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中小学课外辅导专家1使用时间:2014-07-22 一 单词练习。1.心烦意乱的,不安的_2.(使)镇定,镇静的_3. 在户外_4. 伙伴,合作者_5. 包装,打行李_6. 大衣,外套_7. 青少年_8.不同意_9.不喜欢10.遛狗_11. 为了_12.不再_13.面对面_14.和相处,进展_15. 参加,加_16.平静下来_17.不得不; 必须_18.关心; 挂念_19.遛狗_20.与相处;进展_21.放下;记下; 登记_22.一连串的; 一系列; 一套_23.故意_24.爱上_25.面对面地_26.经历,穿过_27.在黄昏时刻_28.不再_29.遭受,患病_30.对厌烦_31.打行李_32.对感激_33.参加,加入(活动)_二重点词汇练习。join join in take part in attend 1.Would you like to _us _our game?2. He _ the school basketball team last month.3.We _ a concert last night.4. Mary _ all kinds of after-class activities.用 add up; add up to; add to; addto完成句子。1.The time I spend in commuting every day _ two and a half hours. 中小学课外辅导专家22. Colorful balloons can _ the festival atmosphere.3. To make sure the result was correct, she _ the figures again and again.4. Please _some sugar _the coffee. 三用下列短语填空。show concern for sb 对某人表示关心be concerned about 关心,挂念be concerned with 和.有关,涉及as far asis concerned 就来说,就而论1. Her job _ _ _ computer.2._ _ _ I _ _, you can do whatever you like.3. She _ great _ _ her students.4. I_ a bit _ _ your health.四英译汉1. What he does upsets his parents much._2.I am no longer a little girl. =I am not a little girl any longer._3.I can no longer help you. =I can not help you any longer._4.He settled his child at home. 安顿;安排_5.The question has been settled. 解决(问题等);_6.After the excitement, I tried to settle myself. 使安下心来;使(心情) 平静下来 _7.She decided to settle down and married. 安定下来,稳定下来_8.Jennie made a great effort to recover herself. (recover oneself 镇定下来)_五单词短语填空。1.After the first English test, the students feel _.第一次英语考试后,同学们觉得很不开心。2.Dont _small mistakes. They may cause big accidents.别忽视小错,他们会造成大事故。3.Look, _! We will find her.喂, 镇静一点, 我们会找到她的。4.It is wrong to _. (考试作弊)5.She broke the vase _她故意把花瓶打碎。 中小学课外辅导专家3_ catch the first bus, he got up very early 6.他起的很早是为了赶上头班车。7.The street lights go on _.街灯在黄昏时分亮起来。8.She devoted herself _ to her research.她完全致力于她的研究工作9.As a student, you _ respect teachers.作为一名学生,你必须尊重老师。10.The experts _ the growth of the worlds population.专家们对世界人口增长非常关心。11.She stood _ (面对面地) with him. 她面对面的跟他站着。12.It took a long time for him to a bad cold. 他患重感冒,很长时间才康复六用单词短语的正确形式填空。1.He _ the hardest time with his wife.他陪妻子度过最艰难的时期。2.I have _ the details here in my notes.我已将详细内容记到了笔记本上。3.He _ reads books. =He does not read books any longer.他不在读书了。4.The family has _ Canada. 这家人已定居加拿大。 5.He is a headache.他头疼。6.The company a heavy loss during the economic crisis.公司在经济危机中遭受了重大损失。7.He doing the same thing everyday.他厌倦了每天做同样的事情。8.They each other five years ago.(fall in love with)七汉译英。1.最近学习怎么样?(get along with)_2.我和我同学相处很好。
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