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01.You have no assignment s for the weekend, but dont forget your composition for next week.本周没有作业,但是请你不要忘记下周的作文。02.I think Ill apply to Yale University first and see if they have any scholarships.我想要首先申请耶鲁大学,看一下他们是否提供奖学金。03.A recent survey found that 57% of 3,479 students feel that our education system is too examination-oriented.最近的调查表明 3479 的人中有 57%的人认为我们的教育太过应试化。04.As the examinations are coming closer, senior students feel increasing pressure from teachers and parents.随着考试的临近,高三的学生感觉到来自老师和家长们越来越多的压力。05.I like my job as a tourist guide very much because I like to deal with people.我非常喜欢做导游,因为我喜欢与人打交道。06.People looking for a job usually have to write around before they can get an interview.找工作的人一般要投递很多简历才能得到一次面试的机会。07.Mrs Jones lives on her own and has to look after her two children alone.琼斯女士一个人生活,不得不自己照顾他的两个孩子。08.Juvenile delinquency is on the increase, with over 15% of serious crimes being committed by children under the age of 17.青少年犯罪日益增加,严重犯罪当中超过 15%是年龄 17 岁以下的孩子所犯的。09.Im afraid youve failed the driving test because you dont know the Highway Code.恐怕你不能通过驾驶考试,因为你不知道公路规则。10.The train derailed 35 miles short of London, resulting in 35 deaths.火车在伦敦 35 英里处脱轨,造成 35 人死亡11.More people have been leaving their cars in designated areas outside a city and catching a bus into the city center.越来越多的人将车停在城市外指定车位,然后搭公交车去城市中心。12.The policeman gave me a heavy fine and two points on my licence.警察沉重的罚款并在我的驾照上扣了 2 分。13.Humans are responsible for nearly every loss of species in the past few thousand years.在过去的几千年,人类几乎要为每一个灭绝的物种负责仍。14.The reduction in woods areas has already led to increased flooding, water-shortages in the dry seasons and the loss of farmland.森林面积的减少,已经导致了越来越多的洪水,在旱季的缺少,水分的缺少导致农田的损失。15.As much as 70% of the woods in Asia will be gone in 20 years unless actions are taken now to save them.如果现在不马上采取行动,不挽救这些森林的话,亚洲 70%的森林将消失殆尽。16.The weather around the world is changing from mild weather to weather that is growing warmer every year.全世界的气候已经由温和的气候每一年变得越来越温暖。17.The scientists were trying to say that limiting possession of the atomic bomb to a few countries was impossible.科学家们试图解释把核武器限定的几乎是不可能的。18.It is no longer a secret that even in some elementary schools, children have easy access to drugs.即使在小学孩子们可以轻易的接触到毒品,已经不是秘密。19.Whether prisoners should be used for human experiments is not only a legal question but also a moral problem.囚犯是否可以用作实验这不仅是个法律问题,而且是一个道德问题。20.More and more universities are creating loan plans to aid students from low-income families.越来越多的大学提供贷款,以资助来自低收入家庭的学生。21.The speed and storage capacity of a computer is increasing every day.电脑的速度和容量日益增加。22.In the modern technological world, the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive.在现代科技世界,海洋提供很多资源供人类生存。23.Oil and gas exploration have existed for decades, while large quantities of minerals still exist on the ocean floor ready to be mined.是有和天然气开发已经存在了几十年,而海底还有大量的矿产资源等待人类开发。24.There is no doubt that many scientific and technological developments will take place in the near future.毫无疑问,很多科学和技术将在未来得到实现。25.A balanced diet is an important part of any fitness program.平衡的饮食在所有的健康计划中是很重要的一部分。26.That weight-loss tea is not working. So Ive decided to make my fitness program at the gym more intense.减肥茶不起作用。所以我决定在健身房进行运动减肥。27.If you want to improve your health, you need to make changes in your routine.如果你想改善你的健康状况,你就必须对日常生活做出调整。28.If you are ready to turn your life around, the payoff can be huge.如果你准备改变生活方式的话,你将获益匪浅。29.Their guards were in front of me every time I tried to shoot.当我准备射门的时候,他们的后卫总是挡着我。30.Thats the second time Ive struck out this round.这是我第二次全部击中。31.Ill take you to my favorite pool, an indoor and heated one, very clean.我会带你到我最喜欢的游泳池,那是一个室内温水的,非常干净的泳池。32.I get water in my ears when swimming the back-stroke and I havent learnt how to control my breathing.在我仰泳的时候,我的耳朵充满了水,我不知道如何控制呼吸。33.Rents are high and buying a house of your own for average people is almost impossible.房租很贵,买自己的房子对普遍的人来说是不可能的。34.Large modern cities are too big to control, which breeds crime and violence.现代化的大都市太大了,难以控制,以至于滋生了很多犯罪和暴力。35.Most people love cities and many are flocking there from the country.大部分的人喜欢城市,很多人从乡村涌入城市。36.There are better schools, services and more chances of employment. There is a greater range of jobs and the pay is higher.那里有更好的教育,服务和就业机遇,那里的工作种类比较多,待遇比较高。37.For many people, Christmas is a deeply religious occasion celebrating the birth of Christ.圣诞节对很多人来说是一个宗教性的节日,他是基督的诞辰。38.For many people, Christmas is simply a time to be with ones family, to feast, and to be merry.圣诞节对很多人来说只是一个和家人团聚的欢乐时光。39.Mothers Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. Mother often receives greeting cards and gifts from her husband and children.五月的第二个星期天是母亲节,母亲在大多数情况下可以从他们的丈夫或孩子这里收到祝贺卡片和礼物。40.Fathers Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. Father receives greeting cards and gifts from his family and enjoys a day of leisure.六月的第三个星期天是父亲节,父亲从他的家人这里收到祝贺发片和礼物并度过快乐闲暇的一天。01.You have no assignment s for the weekend, but dont forget your composition
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