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八年级第 1 单元同步达标检测题(满分 100 分). 单项选择 (每小题 1 分,计 15 分)1. _ do you go shopping ? Once a week.A. How long B. How much C. How often D. How far2. How far is the nearest hospital? _.A. Once a week . B. Two kilometers C. Fifty Yuan D. Two days3. Dont read _ bed. .Its bad _ your eyes.A. at , to B. with , with C. on , for D, in for 4. Doing eyes _ every day is good for our eyes.A. exercise B. exercise C. health D. healthy5.There are few _ in the fridge, Lets go and buy some peas ,carrots and cabbages.A. vegetables B. fruit C .meat D. eggs6. My mother wants me _it.A. drink B. drinking C .drinks D. to drink7. Ted usually _ up early in the morning,but yesterday he_ up very late.A .get; get B. gets; got C. got ;got D. get ;got8. Theres_ ink in my pen. Could you give me some?A. few B. a few C. little D. a little9.“We _ go to see a film. Well go to see a new film _ next week.A. sometimes; sometimes B. sometime; sometimeC. sometimes; sometime D. sometime; sometimes10. It was late _the night of october20,1999A. on B. in C. at D. for11. Pass my glasses to me, I can read the words in the newspaper.A. hardly B. really C. rather D clearly12. do you write to your pen-friend? Once a week.A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How often13. Mrs. Brown isnt here. She has to her baby at home.A. look at B. look for C. look like D. look after14. Doctor Wang is good at. heart operation .A. is interested in B. like doing C. does will in D. do well in15. The young man traveled all over the world he had a man-made leg.A. though B. if C. as D. because. 完形填空 (每小题 1. 5 分,计 15 分)A shop owner closed his shop and went homeHe was very 16_ ,but just as he went to bed ,the telephone 17_ . A man asked,What time do you open your shop?The shop owner was _ 13 about this phone call. He put down the receiver without answering and went 19 to bed. A few minutes _ 20 the telephone rang _21_and the man asked the 22 question. The shop owner became very 23 and he shouted“You neednt ask me when I open the shop for I wont let you”“Oh,no,I dont want to get _24 .”the man said, “ I want to go 25 ”l6. A. happy B. glad C. tired D. excited17. A. ring B. rang C. rung D. rings18.A. unhappy B. interested C. proud D. worried19. A. upstairs B. downstairs C. back D. home20. A. ago B. later C. before D. after21. A. again B. once C. more D. much22. A. another B. one C. same D. funny23.A. angry B. pleased C. sad D. glad24. A. out B. in C. into D. in to25. A. out B. in C. into D. into. 阅读理解(每小题 2 分,计 30 分)AThere are 45 students in our class. I have made a survey, 36 students say they like to exercise. Most boys play basketball together twice a week. But girls think basketball is difficult for them, theyd like to play volleyball together twice a week. My friend, Tonny, is good at running. He runs fastest (最快) in our class. He runs for 30 minutes on the playground every evening before he goes to bed. Is it interesting? Gray is good at swimming. He goes to the swimming club three times a month in winter and three times a week in summer. So hes pretty healthy. Some of my classmates have good eating habits. They eat both meat and vegetables. 70% of them drink milk every day. 15 students say they drink milk three or four times a week. But some students like to eat junk food, especially Sally. Whats worse (更糟糕的) is that she doesnt like to exercise, so she is very fat. She always says “ Im going to lose weight tomorrow.”26. How often do most boys play basketball? _A. Every day B. Twice a dayC. Twice a week D. Twice a month27. Why do the girl dislike to play basketball? _A. Because they have no time.B. Because they think its not easy.C. Because they dont like to play with the boys.D. Because they dont like to exercise28. When does Tonny often run for 30 minutes? _A. every morning B. every eveningC. every evening before he goes to bed D. every afternoon29. How often does Gray swim in winter? _A. three times a month B. three times a weekC. hardly ever D. its not mentioned(提到)in the passage30. Why is Sally so fat? _A. Because she doesnt like to exercise.B. Because she likes to eat junk food every much.C. Because she eats too much meat, but doesnt exercise.D. Both A and B.BA hungry fox is looking for something to eat . He sees a frog (青蛙) playing near the river , He goes up to the frog and is going to eat it . Just at that time a tortoise (乌龟) comes up and sees all this . He goes up quickly and bits(咬) the foxs tail (尾巴).The fox cant move and the frog jumps into the river. “I m going to throw you into the sky.” says the fox angrily to the tortoise.” Thank you. Im always hoping to go into the sky,” says the tortois
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