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SWZ 2009 届第一次中考模拟 学科网英 语 试 题 学科网教材版本:人教版命题范围:九年级全册 学科网注意事项: 学科网1本试题分第和第卷两部分,共 12 页。第卷 8 页为选择题;第卷 4 页为非选择题。考试时间为 120 分钟(含听力 20 分钟)。 学科网2答第卷前,务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。考试结束时,试题和答题卡一并收回。 学科网3第卷每题选出答案后,都必须用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号(ABCD)涂黑,如需改动,必须先用橡皮擦干净,再改涂其他答案。 学科网学科网第卷(选择题) 学科网一、听力部分 学科网I.听对话,找出与其相符的图片。 学科网学科网学科网学科网1.学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网2.学科网学科网学科网学科网3.学科网学科网学科网学科网4.学科网学科网学科网学科网5.学科网学科网学科网学科网II.听句子,选择适当的答语。 学科网6.A. Me too, but I had only learned 500.学科网 B. Congratulations to you.学科网C. Really? You cant do it.学科网7.A. Its hard to say.学科网B. Yes ,but only a few times .学科网C. Yes, I do.学科网8.A. OK. Here you are .学科网B. What did you say just now ?学科网C. Wait a moment .And give you some water instead.学科网9.A. When I got to school ,the class had already been on for five minutes.学科网B. So I didnt catch the school bus. 学科网C. Because I got up late.学科网10.A. No ,I have never traveled on it .学科网B. No, I have never seen such a fine ship.学科网C. Yes ,but only once.学科网III.听短文,判断下列句子的正( A ),误( B )。 学科网11.When Bob was a boy, his father always asked him to do the opposite of what he wanted him to do .学科网12.One day Bob and his father carried some bags of flour home with their donkeys .学科网13.In the middle of the river, one of Bobs bags itself slipped into the water from his donkey.学科网14.Bobs father was angry because Bob did what he had told him to do.学科网15.Bob thought his fathers orders were always stupid.学科网(注意:请同学们翻到第 9 页,找到第 II 卷第四大题,继续做听力填表题。 ) 学科网二. 语言知识运用 学科网第一节:单项选择 学科网从下面.四个选项中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳选项. 学科网16.-I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.学科网-_.学科网A. So have IB. So do IC. I have soD. I do so 学科网17. The train had left the station I got there.学科网A.as soon as B.by the time C. since D. after学科网18. They have _ since the factory opened. 学科网A. left the school B. joined the team 学科网C. become a worker D. worked here 学科网19. This is the town in I was born.学科网A. that B. who C.which D.whom 学科网20. Youve never seen such a wonderful film before, _?学科网A. havent youB. have youC. do youD. dont you 学科网21. She didnt tell us .学科网A.how is the patient学科网B.how old was the patient学科网 C.how old the patient was学科网D.how was the patient学科网22. Last year I often saw some people the snow in the street.学科网A.to sweep B.swept C.sweep D.sweeps学科网23. I think young people to go swimming in rivers.学科网A.shouldnt allow B.shouldnt be allowed 学科网C.shouldnt be allow D.allow学科网24.Im sorry I _ my homework at home.学科网Thats all right. Dont forget _it to school this afternoon. A. forgot., to takeB. forgot., to bring学科网C. left., to takeD. left., to bring 学科网25. Whose ball is this ?学科网It be hers .She never has a ball with her.学科网A.might B.must C. can D. cant 学科网26. Some young people are now _ to buy private cars.学科网A. rather rich B. very rich C. rich enoughD. enough rich 学科网27. Tony often makes his sister , but this time he was made by his sister.学科网A. cry; cry B.crying;crying C.to cry;cry D.cry; to cry学科网28.- My brother plays football every Sunday.学科网-Oh? But he hate playing football.学科网A. used to B. was used to C. uses to D.is used to学科网29.-Would you like some more rice ?学科网-Yes ,but just .学科网A.a few B.little C. a little D. lots of学科网30. I to Beijing if I time next weekend .学科网A.will go; will have B. go; will have C.will go ; have D. will go ; will have第二节:完形填空 阅读下面短文,从每小题 A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。 Miss Joan was a kindergarden ( 幼儿园 )teacher who taught in a small village school.She always worked long hours to prepare interesting_31_for her students .She also helped the other teachers ,giving them many good _32_to help them teach better .She loved her students and they loved her,too.Yes ,in many ways she was nearly perfect._33_,she did have two small shortcomings( 缺点).First,she would always _34_snacks in her desk. Sometimes the food attracted mice and other unwanted guests.Her the other shortcoming was that she was _35_afraid of snakes .She would not allow anyone in her class to _36_pictures of snakes or even say the word .She was even afraid when her kids were _37_about words that start with the letter S.One day these two things came _38_.A teacher _39_knew about Miss Joans two shortcomings decided to make fun of her .He bought a toy snake in a shop .When Miss Joan wasnt in the classroom ,he took away some of her snacks and put the toy snake_40_her desk instead. When Miss Joan took out the snack to eat ,she saw a toy snake .She was too frightened to move ,and from then on she never hid snacks in her desk.31.A. film B. meal C. question D. lessons32.A. friends B. papers C dreams D. ideas33.A. However B.Because C.So D. Even if34.A. hide B. steal C. buy D. eat35.A. never B. hardly C. really D
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