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G M A T GMAT - currency1“ fifl GMAT ”GMAT 2.1 ”( + vs. + those that) GWD3-30Todays technology allows manufacturers to make small carsthat are more fuel-efficient than those at any other time inproduction history.( they)37.GWD25-Q37.Though the law will require emissions testing of all dieselvehicles, from tractor trailers to excursion buses, it will have noeffect on sport utility vehicles, almost all of which are gasolinepowered and therefore not subject to emissions-controlstandards as stringent as those for diesel-powered vehicles.(as stringent asstandards fl those standards ”notsubject to emissions-control standards as stringently asdiesel-powered vehiclesare are standard )Paper production accounts for approximately 40 percent ofthe worlds industrial use of wood, and the market for paper isgrowing faster than the market for all other major woodproducts.114.(30583-!-item-!-188;#058&004275)sA study on couples retirement transitions found that womenwho took new jobs after retiring from their primary careersreported high marital satisfaction, more so than those whoretired completely.According to public health officials, in 1998 Massachusettsbecame the first state in which more babies were born to womenover the age of thirty than under it.Four times as many Americans were killed as (those that )would later be killed ( )Prep2-96.(29547-!-item-!-188;#058&004302)There are hopeful signs that we are shifting away from ourheavy reliance on fossil fuels”more than ten times as muchenergy is generated through wind power now as was the case(generated through wind power now than it was ) in1990.( it) ( as was generated in1990)Those small domestic mills will take more business from thebig American steel mills than (those that) would have been takenby the foreign steel mills in the absense ofquotas.( )Currently, researchers collect far more backgroundinformation on patients than (that which) is strictly required fortheir trials.( that which)GWD7-Q4:Only seven people this century have been killed by the greatwhite shark, the man-eater of the movies fewer than havebeen killed by bee stings.nearly eight million people as many as are enrolled in thenations four-year colleges and universities.( those who)Prep2-39.(26492-!-item-!-188;#058&003168)As is the case with traditional pharmacies, prescriptions arethe cornerstone of a successful on-line drugstore, since it isprimarily prescriptions that attract the customers, who then alsobuy other health-related items.A new genetically engineered papaya was produced not byprofit-motivated seed companies, as was the case with mostgenetically modified crops previously approved for commercialuse, but by university and United States Department ofAgriculture researchers who allowed growers to use it free ofcharge.2.2 Possible/necessary/previously thought/ be fl currently medically be Prep1-45Applying a new method for analyzing the chemistry of toothenamel, scientists have examined molars of prehuman ancestorsand determined that their diets were more varied than had beensupposed.( than they had been supposed to be )Prep1-152Recent research indicates that two popular arthritis drugsmay not be as safe as they were initially believed to be.Prep1-43A one-million-year-old skull bearing traits associated withboth Homo erectus and Homo sapiens has been found in theAfar region of Eritrea, indicating that modern humans developedmuch earlier than previously thought.(than people previouslythought they develop or what)77.(28689-!-item-!-188;#058&003708)Scientists have found signs that moving water changed thechemical makeup of the surface of Mars in recent eras and havetherefore concluded that the planets crust harbors up to threetimes as much water as previously thought.up to three times as much water as (that which have been)previously thoughtGWD7-Q32:A surge in new home sales and a drop in weeklyunemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be asweak as (the economy) some analysts previously thought (to be).22.(25727-!-item-!-188;#058&002127)The company announced that its profits declined much lessin the second quarter than analysts had expected and that itsbusiness would improve in the second half of the year.at speeds much higher than (those that) are currentlypossible( )areas that exhibit as many of the critical features as (thosethat are) possible3 ( they/it those/that)GWD3-Q30:Todays technology allows manufacturers to make small carsmore fuel-efficient now than at any time in their productionhistory.( C )A.small cars more fuel-efficient now than at any time in theirB.small cars that are more fuel-efficient than they were atany time in their theyC.small cars that are more fuel-efficient than those at anyother time inD.more fuel-efficient small cars than thos
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