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.单项填空Hi,Bob.My roommate and I both passed the latest interview last week.1._!ACheer up BCome onCCongratulations DYou are great解析:选 C。对对方的成功应予以祝贺,因而 C 项符合语境; cheer up“鼓舞,振作( 高兴起来)” ;come on“赶快,来吧” 。You will succeed _ because you have been working hard at your lessons.2.Aon time Bin timeCat times Dat a time解析:选 B。句意:因为你一直很用功地学习,你总有一天会成功的。in time“迟早,总有一天” ;on time“按时” ;at times“有时” ;at a time“一次,每次” 。When told about what my grandfather had _ during the earthquake,I felt so sorry for 3.him.Agone through Bset downCpacked up Dcalmed down解析:选 A。表示“地震时所经历的事情 ”应使用搭配 go through。set down “记录下来” ;pack up“打包” ;calm down“ 镇定下来” 。I want to _ tonight and watch the World Cup Football Match.4.Ago up Bstay upCcome up Dkeep up解析:选 B。句意:今晚我不想睡觉,等着看世界杯。 stay up“熬夜,不睡觉” ;go up“上升,增长” ;come up“走过来,上升” ;keep up“坚持,继续 ”。(2012 届浙江宁波十联联考 )The Libya crisis that _ for over six months is drawing to 5.an end.Ahad been on goingBhas been on goingCis on goingDwas on going解析:选 B。由于利比亚危机在过去的六个月里一直在持续,所以定语从句用了现在完成时,表示过去一段时间以来一直持续的动作;现在这一危机接近尾声,所以主句用一般现在时表示将来。Mary often stays up,reviewing her lessons,_ books all over the desk.6.Aspreading BspreadCare spreading Dto spread解析:选 B。考查非谓语动词。 spread 与 books 构成动宾关系,应用其过去分词形式构成独立主格结构,故选 B 项。The government urged that every effort _ to bring down food prices.7.Ais made Bwill be madeCbe made Dmust be made解析:选 C。考查虚拟语气。在 urge 后面的宾语从句中,谓语动词用 should动词原形,should 可以省略,make 与 effort 构成动宾关系,所以用(should)be made。Mr.Smith, would you have some more ice cream?8.No,thanks.It s very good,but I have to _ my weight,you know.Awatch BremainCpull Dgain解析:选 A。考查动词辨析。从句意 “冰激凌很美味,但我得注意我的体重”可知选watch,表示“关注,注意” 。remain 表示“继续,依然” ;pull 表示“拉,拖” ;gain 表示“获得” ,都与语意不符。It is reported that a new planet has been discovered recently.Its _ Earth,and 9.hopefully it can support human life.Aalmost three times the size ofBthree times the size thanCthree times almost as large thanDalmost three times as larger as解析:选 A。考查倍数表达式。倍数表达法要注意三种结构:A is倍数the size/height/weight/.ofB ;A is倍数bigger/larger/.thanB;A is倍数as big/large/.asB。故 A 项的表达正确。All the books donated by the students from urban schools are said _ to the students in 10.rural areas the other day.Ato be sent Bbeing sentChaving been sent Dto have been sent解析:选 D。考查非谓语动词。从语法可知, be said 后面要接“不定式” ,故排除 B 项和C 项,同时语意表示“捐的书几天前已被送往农村学生的手中了” ,且 send 和 books 之间为动宾关系,故应用动词不定式的完成式的被动语态。答案选 D 项。.完形填空(2012原创题)The TV show I am a Big Star calls him the “Male Susan Boyle, ”He s most commonly known as “Overcoat Brother”on_1_of his army surplus green jacket,appealing naivet(纯真) and impressive vocal_2_3_ my mind,he is more like the Britains Got Talent sensation Paul Potts.Firstly,because hes a man,moreover,he has a penchant(嗜好,倾向 ) for Chinese folk opera,_4_ Andrew Lloyd Webber tunes.Either way,Farmer Zhu Zhiwen is an Internet_5_,topping Baidus list of the people most_6_The_7_superhero country bumpkin from near Heze City in Shandong Province appeared on Shandong TVs talent show I am a Big Star to sing the theme song from the hit 1990s TV show Romance of the Three Kingdoms,_8_ up with the tune Travelers in Handcuffs,from the iconic 1980s film.The _9_ gave him a standing applause,but the judges gave him a hard time and_10_whether he really was a farmer_11_anger among netizens.One judge asked him to take off his overcoat,which_12_a red sweater and worn sleeves.He then asked him to take off all his clothes,_13_fortunately he didnt do.The TV host felt his hands to see_14_they were rough and hard,said they were and proclaimed(宣布)_15_to be “hands that move bricks.”His shoes were_16_ and there was a film segment(片段)of him farming,singing and farming,and farming and singing.The website Netease sent a reporter down to_17_him after the show and appeared to be_18_that he was who he said he was.He_19_to the countryside or the villiagers,the old and the _20_people,because hes just like them.A.course Baccount1.Cfact Dreality 解析:选 B。on account of 为固定词组,意为 “因为” 。A.ability Bgifted2.Ctalents Dpresents解析:选 C。 “吸引人的纯真以及给人印象深刻的声乐天赋” ;talent 是“天赋”之意;而ability 是 “能力 ”;gifted 是形容词, “有天赋的” ,present 是“礼物” 。A.In BFor3.CAs DTo 解析:选 D。to my mind 是“依我来看” ,相当于 in my opinion。A.more than Brather than4.Cother than Dless than解析:选 B。 “他更加倾向于中国民间戏曲,而不是安德鲁劳埃德韦伯的音调。 ”rather than是“而不是”之意,符合语境;而 more than 是“不仅仅;超过;非常” ,other than 是“除了之外” ,less than 是“少于” 。A.hit Bstrike5.Cblow Dattack解析:选 A。hit 用作名词,表示轰动一时的成功人物。A.found Bsearched6.Cresearched Dinvestigated解析:选 B。 “百度名单上被搜索最多的人 ”;people 与 search 之间是动宾关系,故用searched 作后置定语,修饰 people。A.42yearsold B42years old7.C42yearold D42 yearsold解析:选 C。 “数词连字符 year连字符old”的结构多做定语;而且 year 不能用复数形式;不用连字符连接时,year 用复数形式,而且多作表语。A.following Bfollowed8.Ccontinuing Dsucceeding解析:选 A。 “接着又唱了 戴手铐的旅客 ”,故用 following 表示“接下来”之意。co
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