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2006 09 04牛津 9A Unit3 Teenage problems 课文解析学习指导 4重点难点31One major cause of stress is homework.压力的一个主要原因是作业。major 用作形容词,通常作定语:意为 “主要的” “较重要的”如: We have encountered major problems.我们遇到大问题了。She has written a major novel.她写了一部高质量的小说。The major part of the work is done.这项工作的大部已经完成了。major 作名词用,意思是“主修课程 ”。如:her major is French.她的主修课程是法语。She chose physics as her major.她选择物理为主修科目。major 作动词用,意思是“ 主修,专门研究” 。如:She majored in maths and English.她在大学主修英语和数学。What subject do you major in at university?你在大学主修什么?She is majoring physics at university.她在大学主修物理。32Cause 一词的用法。cause 作“原因,起因”解释时,是可数名词,它后面通常接 of 短语。如: What was the cause of the fire ?火灾是怎么引起的?smoking is the causes of the heart disease.吸烟是引起心脏病的一种原因。Ice on the road was the cause of the accident.路上的结冰是造成那次事故的原因。cause 作“理由,缘故”解释时,是不可数名词,与 reason 同义,后面通常接介词“for 或 to do ”的短语形式。You have no cause to complain.你没有理由报怨。She is never absent from work without good cause.她决不无故缺勤。cause 作及物动词时,意为“ 使产生、引起” 。如: Smoking can cause lung cancer.吸烟可致肺癌。The cold weather caused the plants to die.天气寒冷冻死了植物。2006 09 04He caused his parents much unhappiness.他弄得父母很不愉快。She is always causing trouble for people 她总是给人添麻烦。His illness caused him to miss the game.他因病不能参加比赛。reason 意为“理由” 、 “原因” ,指导决定做某一件事或采取某一行动的理由,由此而得出结论或解释;它着重指符合逻辑的解释和推理,后面常常接 for 引导的介词短语。如:The reason for my absence was that I was ill.我没来是因为我生病了。The reason why we are late is that our car did not come.我们迟到的原因是车没来。Can you tell me the reason for your being late?你能告诉我你迟到的原因吗?excuse 意为“辩解” “借口” ,指为某一行为所作的解释,可以是真的,也可以是托词,着重指为免受指责和失掉责任而寻找的理由。如:I won t listen to your any excuse.我不想听你的任何借口Too much work is no excuse for not studying.工作太忙不能成为不学习的理由。He gave me his excuse for being late.他向我说明他迟到的原因。cause 后面通常接名词作宾语,也可以接动词不定式。Make 若与动词连用,其意义和用法与 cause 相近。但 make 在日常会话中用得较广,它与不带 to 的动词不定式连用。常常与不带“to”的不定式连用。如:Why do you always cause trouble?你为什么总是要找麻烦?The earthquake caused several buildings to collapse.地震造成了好几座楼房倒塌。Nothing could make me change my mind.什么也不会使我改变主意的。The valve lets water enter the pump.阀门使水流入水泵。The teacher let the students read English for half an hour in the morning.老师让学生早晨读半小时的英语。33Weight 重量weight 作不可数名词用,意思是 “分量,重量” 。如: Bananas are usually sold by weight.香蕉通常按重量卖。That man is twice my weight.那个男子的体重比我重一倍。 Her weight has increased to 70 kilos.她的体重增加到了 70 公斤。Two boys are (of )the same weight.那两个男孩体重相同。I m a little fat . I should lose weight.我有点儿胖了,我要减肥了。2006 09 04put o weight 的意思是 “增加体重,发福” 。如:She has put on his weight since I last saw her.自从上次我见到她以来,她变得胖了。over/under weight 的意思是“超重” 、 “过轻(不超重) ”如:She is under weight.她体重很轻。Jim is over his weight.吉姆体重超重了。weight 作为可数名词用,意思是 “重物” 。如:The dressmaker put small weights in the hem of dress.那裁缝把小块的重的东西缝制到连衣裙的下摆里了。The doctor said he must not lift heavy weights.医生说他切不可抬重物。weight 用作动词,意为“称重,估量” 。如:Please weigh the apples for me.请为我称一下苹果。He weighed the stone in his hands.他用手估算一下这块石头的重量。 synchronous Test 同步测试一、单项选择:1You are not good at English ,but you can t A. give it in B. give in it C. give it up D. give up it2. I can t decide A. what to do it B. how shall I do It C. how to do it D. what shall I do it 3. your English teacher you ?A. Do ,strict in B. Does ,strict with C. is , strict with D. is strict in 4.You must focus your studies. A. in B. on C. at D. with 5.Youu can t too much time TV.A. take ; to B. pay; for C. spend ;to watch. D. spend ; watching 6.He has to stay at home because he has close friends.A. a few B. few C. little D. a little .7.“My father bought me a new watch yesterday.”it is a structure of AS+V+P B。 S+V+IO+DO C。 S+V+DO+CO D。S+V+DO8If someone laughs at you .you should 2006 09 04A. shout at him B. hit him C. pay no attention to him D. cry out 9.if he doesn t go to the cinema tomorrow. A. so do I B. neither do I C. so will I D. neither will I 10. I he come soon. A. think ; won t B. don t think; will C. think; hasn t. D. don t think ;has 11.He was at the news .A. excited ; exciting B. exciting; excited C. exciting ; exciting D.excited ; excited 12. Shanghai is larger than city in China A. any B. any other C. the other D. others 13. I stayed at home .i went to the park to the cinema. A. neither; nor B. either;or C. both ; and D. between; and 14.The Chinese people are living a much life than before.A. happy B. happily C. happier D. happiness 15. He wasn t with his knife , he cut himself .A.careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefully16. Will you please shoes on the floor ?A. not to put B. not put C. don t put D. not putting 17.He did much work that he felt tired .A. so B. such C. some D.any 18. of the things are strange to me .A. None B.No one C.Nothing D. Anything .19.Yesterday I that there would be a film .A. tell B. told
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