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Curried Beef and Rice 咖喱牛肉饭(makes 4 servings)4 人分量Ingredients:主料:1 pound flank(侧腹牛排) steak, trimmed of excess fat一磅牛排(约一斤),把肥油去掉1/2 cup green onions, chopped1 / 2 杯切碎的洋葱1 clove garlic, minced1 瓣切碎的大蒜2 tablespoons curry powder2 汤匙咖喱粉1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 茶匙盐1/4 teaspoon turmeric1 / 4 茶匙姜黄2 medium-sized tomatoes, chopped2 个不大不小的西红柿切碎2 cups cooked rice (or pasta)2 杯煮熟的米饭( 或面食)Directions:做法:1.Wash and cook rice according to package instructions.淘米做饭就可以 pass 了吧2.Cut steak diagonally(对角的 ) across the grain into thin slices.按纹理将牛排切成薄片3.Spray a large skillet with lowfat cooking spray and heat to medium-high heat. Add green onions and garlic and saut for 2 minutes then add curry powder, salt, turmeric and saut for 1 minute.在煎锅上撒少了低脂油,中火。放葱和蒜煸炒两分钟,然后加上咖喱粉,盐,和姜黄再煸炒一分钟4.Add steak and saut for 6-7 minutes or until done.加入牛排翻炒 6-7 分钟或者至牛排熟了位置5.Stir in tomatoes and reduce heat to low.放入西红柿翻炒,关小火6.Cook for 3 minutes until heated through and serve over cooked rice or pasta.炒 3 分钟至熟透后,加入米饭或者面条翻炒Done and enjoy!更多英语学习:外贸英语学习 http:/www.spiikers.com/study-trade.html
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