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1第十一章 英语平行结构(parallelism)和汉语排比本章内容概览:英语平行结构就是两个或两个以上结构相同,意义并重的语言单位排列成串,其目的在于增强语势,提高修辞效果。它是英语结构修辞的一种重要形式,体现的是英语行文的均衡美。常见的有词的平行,短语的平行,从句的平行,句子的平行,段落的平行。平行结构(parallelism)可以用来写人、写事、抒情、议论、叙事、列举、描述、阐释和演讲等。汉语排比和英语平行结构(parallelism )相比,虽然其修辞功能相同,但在语言单位的大小和排列数量上有不同的要求,因此不能把两者混淆。Abstract: Parallelism is the juxtaposition of two or more identical or equivalent syntactic constructions, especially those expressing the same sentiment with slight modifications, introduced for rhetorical effect. The common forms tend to be the parallelism of words, phrases, clauses, sentences or paragraphs. Chinese Pai-bi and English parallelism should not be confused, since they are quite different in some aspects. 老师:下面是一组句子,同学们看看是否有改进的余地?1. The Writing Center needs tutors who are ambitious, who are self-motivated, and who are dedicated.2. Clear writing should be a major concern both of writers and readers.3. The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and to do some warm-up exercises before the game.4. The salesman expected that he would present his product at the meeting, that there would be time for him to show his slide presentation, and that questions would be asked by prospective buyers.学生:老师,例 1 有点罗嗦。三个定语从句有必要都重复“who are”吗?是不是这样改更简洁一些?1a The Writing Center needs tutors who are ambitious, self-motivated, and dedicated.1b The Writing Center needs tutors who have ambition, motivate themselves, and exhibit dedication.老师:是的,这样一改,句子既简洁又平衡。1a 中, 三个形容词一行排开, 构成平行结构: 形容词1(ambitious) + 形容词 2 (self-motivated)+ 形容词 3(dedicated) 。或者改成 1b 的句式也很不错,因为定语从句中三个动词词组作从句谓语同样也构成平行结构: 动词词组 1(have ambition)+ 动词词组2(motivate themselves)+ 动词词组 3(exhibit dedication) ,给人一种平衡美。学生:例 2 有点问题。Bothand叫作并列连词,连接的应该是两个结构一样的词,或者结构一样的短语。但这里连接的却是 of writers 和 readers,一个是介词+名词,另一个是名词。从结构上看是两个迥异的成分,破坏了句式的平衡美。应该改成如下的形式:2a Clear writing should be a major concern of both writers and readers.2b Clear writing should be a major concern both of writers and of readers.2并列连词 bothand要么连接 writers 和 readers 两个名词,要么连接 of writers 和 of readers 两个介词+名词的结构,都能给读者一种平衡美感。例 3 中,虽然分隔开来看,每一部分都没有问题,但总觉得句式结构别扭。老师:是的,问题就出在结构上。例 3 中,前面两个 that 引导的宾语从句没有问题,但到读者期待第三个that 引导的宾语从句时,作者却打乱了思路,突然用了一个不定式短语(to do some warm-up exercises before the game)匆匆结束了句子,造成结构紊乱。改成下面 2a,2b 或者 2c 的形式更符合英语行文美的要求,也更符合读者的期待。2a The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and that they should do some warm-up exercises before the game.2b The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, not eat too much, and do some warm-up exercises before the game. 2c The coach told the players to get a lot of sleep, not to eat too much, and to do some warm-up exercises before the game. 2d The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should eat less, and that they should do some warm-up exercises before the game.2e The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, eat less, and do some warm-up exercises before the game. 2f The coach told the players to get a lot of sleep, to eat less, and to do some warm-up exercises before the game. 学生:老师,照这样看来,例 4 应该没有问题,三个 that 引导的宾语从句连续排列。老师:例 4 中,三个 that 引导的宾语从句连续排列不错,但是前两个宾语从句是主动句式,而第三个宾语从句却成了被动句式,打破了句式连续性,因而不是一个漂亮的表达。应该改成 4a 才好:4a The salesman expected that he would present his product at the meeting, that there would be time for him to show his slide presentation, and that prospective buyers would ask him questions.4b The salesman expected that he would present his product at the meeting, that he would have time to show his slide presentation, and that he could answer the questions of prospective buyers.上面的四个例句之所以要作这样的修改,是因为英语中有一特别重要辞格平行结构(parallelism) 。它追求语言句式结构的整体美,是个很富有表现力的修辞手段。要写好作文,不懂得平行结构(parallelism)辞格便无从谈起。可以毫不夸张地说,要想语言表达好,平行结构是个宝。学生:老师,那您赶紧给我们讲讲平行结构(parallelism)吧,好多同学都不知道如何提高英语写作呢。老师:平行结构(parallelism)起源于希腊语,其意思是:一个与另一个并排(Etymology: From the Greek, “beside one another”) 。下面是三个权威工具书给 Parallelism (平行结构)下的定义:定义一、The use of identical or equivalent syntactic constructions in corresponding clauses or phrases.-Websters New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed. 平行结构就是在相应的从句或短语中,使用相同或对等的句法结构。-作者译定义二、The juxtaposition of two or more identical or equivalent syntactic constructions, especially those expressing the same sentiment with slight modifications, introduced for rhetorical effect. -Wiktionary平行结构就是两个或两个以上结构相同,意义并重的短语或句子排列成串,其目的在于增强语势,提高修辞效果。-作者译定义三、in rhetoric, component of literary style in both prose and poetry, in which coordinate ideas are arranged in phrases, sentences, and paragraphs that balance one element with another of equal importance and similar wording. The repetition of sounds, meanings, and structures serves to order, emphasize, and point out relations. In its simplest form parallelism consists of single words that have a slight variation in meaning: “overtake and 3surpass.” Sometimes three or more units are parallel; for example, “Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and
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