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Lesson Five,The Evolution Wars (Time, August 15, 2005),Part I. News Writing,What is news?News can be defined as two types: broad-sense news and narrow-sense news.By broad-sense news, it refers to all articles put on in mass media.By narrow-sense news. It only refers to objective reportage on newly-happened events,Definitions vary from country to country. There are no universal definition accepted by the global mass media.,Part I. News Writing,In China, the government requires that mass media plays the role in publicizing, educating and inspiring people.In spite of differences, the characteristics of news are universal, that is, reporting new facts and passing on various information.Mass media in Western countries play the role in providing information, educating, reform, entertainment, inspiration and so on.According to Western mass media, the value of news includes: activities of VIPs and celebrities, government activities, rare and odd events (sex affairs and scandals), and new social trends.,Part I. News Writing,News factors are: importance, timeliness, novelty and interest.By timeliness, news can also be classified into 3 types: hard news, soft news and news in middle.Hard news is not only fresh, but also serious and objective in coverage.Soft news is relax in tone, usually with human interest involved.News in middle is something between the two.,Part I. News Writing,The pillar for modern news are: seeking novelty and arousing sensation. The saying goes: It is not news when a dog bites a man, but absolutely news when you find a man bites a dog.There is a tendency across the world: “Bad or negative” news, such as crimes, natural disasters, has news value, considered “good” news. Therefore, if you pick up a newspaper, you will find “bad” news outnumbers “good” news.Another interpretation of news is: the word NEWS is the “Acronym” for north, east, west and south.,Part II. Text: The Evolution Wars,1. Introductory Remarks: In 1859, Charles Robert Darwin, in his book “On Origin of Species” put forward his theory of biological evolution, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individuals ability to compete, survive and reproduce. Darwinism can be best marked as “selection through nature” and “survival of the fittest”.Although the theory of evolution has been accepted as basic theory in textbooks of public schools, it has been challenged ever since its birth.,Part II. Text: The Evolution Wars,In 2005, the theory of evolution was challenged by “intelligent design”, which is an variation of Bible claim “God creates man.”Intelligent design: the assertion that some features of living things are best explained as work of a designer rather than the result of a random process like natural selection.This evolution war not only involves religious people, but politicians, even George W, Bush as well.,2. Questions & Suggested Answers,1. What will happen in the public high school in rural Dover in the late fall? Why do scientists feel horrible about it? (The public high school in rural Dover will announce its challenge to Darwins evolution theory. Scientists feel horror, because such challenge may shake or overthrow the very basic foundation of science.)2. What is President Bushs attitude towards “intelligent design”?What is the effect of his attitude?(President Bush allows the issue into discussion. Although his position seems fair-minded, his tolerance indicates his support for “intelligent design.” The effect of his attitude is bad, for it may cause their involvement in pseudo-science issue.),2. Questions & Suggested Answers,3. Has evolutionism been well accepted in America since its birth? What was the “monkey trial”? (No. American people find it hard to accept evolutionism, because many Americans believe in God. Tennessee fanned the teaching of evolution and convicted school teacher John Scopes of violating that ban in the “monkey trial” of 1925.)4. What are the problems with Darwins theory, according to the advocates of “intelligent design”? (They assert that living things are simply too exquisitely complex to have evolved by a combination of chance mutations and natural selection. On the other hand, they focus on missing pieces in the fossil record, particularly the Cambrian period.),2. Questions & Suggested Answers,5. Do earlier anti-Darwinists and the proponents of “intelligent design” hold the same point of view? Why? (No. In contrast to earlier opponents to Darwin, many proponents of intelligent design accept some role for evolution-heresy to some creationists. They are also careful not to bring God into discussion, preferring to keep primarily to the language of science. Because this may also help them avoid the legal and political pitfalls of teaching creationism.)6. Why do many scientists resist engaging in new evolution war? (Many scientists have been reluctant to engage in a debate with advocates of intelligent design, because to do so would legitimize the claim that theres a meaningful debate about evolution.),
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