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1九年级(上)册练习册里的短语、词组和重点句子Module OnePhrases1. listen up 注意听 2.write down 写下 3.write a diary 写日 记 4.do some reviews 对做评论 5.do an interview 做一个访问 6.get good grades 取得好成绩 7.get out of 从内出来 8.on the edge of 在边缘 9.at the bottom of 在底部 10. look down 向下看 11. look across 向对面看 12. look to ones left/right 向某人的左右 侧看 13. the dance club 舞蹈俱乐部 14. a school magazine 一份校刊Sentences1. Thats news to me! 我一点儿都不知道!2. How far/long/deep/wide is it? 有多远/ 深/宽?3. I knew it was there, but there was nothing to see.我知道它就在那儿,但却什么也看不到。4. I looked carefully over them, but it was still too dark to see. 我从上面仔细看它们,但天仍然太黑,以至于什么也看不到。5. If you put the three tallest buildings in the world at the bottom of he canyon, they still wont reach the top.如果你把世界上最高的三座大楼放在谷底,它 们仍然不能达到谷顶。Module TwoPhrases1. as far as 至于,就2.not any more 不再 3. think about 思考, 认为 4.sound like 听起来像 5. go on 继续 6. a bit 一点 7. be influenced by 被影响 8. be known as 作为而出名 9.in fact 事实上10.run away 逃跑 11.get lost 迷路 12.ones own 某人自己 13.be surprised/pleased to 感到吃惊高兴 14. be afraid to 害怕 15.be punished for 因而受到惩罚 16. bad behavior 坏行为 17. everyday English 日常英语 18. in the 19th century 在 19 世纪 19. decide to do sth. 决定做什么 20. be thought to be 被认为是 21. make sb./sth.+ adj. 使/ 导致.怎么样?22. be/have something(nothing)to do with. 和某人/某事有(无) 关Sentences1.Confucius works are still read by many people today, and we are still influenced by his thoughts.今天仍有很多人在读孔子的著作,我 们也仍然受到他思想的影响。2. Hes a lovely and clever young boy, and he finds himself in many exciting adventures.他是一个活泼聪明的小男孩,并且经历了众多令人兴奋的惊险事情。3. Everyone is surprised to see him but theyre also pleased to see alive.每个人看到他都很惊讶,但是看到他活着他们也很高兴。4. The theme of the story is to do with children growing up and becoming more serious.故事的主题是关于孩子们的成 长以及他们如何变得更加成熟。Module ThreePhrases1. look tired 看起来很累 2. the School Basketball Competition 校篮球赛 3. be /play against 与比赛 4. stand for 代表 5. be defeated 被打败 6. a tough match 一场艰苦的比赛 7. be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事 8. a sporting hero 一名体育英雄 9. a symbol of 一个标志 10. well known 闻名 11. an overnight success 一夜成功 12. set up 成立 13. be compared with与相比较 14. in the same year 在同一年 15. the Asian Games 亚运会 16. find out 发现,找到 17. first of all 首先 18. now that 既然 19. encourage sb. To do sth 鼓励某人做某事Sentences1. Dont let them get to you. 不要让他们影响你!2. What does stand for? 代表什么?3. What was the score? 分数是多少?4. You were defeated by你们被打败了。25. What sports do you like? 你喜欢什么运动?6. I think were so good that well be asked to play in the Olympic games. 我认为我们很棒,棒得可以被邀请参加奥运会呢。7. Liu Xiang will be advised by his coach on how to be a great sportsman, and by his manager on how to be a star. 刘翔的教练会建议他如何成为一个伟大的运动员,而他的经纪人则会建议他如何成为一个明星。8. No, Liu Xiang will go for more medals for China because he was trained for gold!不,刘翔将要为中国夺取更多的金牌,因为他是为金牌而 训练的!Module FourPhrases1. ask a favour 请求帮助 2. would like to do sth. 想要做某事 3. on the visit to 到参观 4. take some photos 拍些照片 5. from now on 从现在开始 6. be replaced by 被.替代 7. a couple of 几个 8. see to 负责,注意 9. turn off 关闭 10. on ones way to .在.路上 11. the 19th century 19 世纪 12. at a time 一次 13. by hand 用手 14. as a result 结果 15. at the beginning of 在开始 16. rather than 胜于 17. in a way 从某种程度上讲 18. compared with 与相比较 19. in the future 在将来 20. such as 例如 21. so that 以至于Sentences1. It doesnt matter. 没关系。2.Ill see to that. 我会负责的。3. Whats wrong with? .怎么?4. Is that clear? 明白(清楚)了吗?5. Here it is. 给你。6. But you must promise that it wont be lent to anyone. 但是你必须保证不借给任何人。7. Paper and printing have been used for ages. 纸和印刷术已经被使用多年了。8. It can be read on screen. 它可以在荧屏上被阅读。9. Can we imagine life without paper or print?我们可以想象一下没有纸和印刷术的生活吗?10. These machines are smaller and lighter than books so that they can be carried very easily.这些机器比书小也比书轻,所以它 们易于携带。Module FivePhrases1. above all 首先 2. look forward to 盼望 3. go upstairs/downstairs 上、下楼4. pay attention to 注意 5. for example 例如 6. comparewith 与相比较7. as well 也 8. on ones own 某人自己 9. kind of 有点10. the Science Museum 科学博物馆 11. talk about 谈论 12. try out 尝试13. work out 解决 14. learn about 学习 15. fillwith用把装16. a kind of 一种 17. push a button 按按钮 18. drop in 顺便拜访Sentences1.come on 过来,快点! 2. Dont 不要3. You must/mustnt你不能,一定不能4. You arent allowed to不允许你 5. Whats the matter? 怎么了?6. Hurry up! 赶快! 7. Hang on a minute! 等一会儿!8. This way! 这边走。 9. No wonder it looks real. 怪不得看起来像真的。10. Its a great way to learn about science because you work things out and try out ideas这是学习科学知识的好方法,因 为你自己解决问题,然后尝试自己的想法。3Module SixPhrases1. in fact 事实上 2. thousands of 成千上万 3. throw away 扔掉 4. save energy 节约能源5. such as 例如,比如 6. turn off 关闭 7. think about 考虑 8. help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事 9. care about sth./doing sth.关心 10. instead of 代替 11. air conditioning 空调 12. plastic bags 塑料袋 13. do harm to 对有害 14.make a difference to 对有影响(很重要) 15. asas possible 尽可能的 16. change into把变成 17. find out 找出, 查明 18. take part in 参加 19.make from由制造Sentences1. sth. cost sb. some time/money to do 某物花费某人(时间,钱)2. Its better to do sth. 做某事
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