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High frequency terms and expressions in English News,CONTENTS,Disaster newsPolitical and military newsSports newsEntertainment newsScience, education and culture news,DISASTER NEWS,1. flood n. 洪水 2. landslide n. 山崩;滑坡 3. earthquake n. 地震 4. aftershock n. 余震 5. plane crash 空难 6. drought n. 干旱 7. volcano eruption 火山喷发 8. typhoon n. 台风 9. tsunami n.海啸 10. radiation n. 辐射 11. explosion n.爆炸 12. blast n. 爆炸 13. fire n. 火灾 14. snowstorm n. 暴风雪 15. blizzard n. 暴风雪 16. avalanche n. 雪崩 17. torrential rain 暴雨 18. hurricane n. 飓风 19. tornado n. 龙卷风20.hail n. 冰雹 21. shooting n.枪击 (gunman持枪者) 22. car crash 车祸,Tornados and thunderstorm have swept through the mid-west of the United States, killing at least 14 people and destroying dozens of homes. Aftershocks continue to rock much of northern and eastern Japan - including the capital,Millions of people living along the east coast of the United States are preparing for the arrival of Hurricane Irene, which is due to reach land in the next 24 hours. Nearly 100 people are dead and at least 77 are missing after a tsunami hit a densely populated Indonesian island Monday.,Sentence pattern,More than.people were killed and.others were injured in. 有超过.人在.中丧生,另有.人受伤。E.G. 在星期二发生在伊朗的大地震中,有100多人死亡,另有5000人受伤。 More than 100 people were killed and 5000 others (were) injured in a powerful earthquake in Iran on Tuesday.,The death toll from/in/of.has risen to/increased to. .(灾难)的死亡人数已经上升/增加到.。E.G. 亚洲海啸的死亡人数已经上升到226000。 The death toll from the Asian tsunami has risen to 226000.,A.hit/struck/attacked.,killing.people and injuring/wounding.others. .(灾难)袭击.,造成.人死亡,.人受伤。E.G.星期四一次爆炸袭击了埃及红海度假胜地的希尔顿酒店,造成至少35人死亡,135人受伤。 An explosion attacked the Hilton Hotel in Egypts Red Sea resort on Thursday, killing at least 35 people and injuring 135 others.,Political and military news,Al-Qaida 基地组织(恐怖组织)Islamic Jihad吉哈德-伊斯兰圣战组织 Hamas 哈马斯抵抗运动Taliban 塔利班the Senate 参议院the House of Representative 众议院Federal Bureau of Investigation = FBI联邦调查局Central Intelligence Agency = CIA美国中央情报局The Democratic Party民主党The Republican Party共和党the US Congress 美国国会,United Nations Security Council 联合国安全理事会(即安理会),新闻中常简称Security CouncilUnited Nations General Assembly 联合国大会,新闻中常简称General AssemblyInternational Atomic Energy Agency=IAEA国际原子能组织North Atlantic Treaty Organization=NATOneitu 北大西洋公约组织European Union 欧盟Shanghai Cooperation Organization = SCO 上海合作组织Group of Eight = G8八国集团(指的是八大工业国美国、英国、法国、德国、意大利、加拿大、日本以及俄罗斯)Group of Twenty = G20二十国集团(一个国际经济合作论坛),exercise,1. Al-Qaida 2. Hamas 3. Likud Party 4. Taliban 5. FBI6. The Democratic Party7. UN Security Council 8. UN General Assembly 9. NATO10. European Union,联邦调查局民主党 联合国安全理事会联合国大会北大西洋公约组织欧盟基地组织哈马斯抵抗运动利库德集团塔利班,general election 大选vote v.投票campaign n.竞选活动candidate n.候选人;竞选人diplomatic adj.外交的summit n.峰会president n.总统prime minister 总理foreign minister 外交部长chancellor n. (德、奥等的)总理embassy n.大使及成员;大使馆,cabinet n.内阁coup n.政变demonstration n.游行示威consulate n.领事,领事馆ally n.同盟rally v.集会protest v.抗议hegemony n.霸权envoy n.公使sanction n.制裁spokesman/spokeswoman n.发言人oust v.免某人(职);罢黜;剥夺poll v.投票选举,民意测验closed-door consultations 闭门磋商 authority n.官方,当局transition n.过渡、过渡时期,nuclear weapon 核武器tension n.紧张局势escalate v.升级sanction n.制裁suicide-bomber 人体炸弹suicide attack 自杀性袭击evacuate v.疏散pilgrim n.朝圣者mosque n.清真寺missile n.导弹military adj.军事的withdrawal v. 撤离rebel v.反叛civilian n.平民air strike 空中打击a refugee camp 难民营 air raid 空袭ceasefire / truce n.停火surrender v.投降casualty n.伤亡人员,tear gas 催泪弹insurgent n.叛乱士兵terrorism n.恐怖主义terrorist n.恐怖分子conflict n.冲突attack v./n.袭击siege v.围攻shell n. 炮轰、射击nuclear non-proliferation countries不扩散核武器国家peace-keeping forces维和部队,The UN Security Council has decided to send an advance team of ceasefire monitors to Syria.联合国安理会决定向叙利亚派出一支停火观察员先遣队,,The two major U.S. parties - the Democrats and the Republicans - work to expand their size and influence through voter registration.美国两大党民主党和共和党努力通过选民登记扩大其影响力。,President Obama has been meeting the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss their shared concerns about Iran.奥巴马总统会见以色列总理内塔尼亚胡,讨论双方共同关心的伊朗问题。,A suicide car bombing has killed 13 Americans serving with the international force in Afghanistan. The Taliban said they carried out the attack.阿富汗发生自杀式汽车炸弹袭击,杀死13名在国际部队服役的美国人。塔利班声称制造了这次事件,OTHER EXPRESSIONS,联合国安理会决议 United Nations Security Council resolution:派遣维和部队 send peace-keeping forces/troops促成停火 broker/mediate a ceasefire/truce赢得竞选 win the general election / presidential election.高层会晤 summit外交访问 diplomatic visit恐怖袭击 suicide attack声称负责 claim responsibility for伤亡报道 wounded,killed,injury,death,casualties,SPORTS NEWS,Summer Olympic Games 夏季奥运会 (简称Olympic Games 或Games, 如The London 2012 Games)Winter Olympics 冬季奥林匹克运动会 Asian Games 亚运会World University Games 世界大学生运动会World Cup 世界杯UEFA European Football Championship 欧洲足球锦标赛(简称欧锦赛或欧洲杯,新闻中通常简称为“Euro+年份”,如Euro 2012)Barclays Premier League (巴克莱)英格兰足球超级联赛 UEFA Cup 欧洲联盟杯 UEFA Champoins League 欧洲冠军杯(冠军联赛),
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