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美联英语 提供:英语阅读:教你如何快速忘记前任1. Hang Out With Your Friends跟朋友出去玩玩One of the things many guys have to sacrifice when in a committed relationship was spending a lot of time with friends. Relationships are notorious time-bandits, as being with the person youre closest to tends to take priority over catching up with your buddies. But now that youre single, you can reconnect with everyone you left behind. Not only will it be fun, but it will also be therapeutic.你们谈恋爱的时候牺牲的东西之一就是花时间跟兄弟们在一起。谈恋爱简直太花时间了,特别是你永远都要把你的女朋友放在优先于兄弟的位置。但是现在你单身了,你可以再次跟所有你错过的兄弟联系了。这不仅会很有趣,而且还会是个很好的治疗方法。2. Remember The Bad Times记住那些艰难的时期Its pretty common for guys to idealize their significant others after a breakup. Youll just be going about your business, and then, suddenly, youll remember an inside joke or a great date. Then youll grin, thinking about a cute personality quirk she had, and before long, youre fantasizing about how great your life used to be.分手之后,你们会把你们的爱人理想化的这种现象很普遍。你只要继续做你的事情,然后,突然,你就会记起一个玩笑或者是一个重要的日子。然后你就会笑一下,想着她曾经的那种可爱,但是不久以后,你就会幻想你跟你前任曾经的生活会有多美。3.Snap out of it振作起来One of the most important of our tips for getting over your ex is to remember the bad times. Focus on the fights and the problems. Recollect her bad habits and the little things about the relationship that frustrated you. Its like taking a cold shower - you can stop yourself from mythologizing the relationship if you keep it in perspective.别再幻想了。我们忘记前任的建议中最重要的一条就是要记住那些艰难的时候。集中在那些吵架跟出现问题的时候。回忆她的坏习惯以及那些恋爱中让你难过的小事。这就像洗了次冷水澡可以让你从你幻想中的恋爱神话里立马清醒。4. Exercise Your Newfound Freedoms开发你新的自由Relationships are about compromise. Being single should be about doing whatever the hell you want. Look, youre free to do whatever you want (within the bounds of the law, of course). So stay out until four in the morning, hop on a plane to Vegas with your brother, or just sit on your ass and watch basketball all day. Taking pleasure in all of those things that you refrained from doing as a boyfriend can be a great way to get over your ex.恋爱就是妥协。单身的你应该做一些你自己想做的事情。看,你现在自由了,可以做任何你想做的事情(当然,要在法律允许的范围之内)。所以,呆到凌晨四点才回家,跟你的兄弟们飞往维加斯,或者整天都只是坐着看场球赛。从这些事情里面寻找快乐,能让你克制住去做一个男朋友的想法从而让你忘记你的前任。5. Hook Up With Someone Else去开始一段新的恋情One thing that a lot of guys do to get over exes is get someone else into the picture. 很多人会做的一件摆脱前任的事情就是跟另一个人在一起 。美联英语:www.meten.com
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