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Recycle 2,第二课时,Sing : Color song,点击此处,点击此处观看动画,What color is it?,What can you see?,New words,Sink:水槽/水池,Listen and color,1 Ask and answer-Whats this? / Where is the ?-Its a / Its in / on the 2 Listen and point Find the and point.,点击此处观看动画,Pair work:,Presentation,Spelling game,1 Listen and match,Practice,2 Read and circle,Where are they?,1) Wheres Father Christmas? Hes in the _. A living room B study2) Wheres the baby brother? Hes in the _. A kitchen B bedroom3) Wheres the puppy? Hes in the _. A bathroom B living room4) Wheres the mother? Shes in the _. A study B kitchen5) Wheres the father? Hes in the _. A bedroom B study,A,B,A,B,B,上一张,字母R的妙用 不知大家是否注意到,日常生活中,我们常常可以见到英文字母R,你们知道它的含义吗?电视屏幕上的R,表示慢动作重播。各种商品商标上的R表示国际通用的注册商标医生所用处方笺上的R表示取下列药。工程图纸中的R,表示圆的半径。,扩 展 资 料,
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