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浅谈 2013 年太阳能热应用产业的开展Introduction to solar thermal application industry development in 2013 中国太阳能热水器的年消费量是欧洲的 2 倍,北美的 4 倍,现已成为世界上最大的太阳能热水器消费国和最大的太阳能热水器市场,并仍在以每年 20-30的速度递增。但是中国太阳能热水器的消费企业有 5000 多家,除皇明、清华阳光、华扬、太阳雨、力诺瑞特等 10 个全国性品牌因质量、售后效劳过硬而市场知名度较高外,行业中存在着大量纷繁杂乱的杂牌企业,这种情况不利于行业的久远开展,这就请求政府部门停止标准,增强监管引导。虽然市场现状不如人意,但市场前景仍看好。随着国民经济和人民生死水平的不时进步,居民对家庭室内热水的需求越来越激烈,中国太阳能热水器市场潜力宏大,Chinese solar water heaters annual consumption is Europes 2 times, four times that of North America, has become the worlds largest consumer and the largest of the solar water heater solar water heater market, and is still in the growth rate is 20% - 20% per year. But Chinas consumption of solar water heater enterprises more than 5000, himin, tsinghua sunshine, Yang hua, sunrain, linuo http:/www.henansanli.com/ http:/www.taysgs.com/ http:/www.zggtyg.com/ http:/www.lcscmy.com/rhett special 10 national brands for quality and superior after-sale service and high market visibility, there are a large number of complex clutter less known and inferior brand enterprises in the industry, this kind of situation against industry for very long time, it requests the government to stop standard, strengthen the regulatory guidance. Although the market present situation is bad, but the market outlook is still positive. As from time to time, progress of national economy and peoples life level, people to family indoor hot water demand more and more intense, Chinas solar water heater market potential is great, 太阳能热水器的优点是平安、节能、环保、经济,特别是带辅助电加热功用的太阳能热水器,它以太阳能为主、电能为辅的能源应用方式,可全年全天候运用。缺陷是装置复杂,装置不当会影响住房的外观、质量及城市的市容市貌;因要装置在室外,维护较费事。Solar water heater has the advantage of safe, energy-saving, environmental protection, economy, especially the solar energy water heater with auxiliary electric heating http:/www.henansanli.com/ http:/www.taysgs.com/ http:/www.zggtyg.com/ http:/www.lcscmy.com/function, it is given priority to with solar energy, electricity is complementary energy applications, can be used all the year round. Defect is complex, improper installation will affect the appearance of the housing, quality and urban districts; Due to device in outdoor, maintenance is more trouble. 电热水器的优点是能顺应任何天气变化,普通家庭可直接装置运用,长时间通电能够大流量供热水;运用时不产生废气,所以从这一点上讲是既平安又卫生,目前市场上销售的电热水器多数还带有防触电安装。缺陷是体积大、占用室内空间大、易结水垢、对电能糜费大,最新型的电热水器内置了阳极镁棒除垢安装,处理了产品容易结垢的问题,但阳极镁棒须两年改换一次,给颐养带来了费事。Electric water heater has the advantage that can adapt to any weather, average household can be directly applied device, electricity to large flow heat water for a long time; Use does not produce waste gas, so from this point is both safe and health, and sales of electric water heater on the market at present most is installed with electric shock prevention. Defect is big volume, occupy indoor space is http:/www.henansanli.com/ http:/www.taysgs.com/ http:/www.zggtyg.com/ http:/www.lcscmy.com/large, easy to form scum, the electric energy waste is big, the latest model of electric water heater with built-in magnesium anode rod descaling installation, handling the product easy to fouling problem, but the magnesium anode rod should be change in two years time, brought trouble to live. 我们国度追溯历史在 1958 年,天津大学有 12.6 平米的太阳能浴室。到 1973 年世界能源危机,寻求可再生能源,我国在上世纪70 年代末起,加大研发与消费太阳能集热器。1979 年前后我国有些单位迎头研发全玻璃真空管集热器。清华大学运用电真空物理的背景,坚持了下来。构造就是一个拉长的暖棚,只不过在内玻璃管上有一层选择性吸收涂层。Our country its history dates back in 1958, tianjin university has 12.6 square metres of solar energy in the bathroom. To the world energy crisis of 1973, for renewable energy, in the late 1970 s in our country, increase research and development and consumption solar collector. Some units in r&d in China before and after 1979 all-glass vacuum tube collector. Using electric vacuum physics background, tsinghua university, insist on down. Structure http:/www.henansanli.com/ http:/www.taysgs.com/ http:/www.zggtyg.com/ http:/www.lcscmy.com/is a stretch of greenhouses, only, a selective absorption coating layer on the glass tube. 清华大学的创造专利就是铝氮/铝太阳选择性吸收涂层,在世界上创始用单个铝阴极经过磁控溅射制备红外低发射率低层、铝氮化铝吸收太阳光的陶瓷薄膜和淡化铝减反膜三个局部。运用真空管的集热器可在严寒、低太阳辐射下应用,很合适多种气候。这是一个选择性吸收涂层的构造,吸收层每层只要 10 到 30 个纳米,低发射层是到 150 纳米。The creation of the tsinghua university patent is aluminum - nitrogen/solar selective absorption coating, founding in the world with a single aluminum produced by magnetron sputtering cathode infrared emissivity of low-rise, aluminum - aluminum nitride ceramic membrane absorb sunlight and fade out three local aluminum decreased membrane. Use vacuum tube collector can be applied under cold and low solar radiation, is suitable for a variety of climate. It is a selective absorption coating structure, absorption layer on each floor as long as 10 to 30 nm, low emission layer is to 150 nm. http:/www.henansanli.com/ http:/www.taysgs.com/ http:/www.zggtyg.com/ http:/www.lcscmy.com/太阳能热应用产业的开展。在打破了太阳选择性吸收涂层的中心技术,经过产学研分离,消费性能价钱比拟好的介质。Solar thermal application development of the industry. In the center of the broken solar selective absorption
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