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连词成句Unit 1a. The boy kept himself to himself both in class and after class. He felt very lonely in this new environment. b. A person who always keeps himself to himself is very likely to have psychological problemsc. Being too shy, the little girl kept herself to herself watching other kids playing on the lawn. a. She was a family type and naturally her family came first in her life. b. In Japanese culture career and work always come first for a man. c. When you look for a girl / boy friend, what comes first in your consideration, appearance or personality? a. It seems a tradition in this country that men are off somewhere earning money while their wives stay behind and look after the children. b. Grown-up children are always off somewhere pursuing their own careers but will be back to visit their parents at the Spring Festival. c. The mother was worried that her son was off somewhere making trouble again. a. Parents are pleased to watch their children growing up healthily. b. Mr. Johnson was pleased to marry a widow with three lovely children.c. He was pleased to know that his student was awarded a college scholarship. a. You cant make someone study just because you didnt have a chance when you were young. b. You cant say that all Americans are wealthy just because the one American you know has three cars.c. You cant criticise your students for being lazy just because they didnt do well in an examination. Unit 2a. The next topic concerns environmental protection, an important issue which every government should consider. b. This story concerns a little girl called Alice, a lovely, pretty and charming child who has an amazing tour in a wonderland. c. The first chapter of the book concerns the authors family life in his childhood, a period which has profound influence on his later writing. a. He was about to fall asleep, when a loud explosion violently shook him out of bed.b. The thief was happily driving the stolen car out of the town, when it occurred to him all of a sudden that he had left his tool kit at the car park exit. c. I was just going out when there was a knock at the door. a. It is hard for his friends to understand how he could bring himself to leave his girlfriend. b. I couldnt bring myself to tell her the bad news. c. Can he bring himself to tell his father who has damaged the car? a. Spotting the wallet on the pavement, the woman picked it up quickly and slipped it into her pocket.b. I saw him slipping a note into her book. Im sure hes in love with her.c. The spy slipped a little piece of paper into the empty cigarette packet and left the bar right away. a. Once she resolves to do it, nothing can change her mind.b. I resolved to work harder in the New Year. c. The young man resolved to win the game and he practised very hard. Unit 3a. The naughty boys roared with laughter when Tom made a mistake in his answer. b. The comedians funny remarks made the conference roar with laughter. c. The young men roared when they heard the joke. a. The man never caught the handle. Down he tumbled to the stairlanding.b. The murderer never got to know what happened to the basement door. Down he slipped into a deep hole at the bottom.c. The pilot never saw who was behind his jet. Down the jet plunged into the sea. a. You must understand that it is no good crying over spilt milk.b. It would do no good to talk to him; he wouldnt listen to you.c. Did it do you any good to get yourself drunk like that?a. Mum quickly put the boy on the sofa and sent Tom for the doctor.b. The soldiers on the top of the mountain sent the message for support.c. She sent a letter to the university for an application form.a. It took lots of struggling for her to get her feet out of the rock crevice.b. Finally, it took an hour for the doctor to get the fish bone out of his throat. c. It took almost years struggle for the political prisoner to get out of jail. Unit 4a. Many primary school teachers think that they can teach kids to speak English by rote. I hope they have more luck than they deserve.b. The coach thinks that the team may win championship in the coming season if the club can afford a Brazilian forward. I hope he has more luck than we have ever had. c. Mary thinks that she may win his love if she persists in writing to him. I hope shell have more luck than we would expect.a. We have 7 paid holidays a year, and they are complaining about having only 30 days every year!b The workers cant afford a taxi to work, and the boss is complaining about his last Rolls Royce!c Cinderellas step-sisters did nothing at home, and they said they were tired out every day!a. It seems that these young men have no knack for learning foreign languages.b. Those village boys have a knack for catching wild rabbits.c. My mum forced me to learn to play the piano. But I just dont have a knack for playing a musical instrument.a John and Marie finally went their separate ways. They are simply not meant for each other.b. Sorry, I can
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