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1212-0Series 90-30/20/Micro PLC CPU Instruction Set Reference ManualMay 2002GFK-0467MPIDThe Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative (PID) control function is the best known general purpose algorithm for closed loop process control. The Series 90 PID function block compares a Process Variable (PV) feedback with a desired process Set Point (SP) and updates a Control Variable (CV) output based on the error.比例积分微分(PID)控制功能是最有名的闭环过程控制的通用算法。 90 系列 PID 功能块比较过程变量(PV)反馈过程设定点(SP)和更新控制变量(CV )输出基于错误。The block uses PID loop gains and other parameters stored in an array of 40 16 bit words (discussed on page 12-82) to solve the PID algorithm at the desired time interval. All parameters are 16 bit integer words for compatibility with 16 bit analog process variables. This allows %AI memory to be used for input Process Variables and %AQ to be used for output Control Variables. The example shown below includes typical inputs.块使用 PID 回路增益及其他参数的存储阵列中的 40 16 位字(第 12-82 页上的讨论),解决 PID 算法所需的时间间隔。所有参数都是 16 位兼容 16 位模拟过程变量整型字。这使得AI 内存可用于输入过程变量和AQ 用于输出控制变量。下面的例子包括典型的输入。As scaled 16 integer numbers, many parameters must be defined in either PV counts or units or CV counts or units. For example, the SP input must be scaled over the same range as PV because the PID block calculates the error from the difference of these two inputs. The PV and CV counts can be 32000 or 0 to 32000, matching analog scaling or from 0 to 10000, to display variables as0.00% to 100.00%. The PV and CV Counts do not have to have the same scaling, in which case there will be scale factors included in the PID gains.随着规模的 16 个整数,许多参数必须定义在 PV 数量或单位或 CV 数或单位。例如,SP 输入,必须在相同的范围内光伏缩放,因为PID 块计算这两个输入从差分误差。 PV 和 CV 计数可以是-32000 或 0 到 32000,匹配模拟缩放或从 0 到 10000,显示变量12GFK-0467MChapter 12 Control Functions12-10.00至 100.00。 PV 和 CV 计数不必具有相同的标度,在这种情况下,将包括在 PID 增益的比例因子。NoteThe PID will not execute more often than once every 10 milliseconds. This could change your results if you set it up to execute every sweep and the sweep is less than 10 milliseconds. In such a case, the PID function will not run until enough sweeps have occurred to accumulate an elapsed time of 10 milliseconds. For example, if the sweep time is 9 milliseconds, the PID function will execute every other sweep with an elapsed time of 18 milliseconds for every time it executes.PID 不会执行往往比每 10 毫秒一次。这可能会改变你的结果,如果你将它设置为每次都执行扫描是小于 10 毫秒。在这种情况下,PID 功能将无法运行,直到有足够的扫描已经发生积累经过的时间为 10 毫秒。例如,如果扫描时间是 9 毫秒,PID 函数将执行的经过时间是 18 毫秒为单位执行每次与每一个其他的扫描。1212-2Series 90-30/20/Micro PLC CPU Instruction Set Reference ManualMay 2002GFK-0467MParametersPar ameter Descriptionenable When enabled through a contact, the PID function is performed.SP SP is the control loop or process set point. Set using PV Counts, the PID adjusts the output CV so that PV matches SP (zero error).PV Process Variable input from the process being controlled, often a %AI input.MAN When energized to 1 (through a contact), the PID block is in MANUAL mode. If this parameter is not energized (0), the PID block is in automatic mode.UP If energized along with MAN, it adjusts the CV up by 1 CV per solution.*DN If energized along with MAN, it adjusts the CV down by 1 CV per solution.*RefArrayAddressAddress is the location of the PID control block information (user and internal parameters). Uses 40 %R words that cannot be shared.地址是 PID 控制块的位置信息(用户和内部参数)。采用 40% R 的话,不能共享。ok The ok output is energized when the function is performed without error. It is off if error(s) exist.确定输出当函数执行没有错误。它是关闭的,如果存在错误(S)。CV CV is the control variable output to the process, often a %AQ analog output.*Increments (UP parameter) or decremented (DN parameter) by 1 per access of the PID function.增量(UP 参数)或递减(DN 参数)1 ,每次访问的 PID 功能Valid Memory TypesParameter flow % I % Q % M % T %S % G % R % AI %AQ const noneenable SP PV MAN UP DN address ok CV Valid reference or place where power can flow through the function.有效的参考或地方可以流经功能。12GFK-0467MChapter 12 Control Functions12-3PID Parameter BlockBesides the 2 input words and the 3 Manual control contacts, the PID block uses 13 of the parameters in the RefArray. These parameters must be set before calling the block. The other parameters are used by the PLC and are non-configurable. The %Ref shown in the table below is the same RefArray Address at the bottom of the PID block. The number after the plus sign is the offset in the array. For example, if the RefArray starts at %R100, the %R113 will contain the Manual Command used to set the Control Variable and the integrator in Manual mode.除 了 2 个 输 入 字 和 3 个 手 动 控 制 接 点 ,PID 块 使 用 13 参 数 RefArray 中 去 。调 用 块 之 前 ,必 须 设 置 这 些参 数 。使 用 其 他 参 数 由 PLC 不 可 配 置 。下 表 中 所 示 的 参 考 文 献 PID 块 的 底 部 的 地 址 是 相 同 的RefArray 中 去 。加 号 后 的 数 字 是 在 数 组 中 的 偏 移 量 。例 如 ,如 果 RefArray 中 去 在 R100 开 始 , R113将 包 含 手 动 命 令 用 于 设 置 手 动 模 式 控 制 变 量 和 控 制 中 的 积 分 。Table 12-13. PID Parameters OverviewRegister Parameter Low Bit Units Range of Values%Ref+0000 Loop Nu
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