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The windy and dusty weather coarsened her skin. 风沙的气候 使 她的皮肤 粗糙 了。I really need to take some time off from my work. 我需要从工作上面退下来,休息一段时间。Pinocchio tried to go and open the door, but, to his horror, he could not move! 皮诺奇想要去开门,他竟不能动了!it is too much for 这太过分了She raged against her husband for some household affairs. 她为一些家庭琐事对丈夫 大发雷霆 。The wind is raging wildly,and wed better go home at once. 风 刮 得太大了,我们最好赶快回家。Flu raged throughout the city.流行性感冒蔓延全市 。refer oneself to 赖;仰仗 He referred himself to his fathers power and influence. 他仰仗着他父亲的权势degrade 降低 的身份,使失体面,使失尊严,使丧失名 誉,使 (评价 )降低;使受屈辱,有辱 的人格,使丢脸She felt he was degrading her by making her report to the director. 她感到他让她向主管人报告是在侮辱她。to infuse 使充满;鼓舞,激励 (常与 with 连用 ) somebody with courage 鼓起某人的勇气Her illness confined her to bed. 她的病使她整天躺在床上。The attorney demonstrated that the witness was lying. 那位 律师 证明证人在撒谎。Young people always keep abreast of the times. 年轻人总是 紧跟 时代的步伐。It signifies we should go now. 这就 意味着 我们该走了。He tried to corrupt the policeman with money. 他设法用金钱向警察行贿。One corrupt apple corrupts many sound ones. 一个烂苹果可以使许多好苹果烂掉 。It is a noble calling.这是一个 高尚的 职业。The lid wont come off accidentally, its been fastened on. 这个盖子不会随便脱落,它已经被牢牢地固 定住 了。He went to Paris whenever the chance came along.他一有机会就去巴黎。They have taken some effective measures to ward off the disease. 他们已经采取有效措施来 避免这一疾病 。If youre happy with your current salary, it would be easy to just sit back and enjoy it. 如果你对自己当前的薪资非常满意的话,那就坐回去继续享受吧。to infuse new blood into注入新鲜血液The truth will win out in the end. 真理最终获胜That child can always get around you and get what it wants. 那个孩子总是会哄人,要的东西都能得到。His motion was opposed by most members. 他的 提议 遭到大多数成员的 反对 。What he said was totally opposed to facts. 他所说的与事实完全 相反 。He is not so much a scholar as a poet. 与其说 他是位学者, 不如说 是位诗人。Its difficult buying clothes for ten year olds, at that age theyre betwixt and between. 很难给十岁的孩子买衣服,这种年龄说大不大,说小又不小。The speaker prefaced her remarks with a joke.发言人说了一个笑话作为讲话的开始。may I suggest / may I just say我想建议 /我想说 By common consent he will be the new manager of the company. 大家一致同意由他出任公司经理。deprive a man of life and property 使某人丧生并 剥夺 其财产to inquire somebodys telephone number 询问某人的电话号码copy of identification card 身份证复印件His wife lavished money upon household appliances.他妻子在 家用电器 上的 滥花钱 。Were it not excessively expensive, it would not be desirable to collectors. 如果它不是 贵得过分 ,收藏家就不会对它梦寐以求了。She wont relish(喜爱 ) having to do the household chores every day. 她不喜欢每天料理家务。I believe the Chinese food can be made more relishing.我认为中国饭菜可以做得更 可口 些。The steel can was labelled “flammable”.这个钢罐贴有 “易燃品 ”的标签。steel oneself to do something 下定决心做某事He steeled his heart and went out. 他硬起心肠走开了。Like the outcome after an exam, death makes us aware of anything. That is, its too late to take a tumble. 死亡教会人一切,如同考试之后公布的结果。虽然 恍然大悟 ,但为时已晚。blur someones good reputation 玷污 某人的好名声The doors and windows were blurred with soot. 那些门窗被煤烟弄得很脏。The radio was on and I was half listening when suddenly the announcer interrupted the regular program with a special bulletin.收音机开着,我漫不经心地听着,突然间播音员中 断了正常节目而播出了一个特别新闻简讯。listen with half an ear 心不在焉How Insensitive 如此迟钝;冷漠无情;如此冷漠;They excluded people under 20 from (joining) the club. 他们拒绝 20 岁以下的人加入俱乐部。to exclude immigrants from a country 不准移民入境 对 不Dilute the ammonia with water before you use it. 使用氨之前用水 稀释 它。Water dissolves salt. 水能使盐 溶解 。Teachers disperse knowledge. 教师 传播 知识。I have to admit that I underrated the difficulty of the task. 我必须承认我 低估 了这项工作的艰难。For the first time Tommy showed a touch of humour. 托米第一次显出 一点 幽默。Before the earthquake some abnormality in the weather is observed. 地震以前,人们观察到了一些气候反常现象。Such children would be at high risk of genetic abnormality. 这样的孩子将是 遗传疾病 的高发人群。We dropped in at the Chinese Art Museum and spent a most(很 ) enjoyable morning there. 我们顺便走进了中国美术馆,在那儿渡过了一个愉快的上午。as a token of friendship 作为友谊的表示His defeat was quite a comedown for all of us. 他的失败令我们全体感到失望。Thus much(只此、就这么多、到此为止 )for the declaration of our rights and liberties. 这便是我们的权利和自由宣言。Failing(若无 时 ) some rain soon,the crops will wither. 如果不马上下雨,庄稼就会干枯。Flowers withered up soon after they were cut.花儿摘下不久就 枯萎 了。It is sometimes difficult to disentangle truth from falsehood. 从 虚假 中解开事实有时是困难的。I dont know how he came by so much money. 我不知道他怎么 搞到 那么多钱。You should subject yourself to my command. 你必须 听从 我的命令。The boss testified(表明 ) his appreciation of Toms work by raising his pay. 老板给汤姆加薪,以示对他的工作的赞赏。She testified(作证 ) under oath(誓言 ) that the defendant was innocent. 她发誓证明被告无罪。They petitioned the government to reduce taxes. 他们向政府要求减税。Children always imitate the example of adults. 孩子总是 效仿 成年人。May first is an important date in the college admissions process in the United States. 五月一日在美国大学的 招生 过程中是一个重要的日子。They clamped the two pieces of wood together securely. 他们把这两块木材牢牢地 夹 在一起。The Chinese government has attempted to clamp down on the trade, with little success. 中国政府努力 取缔 这种交易,但收效甚微。The girl clasped the doll tightly. 小姑娘 紧紧抱着 洋娃娃。We are still waiting for
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