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1第 3 课时Unit 3 Lets celebrate!, 7A一.【精挑细选短语】1. dress up as a ghost 扮鬼,dress up as Monkey King 扮美猴王 (p38)【知识链接】dress up 穿上盛装(dress up 不能直接加宾语),dress up as扮成,dress up in穿dress up in white trousers 穿白裤子,dress oneself in衣服,(某人自己)穿【用法拓展】dress n.连衣裙;衣服 e.g. evening dress 晚礼服 vt. dress sb 给某人穿衣服,e.g. The child is old enough to dress himself. get dressed 穿衣服,e.g. Get up and get dressed.起床穿衣服了。注意:动词 dress 之后只能接人,不能接服装名称。2. eat mooncakes and enjoy the moon 吃月饼、赏月 (p39)3. tell me about the Mid-Autumn Festival 告诉我关于中秋节的事情tell sb about sth (p40)4. have a special party on October 31st 在 10 月 31 日举行一次特别的聚会5. play a game called “trick or treat” 做一个叫作“不招待就使坏”的游戏【知识链接】a gamed called一个叫作的游戏,过去分词短语 called作后置定语修饰名词 game;过去分词短语作定语含有被动意味。类似的有:a boy called Tom6. knock at peoples doors 敲人家的门【知识链接】knock vi.敲 knock at/on敲(门窗等) e.g. knock at /on the window敲门/敲窗 n.敲门(窗等 )声 e.g. There was a knock at/on the door.Someone knocked at/on the door.【用法拓展】knock sb down/over 打倒(或击倒、撞倒)某人, knock sb off 杀死(或除掉)某人7. give us a treat 招待我们give sb a treat 招待某人【知识链接】give us some candy as a treat=give us a treat of some candy 用糖果招待某人give sb sth as a treatgive sb a treat of sth 用某物招待某人8. play a trick on sb play tricks on sb 戏弄/捉弄某人【用法拓展】a trick question 容易使人上当的问题,a card trick 纸牌游戏9. wear special costumes with masks 穿着带面具的特制(特别)服装 wear a tiger costume10. make our own special pumpkin lanterns 自制我们自己特别的南瓜灯 (p41)11. cut out the eyes, the noses and the sharp teeth (在南瓜上)挖出眼睛、鼻子和锋利的牙齿12. have hot drinks and eat lots of nice, hot food 喝热饮料,吃许多好吃的热辣食物【知识链接】drink 作不可数名词时,意思是“饮料” ;作可数名词时,泛指一份或一杯饮料。have a drink 喝杯饮料, have a drink of喝Can I have a drink of water?我能喝杯水吗?drink too much (指酒)喝得太多;Dont drink and drive.切勿酒后驾车。(注意该句中的连词 and)【用法拓展】soft drinks 软饮料(指不含酒精的饮料),如:Coke, Fanta, Sprite13. make a lantern out of a pumpkin 用南瓜做灯笼makeout of用制作 (p43)14. have a long holiday 放长假summer holiday 暑假,winter holiday 寒假 (p45)215. a model train 火车模型,model 用在中心名词之前,类似的有:a toy plane (p48)16. people in the West 西方人,celebrate Halloween in many ways 以许多方式庆祝万圣节前夜17. make lanterns out of big orange pumpkins 用大的橙色南瓜做灯笼 (p54)18. buy Simon a present 给西蒙买个礼物 (p55)【知识链接】buy sb sthbuy sth for sb 给某人买某物,类似的有: make sb sthmake sth for sb二 【百里挑一词汇】1. 常见的东西方节日:Chinese New YearSpring Festival 春节,Dragon Boat Festival 端午节,Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节,Tomb-sweeping Day 清明节,Lantern Festival 元宵节,Christmas 圣诞节,Thanksgiving Day 感恩节,Easter 复活节,Halloweenthe eve of All Saints Day 万圣节前夜,All Saints Day 万圣节, New Years Day 元旦,May Day 五一劳动节,Childrens Day 儿童节,Teachers Day 教师节,Nurses Day 护士节,National Day 国庆节。2. 糖果: candy candies(AmE),sweet sweets(BrE)。candy, sweet 既是可数名词又是不可数名词。3. coming adj.即将到来的,作定语或表语,e.g. We are getting ready for the coming entrance exams.4. Chinese New Year Celebrations 庆祝春节,Chinese New Year Party 春节晚会see/watch Chinese New Year Party,Chinese food 中国菜traditional Chinese food 传统的中国菜,lion dance 舞狮子watch the loin dance,music and dance from 9 p.m. to midnight 晚上 9 点至午夜歌舞演出,fireworks 烟火表演let off/set off fireworks 放烟火,Chinatown, New York 纽约唐人街,find more on New York Radio 详情请收听纽约电台 (p50)5. 圣诞节相关词汇:Christmas 圣诞节,Christmas Day 圣诞节,Christmas tree 圣诞树,Christmas card 圣诞卡,Christma s stocking 圣诞袜子,Father ChristmasSanta Clause 圣诞老人6. 一年四季:spring 春季,summer 夏季,autumn 秋季,winter 冬季7. 12 个月份及缩写形式:JanuaryJan 一月, FebruaryFeb 二月, MarchMar 三月, AprilApr 四月, MayMay 五月, JuneJun 六月, JulyJul 七月, AugustAug 八月, SeptemberSept 九月, OctoberOct 十月, NovemberNov 十一月, DecemberDec 十二月三.【五星必背句型】1. What do we do for Halloween?我们做什么迎接万圣节前夜? (p40)【知识链接】What do we do for? e.g. What do you do for the coming Shanghai EXPO?2. Sometimes we paint our faces and people do not know who we are. (p40-p41)【知识链接】paint vt.给涂色,people do not know who we are,注意宾语从句 who we are 的语序。3. Happy Halloween! 类似的庆祝节日用语:Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!4. People in the USA have a party on October 31st to celebrate Halloween. (p42)【知识链接】动词不定式短语 to celebrate Halloween 作目的状语。celebrate vt.庆祝,祝贺 e.g. Many friends celebrate his birthday every year. celebrated adj.著名的famous The place is celebrated/famous for its beautiful scene. 3celebration n.庆祝;庆典 复数形式为 celebrations 5. At Christmas we get cards and presents. On Thanksgiving Day we eat turkey. At Dragon Boat Festival we eat rice dumplings. At Mid-Autumn Festival we eat mooncakes.6. Here is what I do every day. 这就是我每天所做的事。 (p46)7. Our club meeting starts at four oclock in the afternoon and finishes at five.【知识链接】start, finish 是不及物动词,不用被动语态。finish sth 完成某事,finish doing sth 做完某事,e.g. finish reading the book8. Which would you like? Id like this yellow one.【知识链接】would like sth 想要某物,would like to do sthwant to do sthfeel like doing sth 想做某事would like sb to do sthwant sb to do sth 想让某人做某事9. Where are you going on holiday? We are going to Guilin.【知识链接】go toon holiday 去某地度假,e.g. They went to Qingdao on holiday last summer.10. We get some red packets and theres always some money in them. (p49)【知识链接】get red
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