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G M A T GMAT GMAT currency1GMAT “ fifl fifl ” currency1 见和 也请联系我们191.The loan company announced it would soon lend money toborrowers with proven records of their not paying back theirloans on time , collectively known as the subprime lendingmarket.A. of their not paying back their loans on time,B. of not paying back their loans on time, a groupC. of not paying back their loans on time, with such a groupD. that they do not pay back their loans on time, (B)E. that they do not pay back their loans on time, such agroup 释义:loan company announced (that)borrowers withproven records of , a group known as国 办 签证是必 少 而办 签证 程亦难易简 政策 递交材料 申请签证 领取签证!玩转 签证你顺利拿下各国签证!名校师哥师姐 你 牛校申请经验谁申请高手 秘密赶紧来探秘 下吧! :1. 同位 1)、同位结构 特征(1) 起修饰 作用, 般用修饰名词或名词短 ;“ 释 是 个名词 是名短某个词”故同位 是 心词修饰(2) 必须 其修饰 象具 释力;(3) 位置:名词前或名词后 般修饰 象 后 ;(4) 影响主谓 致(谓 应该和主 保持 致而 是和同位 );(5) 同位结构名词 数和其修饰 象 数 致2)、同位结构 形(1) 名词性同位 :名词 释名词(下三种二个n.后跟修饰词)i. N., n.;ii. n., a/an + n.或a/an + n., n.;iii. the + n., n.(前 the + n 同位结构)(2) 内容具体化同位结构:抽象名词(theory/evidence/belief/principle)+that 句that 句 抽象名词进行具体化 释( 与of 结构区别)that 句部 才是同位 (that是 品词连词和 般 名词性that 句 that 样)(3) 概括性同位 :用 个概括性 名词 概括前 修饰 象:短 /句 n. +that/doing/done.(4) 名词 性同位结构:n,n( 修饰 名词)+that 句(5) 词 性同位结构:n,one/ones+that 句3)、同位 句名词后跟that 起 句其内容 作同位句He referred to Copernicus s statement that the earth movesround the sun.同位 句和同位 名词 (其 是同位 句 后置)The rumour spread that a new school would be built here.少数 下也用连 词( 词) 起 句作同位 He had no idea why she left.2. Proven records: 3. Records of sth. records that简 fl :A.of their not paying back their loans 简 个their; 部 known修饰loans B.correct; 别 后 修饰 象 -borrowers 同位 必须是a group才 C.With 主currency1其“主 应 主句主 “ ;such fiD. 句 简 fl; 部 known修饰loansE. 句 简 fl;such fifl :1. A they :with 个形容词性短 我们转 have来:borrowers have proven records of not paying back theirloans on time.:borrower have proven records that they do not pay backtheir loans on time,. 句 个主 必 主 they.192.In 1988, the Council on Economic Priorities began publishingShopping for a Better World, with the simple thesis of consumershaving the power to change companies by the simple expedientof refusing to buy.A. with the simple thesis of consumers havingB. which had the simple thesis of consumers havingC. where the thesis was simple: consumers havingD. with a thesis that is a simple one: consumers have (E)E. whose thesis was simple: consumers have 释义:the Council began publishing SFBW, whose thesiswas simple:consumers have : 句同位 句句 结构1. with”主currency1 修饰前 句亦 修饰前 谓 词与主 :A.用with 性短 而 thesis是Shopping for a Better World 主 作 前 句;thesis后 用of thesis某 特 consumers而 义应该是 个thesis应该是某个 象 that 句(同位 句)或用 来 句B.thesis应该用同位 句修饰thesis of sb. doingsth.结构thesis 心是sb.而 是”sb 某”C. 系 词whereShopping for a Better World ; 后 用名词短 后 心 consumers而是”consumers 样”“义 D. with 同A;a thesis that is a simple one 简 E. correct;thesis 内容是” 力”
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