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2005 年11 月 ( 11.8, 11.19): w, R4 W; C9 A9 T- 0 v/ l11 .81Describe your favorite book you read, and explain why it is important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. 1 L# 2 h! L2 HSample answer: (音频下载请点击附件 important book.mp3)Of all the wonderful books, The Greatest Salesman in the Worldis the book that I can never put it down and had a transforming effect on my life. 6 H/ P! I1 m4 d2 v9 x K9 dIt is such a kind of book that inspires, that offers practical tips about goals, habits, productivity (本义:生产力,可引申为“多产性,创造性”)and more. To be specific, its a book about how to empower and motivate yourself to be successful。Many, many people have read this book and many of them have reported life-changing (具生命转折意义的)results from the postive concepts contained within it. They are pretty inspiring. It surely is something that I can depend on when Im in adversity(逆境).The principals are powerful and really work for me. 5 W- 9 U Q* F# + C3 VIn this case, I think the book is very important to me even though it might not work for some other people.0 j9 X0 g7 c1 l( z. 共 8 句我的时间记录:41你的时间记录: _1 z* _; v% k# ? j c0 ?4 ( Q注: T2-T6 。没有被回忆 (当时考生较少)11. 19 5 ( y4 D$ A2 _1 b& v, |4 T7 V6 o. s. i$ K$ q; uT1. Describe a book that you think is the most useful and explain why it is the most useful. : ?0 G3 s 5 . 3 G. W V! N. i. N2 G9 D: c1 p6 PSample answer: (音频下载请点击附件 useful book.mp3). : j1 , b$ | V( 0 _The book that I think is the most useful is OG, Official Guide for new TOEFL. Im a book lover and have lots and lots of collections. But OG is of the greatest usecause Im taking TOEFL Test, which is a must for a student who is gonna finish his or her overseas study in America. Not only does it give the brief introduction of the test, but it also provides test candidates with practical tips. + b I2 c$ Y$ |4 i$ z+ p# z+ vOn the other hand, some basics of English language are offered following the main parts, which is very helpful for those who dont have a good command of English. Most of all, it helps me get well prepared for TOEFL iBT and improve my performance on the four skills as well. This definitely leads to the academic success in my future study. Thats why I think OG is the most useful book for me. , g7 k, D1 o1 h S - 7 7 O. P; A2 F% Z7 z8 5 D7 r共 8 句 我的时间记录为:43 你的时间记录为:_ T2- E$ |3 : i% M2 C: FDoes television play a positive or negative role in the modern world? ! h- C4 E1 A0 J: E* B; y4 u( v S3 H. e1 N. u3 ?3 Sample answer: (音频下载请点击附件 television.mp3)+ c7 g, U* m( Z; m% OTelevision is now playing a very important part in our life. Like other things, it has both advantages and disadvantages. But I think the former outweigh the latter. First , television keeps one informed of current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers programs which are both instructive and entertaining. d$ i5 I E9 g w; TSecond, it is a great comfort to many lonely people even though there are many arguments against television. Last, education has improved a lot since the arrival of TV in the home. Through TV a child can extend his knowledge and sparkle (激发,鼓舞) his imagination. Those above are the reasons why I think television plays a positive role in the modern society. 共 8 句 , g% K t* H5 ?* e 我的时间记录为:43 你的时间记录为:_ J6 L4 r; m, 3 |! T$ j! e w+ L8 b2 ! H& u# a+ q q. i7 k1 1 1 r, U5 I E% E5 x/ H v1 H+ + i8 E$ _T3.9 J5 e1 X; B# x+ S ?$ x8 Reading:【学校通知】:学校要修建 sculpture,有个学生写了一封公开信反对,认为学校的经费已经很紧张,修建雕像只会加重学生的负担,并且占用学校的绿地。Listening: 【学生议论 】:女生不同意。原因有二:1)她认为钱是 donor 出的,因此不会对学生产生影响,而且觉得# k: . C t5 b2)学校里有这样的 art 是件好事。有个叫 Paul 的认为雕像占了他们踢球的地方,女生认为他们只要到别的地方踢球就好了。# P* k. O% |2 P+ t$ rSample answer:In the reading material, the university is considering renovating the sculpture. However, there are students who disagree because they think the school is in bad financial condition. And that will increase the students financial burden. In the listening material, we clearly learn that the woman likes the idea . One reason she gives is that the doner gives the school money, so students wont be expected to pay additional fees. Another reason is that she thinks it is a good thing to have such work of art even though the sculpture occupies the space for playing soccer.( |5 F8 j5 ( w7 2 G9 Therefore, she agrees with that opinion.$ x6 Z9 p5 D7 F; 8 R) ?T4.Reading: 【课文要点】关于 group thinking。先给一段文章解释其定义以及其形成原因。Listening:【教授举例】说一次他们讨论公司的电脑是否要做得 fashion 一些以吸引顾客,这时大部分的员工都表示同意,但是跳出来一个 senior manager 说应该重视技术而不是外表,大家又纷纷同意了 SM,甚至是这个人的 partner,因为怕得罪 SM 得不到升职,也同意了 SM。结果电脑卖的不好,但是下一年由于改进了外观就卖的好了。 F |. b U4 n0 B7 N g+ C& L: f. s1 gSample answer:In this set of materials, the reading passage gives a defination of group thinking.7 , P- H+ q; ) V; L9 k: f3 a) AIn the listening passage, the professor gives a talk on it. He states that group thinki
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