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1温岭中学 2013 届高三高考提优冲刺考试(四)自选模块试题注意事项:1. 本试卷共 18 题,满分 60 分,考试时间 90 分钟。2. 考生可任选 6 道题作答,所答试题应与题号一致,多答视作无效。语 文题号:01“中国古代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10 分)阅读下面的文言文,然后回答问题。吴士明方孝孺吴士好夸言,自高其能,谓举世莫及,尤善谈兵,谈必推孙、吴。遇元季乱,张士诚称王姑苏,与国朝争雄,兵未决。士谒士诚曰:“吾观今天下形势莫便于姑苏,粟帛莫富于姑苏,甲兵莫利于姑苏;然而不霸者,将劣也。今大王之将,皆任贱丈夫,战而不知兵,此鼠斗耳!王果能将吾,中原可得,于胜小敌何有!”士诚以为然,俾为将,听自募兵,戒司粟吏勿与较嬴缩。士尝游钱塘,与无赖懦人交。遂募兵于钱塘,无赖士皆起从之。得官者数十人,月靡粟万计。日相与讲击刺坐作之法,暇则斩牲具酒燕饮其所募士。实未尝能将兵也。李曹公破钱塘,士及麾下遁去,不敢少格。蒐得,缚至辕门诛之。垂死犹曰:“吾善孙吴法。 ”(1)简析本文结构安排上的特点。 (4 分)(2)请从“文无定格,贵在鲜活”的角度谈谈短文的“鲜活”表现在哪些方面。 (6 分)题号:02“中国现代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10 分)阅读下面的散文,回答文后问题。我喜欢出发汪国真我喜欢出发。 凡是到达了的地方,都属于昨天。哪怕那山再青,那水再秀,那风再温柔。太深的流连便成了一种羁绊,绊住的不仅有双脚,还有未来。 怎么能不喜欢出发呢?没见过大山的巍峨,真是遗憾;见了大山的巍峨没见过大海的浩瀚仍然遗憾;见了大海的浩瀚没见过大漠的广袤,依旧遗憾;见了大漠的广袤没见过森林的神秘,还是遗憾。世界上有不绝的风景,我有不老的心情。 我自然知道,大山有坎坷,大海有浪涛,大漠有风沙,森林有猛兽。即便这样,我依然喜欢。 打破生活的平静便是另一番景致,一种属于年轻的景致。真庆幸,我还没有老。即便真老了又怎么样,不是有句话叫老当益壮吗? 于是,我还想从大山那里学习深刻,我还想从大海那里学习勇敢,我还想从大漠那里2学习沉着,我还想从森林那里学习机敏。我想学着品味一种缤纷的人生。 人能走多远?这话不是要问两脚而是要问志向;人能攀多高?这事不是要问双手而是要问意志。于是,我想用青春的热血给自己树起一个高远的目标。不仅是为了争取一种光荣,更是为了追求一种境界。目标实现了,便是光荣;目标实现不了,人生也会因这一路风雨跋涉变得丰富而充实;在我看来,这就是不虚此生。 是的,我喜欢出发,愿你也喜欢。 (1)文中画线句语言表达上有什么特点?在文中的含义是什么?(5 分)(2)作者为什么“喜欢出发”?结合文章主题,谈谈你的想法。 (5 分)数 学题号:03“数学史与不等式选讲”模块(10 分)已知正数 满足 ,xyz3yz()求证: ;2221xy()求 的最小值yzx题号:04“矩阵与变换和坐标系与参数方程”模块(10 分)在极坐标系 中,已知曲线Ox1 2:cos(),:1(0),4CC设 与 交于点2231cos:in.C12.M(1)求点 的极坐标;M(2)若动直线 过点 ,且与曲线 交于两个不同的点 求 的最小值。l3C,AB|M英 语题号:05 阅读理解(分两节,共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,共 10 分)3阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。Besides eaten as food, grains have another important use. _1_The basis for the outstanding theory as to why rice and other grains, such as wheat, have played an important role in marriage ceremonies for centuries, is that they are filled with symbolism of fertility and of prosperity. By throwing rice and at the bride and groom at a wedding, guests symbolically wish them a lifetime full of these blessings.Eating rice together is a primitive act which appeared long long ago. Historically, in certain primitive tribal cultures, the act of having rice together bound a couple, as eating this local food together implied their living together. In other cultures, the symbolic of eating rice together preceded a shower of rice over the married couple._2_ Perhaps the most curious use of rice in the wedding ceremony was its use in some cultures not to unite the happy couple, but to feed the uninvited evil spirits who always attended the ceremony. The theory behind this practice was to keep evil away, as well fed evil spirits would bring no harm to the couple._4_ The wheat throwing custom fell by the wayside under the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England when the once airborne wheat instead was baked into small cakes, which the guests then crumbled and threw over the brides head. Even this tradition gave way to another, in which large cake was baked then eaten, not thrown. Wedding guests, literally left empty handed, had no choice but to find a suitable substitute for the costly wheat cakes. They needed something to throw at the bride to show that they themselves are active participants again in the ceremony. The natural choice was none other than cheap, clean, white rice, and the tradition then born has stuck to this day.第一节 根据短文内容,从 A、B 、 C、D 和 E 中选出最适合的选项填入短文空缺处。 选项中有一项是多余选项。AGrains are often used during marriage ceremonies in many parts of the world.BHow does the tradition of rice throwing ceremonies come about?CThe use of wheat at wedding ceremonies also has a long history. DIn the marriage ceremonies of different places, people use rice in different ways, including some strange ones.EThe tradition of wheat cake eating at wedding ceremonies exit in some countries.第二节 根据短文所给的信息,用一个完整的句子回答下列问题。5. What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph?题号:06 填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,共 10 分)阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正4确形式,并将序号及相应的 答案写在答题纸上。The night passed peacefully. I was beginning to think that all was going well. Then, just before _1_, I heard the man of the house talking to his wife. With my ear to the chimney that connected our rooms, I heard what they were saying, “Okay, okay, but must I kill them both?”_2_which the wife answered, “Yes.” Then I heard nothing moreI couldnt breathe. My body went cold. God! There were the two of us, without anything to defend _3_. How could we fight against half a dozen men with guns and other weapons? _4_, my friend was asleep. Should I wake him? I didnt want to make a sound. Should I try to run away? I couldnt. I looked round the window. “Maybe I could jump out,” I said to myself. But there were two big dogs just under me.I was still wondering what to do _5_ I heard a sound on the stairs. The door was a little open. Through the opening, I saw the husband. He _6_ (carry) a lamp in one hand. In the other hand he carried one of his big knives. His wife was right behind him. I ran behind the door _7_ as it opened. He gave the lamp to her and came into the room
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