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1主题: 中国文化一典型句段翻译(1) 中国是一个有五千年文明历史的国家, 从历史文化来了解和认识中国, 是一个重要的视角。China is a country with five-thousand years civilization. Therefore it is very important to approach China from a historical and culture perspective.(2) 明清两个朝代,封建统治者实行闭关锁国政策, 阻碍了中国的进步和中外交流。During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Feudal ruler adopted a policy of seclusion, which consequently hampered Chinas progress and exchange with the worldwide. (3) 中国拥有广大的市场和发展需求,日本拥有先进的科学技术和巨大的物质力量, 两国之间有着很强的经济互补性。China boasts huge market and great demand for development, while Japan owns advanced technology and science as well as enormous material strength, hence the two countries are greatly complementary to each other economically 一个繁荣、富强的中国, 一个稳定的中国比一个动乱的、贫穷的、落后的中国要对无论美国也好、无论对亚太地区也好、无论对世界也好, 是有好处的、是有益的。这个应该说是积极的。A prosperous, powerful and stable China is better to the United States, Asia-Pacific, and the world than a turbulent, poor, and backward China. So its quite positive.(5) 在新的一年里, 我们要充满希望, 我们要多干实事, 我们要为公司的发展添砖加瓦。In this New Year, we must keep a hopeful mind and take practical action. By doing so, we should contribute our bits to our corporates development.(6) 我们引进了九台设备,一共 150 万元, 拿到工厂一放就是两年 , 用都没用过。We have imported 9 machines, which cost us 1,500,000 RMB. However they were installed in the factory two years ago, and remain unused ever since.(7) 那里有一堆书, 你爱看哪本就挑哪本。There are a heap of books, you can choose whichever you like to read. (8) 我们应该牢牢把握中美关系的大局, 要善解决分歧, 不断朝着增进了解、扩大共识、发展合作、共创未来的目标前进。We should firmly hold the overall interests of Sino-US relations and Settle our differences properly, so as to reach the goal of promoting mutual understanding, broaden common ground, developing corporation and building a future together(9) 我们应该相互尊重,相互学习, 取长补短, 共同进步。We should respect e and learn from each other, so as to draw upon each others strong points and offset each others weakness for achieving commonly progress.2一句多译讲解(1) 神农追赶野兔而累出一身汗,口干舌燥,尝了一口泛黄的开水,顿时口舌生津,精神一振。Emperor Shennong was sweaty and thirty after chasing the hare. Then he took a sip of the yellowish boiled water, only to find its tasty and refresh him immediately.(2) 中国人喜欢在闲暇时择雅静之处,泡一壶茶,自斟自饮,藉以消除疲劳、陶冶性情、振奋精神。(3) 茶本身存在着一种从形式到内容,从物质到精神,从人与物的直接关系到成为人际关系的媒介,逐渐形成传统东方文化中的一朵奇葩中国茶文化。(4) 书法蘸墨即成,无法再三修改。优秀的书者须对字形结构、墨迹淡浓、持笔力度、纸张吸力等了然于胸,书写过程中稍有迟疑,就会在纸上留下黑点,整个书写的版面顷刻间就遭到破坏。 2(5) 因此,书者要有规划、熟章法,达到思与行、智力与体力的统一,这样运笔的时候才能脑、眼、心、手齐动,行云流水,一气呵成。(6) 构成人物的笔画与汉字的“京”十分相像,用优美的中国传统书法的独特字体完成,它代表主办城市中国的首都北京。(7) 奥运会会徽这一例子体现了古老的书法文化在从实用层面上升到审美的层面的当代社会意义。讲解(1)此句是通过语序的手段来体现汉语句子意合的特点。句子其实是一连串事情的描述,但是完全没有用到连词。在翻译成英文的时候,我们要先理清各小句之间的关系,然后补充相应的连接词来体现英语的形合。译文一:分段切块,连接前后,组成一句。神农追赶野兔而累出一身汗(A ) ,口干舌燥(B) ,尝了一口泛黄的开水 (C),顿时口舌生津,精神一振。 (D)A: After chasing the hare, Emperor Shennong was soaked in sweat andB: thirsty soC: he sampled a mouthful of the yellowish boiled water, whichD: was tasty and refreshed him immediately.译文中的黑体部分是介词和连词。这两类词是英语形合的体现, 翻译的时候需要把这些词语补上, 这样句子才能连起来。译文二:分成小句, 弄清关系, 组成数句。神农追赶野兔而累出一身汗, 口干舌燥 (A), 尝了一口泛黄的开水, 顿时口舌生津, 精神一振。(B)A: Emperor Shennong was soaked in sweat and thirsty after he had run after the hare.B: He could not help but to sip from the yellowish boiled water, only to find that the thirst was quenched and he was refreshed.这种方式的翻译仍需要运用连接词和词组来体现形合的特点, 但与译文一不同的地方在于单句的长度。一般而言,译文一比较接近原文的顺序, 没有打乱原语序, 减少了处理难度。而译文二则需要更多的精力来安排小句的各组成部分, 但好处是便于把握信息, 不会像译文一那样因句式结构略显复杂而产生干扰。 (2)汉语虽然是意合的语言, 但并不表示汉语里面没有使用形合的手段。译员要善于从汉语的一些关系词来挖掘小句之间的联系。请注意下面加粗体的词语或词组以及下文的分析。中国人喜欢在闲暇时(A)择雅静之处, 泡一壶茶, 自斟自饮 (B), 籍以消除疲劳、陶冶心情、振奋精神。(C)A 是一个表示时间地点的状语 , B 是表示具体行动, C 是该行动的三个目的。根据上面分析的关系, 我们翻译时仍然有两种方式可选。译文一 :顺其关系, 一一对译。When Chinese people are free, they will pick a quiet and comfortable place and brew a pot of tea for self-enjoyment so that they can eliminate the fatigue, cultivate a good mood and get refreshed.译文二 :破其关系,分句处理。Chinese people would like to pick a quiet and comfortable place and brew themselves a pot of tea, if time allows. This enjoyable practice will ease them from fatigue, uplift the spirit and by large induce a good mood.(3)这句话的内容多, 关系难以马上弄清楚, 也是汉语意合的又一例子。因此我们要理清楚各信息点之间的联系。茶本身存在着一种(A) 从形式到内容 (B), 从物质到精神 (C), 从人与物的直接关系到成为人际关系(D)的媒介, 逐渐形成传统东方文化的一朵奇葩中国茶文化 (E)。如果按照西方 “ 从概括到分述”的思维习惯, 那么我们在连续传译的时候先带出总结性的结论(E), 然后再分述 3(A)是由(B)(C)(D) 三个部分组成的。于是有 :译文一:Chinese tea culture is an exotic embodiment, flourishing in the traditional oriental cultures. It serves as the intermediary, bridging the form and the content, the material and the spirit, people-to-material relation and interpersonal relations.若是按原文顺序来翻译,那么就要把原来的句子切分成几个分句来处理。译文二:Tea in itself embodies the development from form to content, from material to spirit, form people-to-material relation to interpersonal relation. Such intermediary function distinguishes tea culture as exotic in the traditional oriental cultures.(4)这是由两个句子组成的一个意群, 其中没有使用任何一个连接词, 充分体现了中文句子意合的特点。在看原文的时候, 必须迅速分析并记录各部分之间的关系。其关系可以补充如下:(因为) 书法蘸墨即成,无法再三修改。(所以) 优秀的书者须对字形结构、墨迹淡浓、持笔力度、纸张吸力等了然于胸, (如果) 书写过
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