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G M A T GMAT - GMAT GMAT 1 (1) currency1“ fi fl fi”Students each haveEach of the students hasFive hundreds students, a group, each have (2) There be + A and BBe A / + It is A that /who .( that/who )(3) -A of B that that A fi B ( )-One of that -The only one (the first one of) of that one-N1 N2 thatN1 N2 which(that which )( Which )(4) + 相 两 成 (5) 如果原题 间插进了很多 状 答案 能把状 到 让 靠currency1 起 样 make the clausestrongere.g. Tom, in his books, carefully coordinating with hisnarratives, capitalizedIn his books, which she carefully coordinated with hernarratives, Tom capitalized(6) fi 候 and连接 两 人事 而且and后 又无冠 (如 my house and home) 应 ;如果后 了冠 则变成了 如 my friend and the classmate Jane;如果and后 了not 又 如the farmer, and not the citydweller, is hurt when food price falls(7) “an amount(sum) of + ” ;”quantity of + ” ;而”large sums of/ quantities of+ 或 ” ;(8) 象能 number或few或many; 象能amount little或much;a number of 量 ;the numberof 量;numbers of+ 必错(9) no 看 ; ; (10) currency1 结构 注 A+ be/ (actas)+ B 应该 证AB currency1 Some bat caveshave residents that take on different duties such asdefending,acting as sentinels.( residentssentinels )(11) A /连 + 随后原则Not only, but alsoNotbutNeithernorEitherorNorOr随原则A of B + 所fi其他 随后原则 A with B,A as well as B,be integral to A and BA, including BA, together/along with BA, no less than/more than BA besides BA except B看of 后 Part/most/some/all/ 百 比/the rest of +n+ A and B, 无论AB 还 (A or B, 原则 看B)例题 Downzoning, zoning that typically results in thereduction of housing density, allows for more open space inareas where little water or services exist.A- little water or services existB- little water or services existsC- few services and little water existsD- there is little water or services availableE- there are few services and little available waterA total of +nAn average ofAn average of 12 persons come 完 news 体 组A body/collection/array/series/set/portion/group of+n+v例外A total of/an average ofn+v物质 Equipment, stone, citrus (柑橘), iron, milk, dioxin(OGfidioxins)学科 下两 特殊含义 例外Statistics (统计据), Economics (经济政策) +The average of集体 administration, army, audience, class, crowd ( 群 伙) faculty (全体 员) orchestra, team, group.l Majority/minority/plurality - 体 +v- 体 每 体+vsThe majority of students in this class are hard workers.The student majority is opposed to the death penalty. + majority些外来 -is结尾 变改 -es analysisanalyses crisiscrises;-um结尾 变改 -a bacteriumbacteria datumdata;-on结尾 变改 -a criterioncriteria;-us结尾 变改 -i nucleusnuclei stimulusstimuli;-a结尾 变改 -ae lavalavae;formulaformulae;-ex/-ix结尾 变改 -ices indexindices; 理 GMAT 通过举例 方 能让 更好地把握 到运 自如后祝 GMAT 试成功 早日梦圆校
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