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译协研讨会热词中英对照(一) 2011-01-07 16:03 前不久,中国译协对外传播 翻译委员会第 21 届中译英研讨会在北京举行。本届会议由中国日报社承办。会上专家们讨论了最近两年出现的 新词的翻译,这些词中有些是政府文件词汇,反映了中国政府的新政策,极富中国的时代特色;有些是迅速传播起来的网络热词,这些词语构词方式独特、简单新颖、内涵丰富,反映了当代中国年轻人的一种生活方式、心态和网络文化现象。下面我们就来看看一些文化词汇如何翻译吧。1.在这举世瞩目的世博年in this remarkable year of Shanghai Expo2.大型实景歌舞演出real-scene musical extravaganza/musical on the site3. 高雅艺术high art, serious arts, classical art forms4.提高全民文明素质、文化素质improve the civility and cultural level of the populace/improve education on culture, civility and arts5.人文交流cultural and people-to-people exchange6.各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同Appreciate the culture/values of others as do to ones own, and the world will become a harmonious whole./Everybody cherishes his or her own culture/values, and if we respect and treasure others culture/values, the world will be a harmonious one.7.国家级文化生态保护区National Cultural Ecology Reserve/National Reserve for Cultural Ecology8. 国家文化产业示范基地National Cultural Industry Demonstration Base9. 国家重大历史题材美术创作工程(大型主题性艺术创作工程)National Project of Artworks on Major Historical Themes (a large art commission project on the specific theme of)10.动漫产业cartoon and animation industry/animation industry11.山西文化艺术精品晋京献礼演出、全国农村题材小戏调演、文化部首届优秀保留剧目大奖tribute to Beijing: selected art performances from Shanxi, selected art performances from around the nation on rural themes, first MOC theater repertoire grand prize12.覆盖城乡的公共文化体育服务体系a nationwide network of public cultural and sports services13.文化单位转企改制,扶持骨干文化企业,培育新型文化业态corporatization of cultural entities, supporting leading cultural companies, fostering emerging cultural industries14. 是深化改革开放、加快转变经济发展方式的攻坚时期a hard-battle period for deepening reform and opening-up and accelerating the transformation of economic development pattern (economic restructuring and upgrading)15.提高文化产业规模化、集约化、 专业化水平,打造中华民族文化品牌increase the levels of scale economy, intensive management and specialization of cultural industries, create brand name Chinese cultural products16.在非物质文化遗产保护方面,以建立项目名录、保护项目为主要工作抓手take the designation of heritage lists and heritage items as leverage for the protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage17. “感受遗产 中国 非物 质文化遗产数字化成果展”,“走进西藏”In Touch with Heritage: Digitization of Chinas Intangible Cultural Heritage, Getting to Know Tibet/ Discover Tibet/ Deep into Tibet/Embrace Tibet18. 思想性、艺术性、观赏性相统一,人民群众喜 闻乐见 的精品力作creative works with depth of thinking, artistry and public appeal/high quality and publicly welcome arts with ethic, artistic and aesthetic values/inspiring, entertaining and artistically nurturing works of art19.大题材、大画面、大制作、大手笔作品epic productions with significant themes and impressive visual effects20.坚决抵制庸俗、低俗、媚俗之风fight against different forms of vulgarism in culture21.温家宝总理关于非物质文化遗产的讲话: “人之文明,无文象不生,无文脉不传。无文象无体,无文脉无魂”No human civilization could exist without its tangible heritage, or its body; nor could it be passed on without its intangible heritage, or its soul.22.韬光养晦,有所作为keep a low profile and make positive contributions23.在中国发展道路上,需要解决“挨打”、“挨饿”、“挨骂” 的问题better defense, better life, better image24. 农家乐rural inn/farm stay/agritainment25.“被”is unwittingly declared/rendered译协研讨会热词中英对照(二) 2011-01-13 18:08 上次我们学习了一下第 21 届中译英研讨会上讨论的文化词汇的 翻译,今天我们来看一下一些我们耳熟能详的网络热词怎么翻译吧。1. 团购group-buying/team-buying(参考)groupon=group coupon2. 秒杀seckill(参考)instant kill/ instant buy/flash buy/snatch buy/panic buy3. 酒后代驾designated driver=DD(与“酒后”有关系)(参考)substitute driver(意 义更广泛,不一定是 “酒后”)引申:劝酒:(参考)courtesy drinking/Chinese-style toast罚酒:(参考)forfeit drinking敬酒 toast of respect/propose a toast4. 桌游board role-playing games;(参考)RPG ( role-playing games)/table-top games(包括 board games, RPG, etc.)5. 被就业/被代表be said to have found jobs/be said to be represented(参考)be declared/be alleged/allegedly6. 裸捐、裸官、donate his entire fortune to charity after his death (all-out donation)(参考) naked officials(第一次出现时,后面一定要加解释)7. 裸婚naked marriage(第一次出现时,后面一定要加解 释)(参考)simplistic marriage/bare-handed marriage8. 胶囊公寓capsule apartment9. 游街示众shame parade/public shaming9. 名著翻拍remake/re-produce10. 拜金女material girl引申:傍大款的人 gold digger被傍的大款 sugar daddy 11. 富士康“几 连跳”(参考)copycat suicide12. 地沟油swill-cooked dirty oil(参考)hogwash oil/waste oil/recycled cooking oil(后面可跟解 释)13. 诈捐unfulfilled payment(参考)骗捐: charity fraud14. 蜗居dwelling narrowness(电视剧剧名的译文)/dwelling in a narrow space/pigeonhole/humble abode/poky room(参考)snail dwelling/snail house15. 蚁族(参考)city ants/antizen译协研讨会热词中英对照(三) 2011-01-18 16:21 2010 年出现的很多网络热词都跟人们的生活有关,比如小产权房、家电下乡、打酱油、宅女宅男等。前不久,专家们在第 21 届中译英研讨会上讨论了一下这些词的 翻译,今天我们一起来看一下吧。1. 住房空置率(参考) (housing) vacancy rate(宾馆)(参考)occupancy rate 入住率2. 点钞费(coin-) counting fee3. 囤地land hoarding(参考) land reserves(储备 地)4. 小产权房(参考) houses with limited property rights(参考)house with incomplete property rights(参考)apartment with incomplete property rights5. 阶梯计价differential pricing/tiered pricing6. 转型跳槽career shifting(参考)career hopping/job change7. 三网融合(电讯,电话,互联网“三网” )three network convergence/TCI convergence8. 火车票实名制real name ticket booking system9
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