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Harry Potter AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒Lumos Maxima.Lumos Maxima.Lumos Maxima.Lumos Maxima.Lumos Maxima!荧光闪烁。荧光闪烁。荧光闪烁。荧光闪烁。荧光闪烁!Harry,Harry.Harry,open the door.哈利,哈利。哈利,把门打开。Marge,How lovely to see.玛姬,看到你们真是太.Uncle Vernon,I need you to sign this form.弗农姨父,请你在这张表上签个字。What is it?这是什么?Nothing,School stuff.没什么,学校的表格。Later perhaps,if you behave.等会儿再说,如果你乖的话。I will if she does.那要看她了。Oh,youre still here,are you?噢,你还在这里,嗯?Yes.对。Dont say yes in that ungrateful way.Damn good of my brother to keep you.Hed have been straight to an orphanage if hed been dumped on my doorstep.Is that my Dudders?Is that my little neffy-pooh?Give us a kiss.Come on,Up,up.别用这样不领情的口气说什么对。如果不是我兄弟好心谁会收养你。如果把这小子踢出门外他可就真成了孤儿。那是我的心肝吗?那是我的小乖侄儿吗?给我们一个吻,来,上来,上来。Take Marges suitcase upstairs.把玛姬的箱子拿到楼上去。Okay.好的。Finish that off for Mommy,Good boy,Rippy-pooh.帮妈妈把这个舔干净,乖孩子,好宝贝。Can I tempt you.Marge?要来一杯吗,玛姬?Just a small one.Excellent nosh,Petunia.A bit more.Usually just a fry-up for me,what with 12 dogs.Just a bit more.Thats a boy.You wanna try a little drop of brandy?A little drop of brandy-brandy windy-wandy for Rippy-pippy-pooh?What are you smirking at?Where did you send the boy,Vernon?只是一小杯。绝妙的佳酿,皮图尼娅。一点点就行。对我这样一个养了 12 只狗的老太太来说可能猛了点。只要一丁点,好孩子。你想尝尝白兰地吗?给我的好宝贝尝点白兰地。你在傻笑些什么?你把这孩子送到哪里去了,弗农?St.Brutus.Its fine institution for hopeless cases.圣布鲁托斯学校,非常适合那些不可救药的孩子。Do they use a cane at St.Brutus,boy?在圣布鲁托斯他们会用藤条吗,孩子?Oh,yeah.Yeah,Ive been beaten loads of times.哦,有的。对,我被打过好多次了。Excellent.I wont have this namby-pamby.wishy-washy nonsense about not beating people who deserve it.You mustnt blame yourself about how this one turned out.Its all to do with blood.Bad blood will out.What is it the boys father did,Petunia?太好了,我从来就反对那些胡说八道的理论,讨厌的孩子该打时就得打!你不能把养出这么个淘气鬼的责任推到自己头上。这全是遗传的问题,龙生龙凤生凤,耗子生的打地洞。这孩子的父亲干什么的,皮图尼娅?Nothing,He didnt work.He was unemployed.没什么,他不工作,没人聘用他。And a drunk too,no duobe?那么肯定也是个酒鬼罗?Thats a lie.胡说八道。What did you say?你说什么?My dad wasnt a drunk.我父亲不是个酒鬼。Dont worry.Dont fuss,Petunia,I have a very firm grip.别担心,不要生气,皮图尼娅,我握得太紧了点。I think its time you went to bed.我想你该去睡觉了!Quiet.Vernon.You,clean it up.Actually,its nothing to do with the father.Its all to do with the mother.You see it all the time with dogs.If somethings wrong with the bitch,then somethings wrong with the pup.安静,弗农,你,把这些打扫干净。实际上,这和当父亲的也没多大关系。应该全都是母亲的责任,从狗身上你就能看出来。如果这母狗有点什么问题,小狗崽子们也好不到哪里去。Shut up!Shut up!闭嘴!闭嘴!Right.Let me tell you.Vernon!Vernon,do something!好。让我告诉你.弗农!弗农!