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第 1 页 共 3 页一、 选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的选项。( )1. cake A.bag B. make C. apple ( )2. look. A. room B. book C. soon ( )3. he A. she B. make C. puppet ( ) 4. office A. clock B. go C. so ( )5. big A. like B. five C. live 二、 补全单词并写出中文意思。1. h_ _se ( ) 2. l_ _ge ( ) 3. st_dy ( ) 4. d_n_e ( ) 5. m_ _ k ( ) 6. l_sson ( ) 7. f_m_ly ( ) 8. ch_ck_n ( ) 9. _v_ning ( ) 10. d_ck ( ) 三、 单项选择。( )1. They would like _some masks. A. buy B. to buy C. buying ( )2. I buy a card _ my friend. A. for B. to C. in ( )3. Its the _day of the new term. A. one B. first C. a ( )4. Are there _ books in the bookcase ? A. any B. some C. a ( )5. Here are some chocolate _ you. A. to B. for C. with ( )6. We can play _piano. A. a B. / C. the ( )7. They like _. A. read B. reads C. reading ( )8. How many _ are there on the desk ? A. box B. boxs C. boxes ( )9. There _ some trees and a bird in the picture. A. are B. is C. am ( )10_in your bedroom ? There is a bed in it. . A. Wheres B. Whats C. How many 四、英汉互译。(10 分) 看一看_ each other_ 在书桌下面_ good idea_在学校_ live in a new house_ 骑自行车_ a map of the world_ .他的家庭_ a Halloween party_ 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10 分) 1.There _(be) a lot of _(room) in the building. 2.The _(read room) is on the _(one) floor. 3. _(be) there _(some) _building in _ (you) school ? 4. A:Can you _(draw) a picture? B:No, I _. But Ben can. Look! He _(draw) a picture. 六、从 栏中到出与栏各句相对应的答句。(5 分) ( )1. How many masks do you need? A. Yes, there is . ( )2. Do you like pies ? B. Good idea. ( )3. How much is the pumpkin ? C. I can make a cake. ( )4. Is there a playground ? D. No, I dont. I like hamburgers. ( )5. Shall we go and play there ? E. Ten yuan, please. ( )6. Can you put a book on your head ? F. Yes , I can. ( )7. What can you make ? G. Yes, I do. ( )8. Do you like pigs ? H. I need ten masks. ( )9. What do you like ? I. We need some chocolate. 第 2 页 共 3 页( )10. What else do you need ? J. I like puppets. 七、根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词。1 “在这幢大楼里有些电脑室吗?”“是的,有。 ” - _ there _ computer rooms _ the building ? -_,there _2.“在你的房间里有什么?”“有一个沙发在床边,有一台灯在书桌上。 ” - _ in your _ ? - Theres a _ beside the bed, and theres a _ on the desk.3这个男孩会溜冰,但这个女孩不会,她会滑雪。 The _ can _ , but the _ _ . She can _ . 4 “你喜欢什么?”“我很喜欢花。 ” - _ do you _ ? -I like _very much. 5我会唱歌,我也喜欢唱歌。 I can _ and I _ _, too. 八、阅读理解并翻译。Hello, Im Helen Brown. I have a brother, Mike. My mother is a doctor and my father is a bus driver. They dont work on Saturdays and Sundays. They go swimming on Sundays. Sometimes Mike and I like playing table tennis with our friends. Sometimes we listen to music, but my parents dont , they like reading. 翻译:( )1. Helens father is a bus driver. ( )2. There are four people in Helens family. ( )3. Helens parents work from Monday to Friday. ( )4. Mike and Helen like playing football and listening to music. ( )5. Their parents like swimming and reading. 九、根据实际情况回答下列问题。1 How many students are there in your class ? _ 2 Is there a table tennis room in your school ? _ 3 What can you do ? _ 4 Are there any books in your bag ? _ 5 What is in your bedroom ? _ 第 3 页 共 3 页一, 写出下列单词相应的形式 1. is (过去式)_ 2. go (过去式)_ 3. wear(过去式) _ 4. do(过去式)_ 5. light(反义词)_ 6. small(反义词)_ 7. child(复数)_ 8. sweet (复数)_ 9. your(名词性物主代词)_ 10. my (名词性物主代词) _ 二,单项选择1. There _ a pond before A. wasnt B. werent C. isnt D. arent 2. There arent _swings here. A. a B. one C. some D. any 3. We _ going to sing and dance. A.
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