its accession, China will, on the basis of the balance between rights and obligations, abide by the WTO rules and honor its commitments while enjoying its rights.中国加入世贸组织议定书 the Protocol on Chinas Entry into the WTO全面:中国加入世贸组织和全面参与多边贸易体制 Chinas accession to the WTO and its full participation in the multilateral trading system参与:中国加入世贸组织和全面参与多边贸易体制 Chinas accession to the WTO and its full participation in the multilateral trading system中国参与了多边贸易体制由关贸总协定到世界贸易组织的历史转折。China witnessed the historical transformation of the multilateral trading system from GATT to the WTO长期:中国为复关和加入 WTO 作出了长期不懈的努力。China has made longstanding and unremitting efforts for resuming its GATT Contracting Party status and for acceding to the WTO2不懈:中国为复关和加入 WTO 作出了长期不懈的努力。China has made longstanding and unremitting efforts for resuming its GATT Contracting Party status and for acceding to the WTO努力:中国为复关和加入 WTO 作出了长期不懈的努力。China has made longstanding and unremitting efforts for resuming its GATT Contracting Party status and for acceding to the WTO继续实行以质取胜和市场多元化战略,努力扩大出口 to continue to implement the strategy of success through quality and market diversification and spare no efforts to expand exports产生:产生广泛和深远的影响 to exert wide and far-reaching impact广泛:产生广泛和深远的影响 to exert wide and far-reaching impact深远:产生广泛和深远的影响 to exert wide and far-reaching impact遵守:加入 WTO 以后,中国将在权利与义务平衡的基础上,在享受权利的同时,遵守 WTO 规则,履行自己的承诺。After its accession, China will, on the basis of the balance between rights and obligations, abide by the WTO rules and honor its commitments while enjoying its rights.履行:加入 WTO 以后,中国将在权利与义务平衡的基础上,在享受权利的同时,遵守 WTO 规则,履行自己的承诺。After its accession, China will, on the basis of the balance between rights and obligations, abide by the WTO rules and honor its commitments while enjoying its rights.承诺:加入 WTO 以后,中国将在权利与义务平衡的基础上,在享受权利的同时,遵守 WTO 规则,履行自己的承诺。After its accession, China will, on the basis of the balance between rights and obligations, abide by the WTO rules and honor its commitments while enjoying its rights.回合:乌拉圭回合谈判 the Uruguay Round negotiations/talks趋利避害:趋利避害 to avoid the disadvantages and give full play to the advantages扬长避短,趋利避害 to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses正视:我们需要正视现行多边贸易体制中存在的明显缺陷。We need to face up to the obvious defects of the existing multilateral trading system.3正视挑战 to face the challenges squarely存在:我们需要正视现行多边贸易体制中存在的明显缺陷。We need to face up to the obvious defects of the existing multilateral trading system.明显:我们需要正视现行多边贸易体制中存在的明显缺陷。We need to face up to the obvious defects of the existing multilateral trading system.缺陷:我们需要正视现行多边贸易体制中存在的明显缺陷。We need to face up to the obvious defects of the existing multilateral trading system.避免:避免一部分国家被边际化 to protect/prevent some countries against/from being marginalized避免发生贸易战 to avert/avoid a trade war边际化:避免一部分国家被边际化 to protect/prevent some countries against/from being marginalized有利于:有利于贸易投资便利化 to be conducive to trade and investment facilitation便利化:有利于贸易投资便利化 to be conducive to trade and investment facilitation贸易和投资自由化和便利化 TILF(Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation)贸易投资自由化和便利化 trade and investment liberalization and facilitation (TILF)程度:在开放的程度和速度上给予特殊处理 to render special treatment to the extent and speed of their opening信用程度/等级很差 to have a terrible/poor credit rating给予:在开放的程度和速度上给予特殊处理 to render special treatment to the extent and speed of their opening国民待遇(给予外国人和本国人一样的待遇)national treatment(giving others the same treatment as ones own nationals)商会:国际商会 the International Chamber of Commerce进出口商会 import and export chambers of commerce4制定:制定/颁布外贸法to enact/promulgate the Foreign Trade Law颁布:制定/颁布外贸法to enact/promulgate the Foreign Trade Law生效:生效 to go into/take effect; to become effective; to put/come into force贯彻:贯彻市场多元化的战略 to implement the strategy of diversifying the market实施:实施“走出去”的开放战略 to implement the opening strategy of“going global”优化:优化市场结构 to optimize the market structure信息和服务在全球范围内自由流动和优化配置 the free flow and optimized allocation of capital, technology, information and service in the global context扩大:扩大出口能力 to expand/enhance/improve the export cap
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