弗农,做点什么!Stop!Ive got you,Marge.Ive got you.停下!我抓住你了,玛姬,我抓住你了。Hold on,hold on.抓好,抓好。Get off.滚开。Dont you dare!你竟敢骂它!Sorry.对不起。Oh,Vernon.Oh,God.哦,弗农。噢,上帝啊。Marge!Please!Marge!Come back!You bring her back!You bring her back now.You put her right!玛姬!拜托了!玛姬!回来啊!你把她弄回来!你现在就把她弄回来!你把她恢复原状!No,She deserved what she got.Keep away from me.不,她活该。从我面前消失!You cant do magic outside school.在学校外面你不许使用魔法。Yeah?Try me.是吗?要试一试吗?They wont let you back now.Youve nowhere to go.现在他们不会让你回去了。你没地方可去。I dont care.Anywhere is better than here.我才不在乎,去哪里都比在这儿强。Welcome to the Knight Bus.emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard.My name is Stan Shunpike,and I will be your conductor for this evening.What you doing down there?欢迎乘坐骑士巴士,专对身处困境的巫女或法师开放。我的名字叫斯坦.香派克,今晚将由我担任你的售票员。你在下面干什么?I fell over.我跌倒了。What you fell over for?你为什么跌倒?I didnt do it on purpose.我不是故意跌倒的。Well,come on,then.Lets not wait for the grass to grow.What you looking at?好,行了,那么上车吧。别等到地老天荒了。你在看什么?Nothing.没什么。Well,come on,then,In.No,no,no.Ill get this,You get in.Come on.Come on.Move on,move on.Take her away,Ern.好,行了,快进来吧。不,不,不,我来拿这个,你上车。快点。快点,往前走,往前走。开车了,厄恩。Yeah,take it away,Ernie.Its going to be a bumpy ride.好喽,开车,厄恩。开始一段曲折之路。What did you say your name was?你刚才说你叫什么名字?I didnt.我没说。Whereabouts are you headed?你要到哪里去?The Leaky Cauldron.Thats in London.破斧酒吧,就在伦敦。You hear that?The Leaky Cauldron.Thats in London.你听到了吗,厄恩,破斧酒吧,就在伦敦。The Leaky Cauldron.If you have pea soup.make sure you eat it before it eats you.破斧酒吧,如果你要喝茶汤的话.最好先保证不要让它喝了你。But the Muggles,Cant they see us?麻瓜们看不到我们吗?Muggles?They dont see nothing,do they?麻瓜?他们看不见,对吗?No,but if you jab them with a fork,they feel.不,如果你用一把叉子戳他们,他们就会有感觉的。Ernie,little old lady at 12 oclock!厄恩,12 点 钟方向有位女士!Ten,nine,eight.seven,six,five.four,three,three and a half.two,one and three quarters.Yes!10,9,8.7 ,6 ,5.4,3,3.5.2,1.75,好了!Who is that?That man.那是谁?那个人。Who is that?Who is.?That is Sirius Black,that is.Dont tell me youve never been hearing of Sirius Black.Hes a murderer.Got himself locked up in Azkaban for it.那是谁?那是?那是小天狼星布莱克,就是他。别告诉我你从来没有听说过小天狼星布莱克。他是个杀人犯。因此被关在阿兹卡班。How did he escape?他怎么逃走的?Well,thats the question,isnt it?Hes the first one that done it.He was a big supporter of.You-Know-Who.I reckon youve heard of him.嗯,这就是个关键问题了,对不对?他是第一个成功的人。同时他还是.“神秘人”先生的支持者。我想你听说过他。Yeah.Him Ive heard of.对。我是听说过他。Ernie,two double-deckers at 12 oclock.Theyre getting closer,Ernie.Ernie,theyre right on top of us!Mind your head.Hey,guys?Guys?Why the long faces?Yeah
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